Let’s say you have a friend who has ten cats. She absolutely dotes on her cats. Nothing is too good for any of them! She’s known around your neighborhood as the “Cat Lady” for a reason. This friend knows you are passionate about Cozy Mystery books.
One day you let slip that you are reading a terrific Cozy Mystery series that features cats. Aha! She becomes intrigued and asks you to recommend one Cozy Mystery series that includes a cat or two.
Even though you read at least five Cozy series that feature cats – all of them are terrific Cozy reads, however she only wants one… Since you want to convert her into a Cozy Mystery reader you decide to only recommend the one you think ranks a little above the other Cat Cozies you read. So… you recommend the one Cat Cozy series you think should be included in all Cozy Mystery readers’ lists who love cats.
What one author/series would you suggest the “Cat Lady” begin with – and why?
Here’s the Cat Theme Mysteries : Kittens, Cats, and Cozies list on my site.
Please post your comment below. Thank you!
Some of the Best Cat Cozy Mystery series:
Black Cat Bookshop series by Ali Brandon (aka Diane A.S.Stuckart)
The Cat Who… series by Lilian Jackson Braun
Mrs. Murphy series by Rita Mae Brown
Bookmobile Cat series by Laurie Cass
Cat Café Mystery Series by Cate Conte (aka Liz Mugavero)
Paws & Claws series by Krista Davis
Mystic Notch series by Leighann Dobbs
Sunny & Shadow series by Claire Donally
Midnight Louie series by Carole Nelson Douglas
Bad Luck Cat series by Kay Finch
Magical Bookshop series by Amanda Flower (aka Isabella Alan)
Hannah Swensen series by Joanne Fluke
Klepto Cat Mystery Series by Patricia Fry
Familiar Legacy series by various authors (first book by Carolyn Haines)
Cat in the Stacks series by Miranda James
Magical Cats series by Sofie Kelly AND Second Chance Cat series (also by Sofie Kelly, but under the name Sofie Ryan)
Wonder Cats series (first entry A Hiss-tory of Magic) by Harper Lin
Mr. and Mrs. North (first entry The Norths Meet Murder) by Frances and Richard Lockridge
Joe Grey Cat series by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
Witch City series by Carol J. Perry
Mysteries of Max (first entry Purrfect Murder) by Nic Saint
Cats in Trouble series by Leann Sweeney
SusanM says
I would strongly recommend the entire series, in order, by Lilian Jackson Braun. Her books are truly cozies, with no violence and some very interesting and developed characters. And the two cats are truly incredible. As a cat person myself, I was addicted to the series and have not found anything remotely similar.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
SusanM, I’m going to go and start the list with Lilian Jackson Braun. Thanks!
Val H says
I love the Cat Who … books by Lilian Jackson Braun, too – the characters in the books are excellent and the cats, KoKo and Yum Yum are adorable
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Val, that definitely seems like one of the most popular cat series, by far!
Lyn McConchie says
just one thing. DO NOT read the final book in the series. Or take a look on Good Reads at what they’ve had to say about it. It was truly abysmal and I (and a LOT of other readers) could only wonder that the publishers had been so greedy they’d actually put it out! Half the usual length, reversed almost every character’s characters, and very poorly written.
Michelle says
Glad I’m not the only one who was disappointed with the last one. I love this series. I love cats and this series got me hooked on all cozy mysteries that have cats in them. So many fun ones out there.
B.J. says
It seemed to me that she ran out of steam on the last book. There were so many loose ends.
Maid Marian says
I just wanted to reply to B.J. Lilian was dying. She was in her 90’s. She had started the book but couldn’t finish it. Her husband tried to finish it for her. She gave us so many wonderful stories. From what I remember, her fans were wanting the last book so that is why her husband finished it as she was unable.
Erika H. says
Braun was in her eighties-nineties when she wrote the last few books. I think she was simply tired. Don’t let that spoil the previous books.
Remember– Life is too short to read bad books.
I enjoyed the Fear Familiar series. Don’t let the fact they’re Harlequins. There’s more mystery than romance, and the cat shares his opinions with the reader.
Colleen Matlock says
The Cat Who series is great! Koko and YumYum remind me of cats I know. But my favorite series is The Secrets of the Castleton Manor Library. Watson, the hero cat, narrates in places and he has a huge part in the stories. Some of the series, the cat kind of takes the back seat to everything else. Multiple authors on this series.
Linda M says
I have read every one of The Cat Who books by Lilian Jackson Braun. I think her books are the best. I have also read Miranda James, Sofie Kelly, etc. but The Cat Who are so well written I almost never guess who done it until the end. James Qwilleran is such a well developed character. Kook and Yum Yum are the cats.
I also like the Mrs. Murphy books by Rita Mae Brown. The animals talk to each other and help their human solve the mystery.
Cecile Fleetwood says
I just love her books! Wish I could live in them!
Petie says
SusanM, I couldn’t agree more. I became a ‘cat lady’ years ago and that series of books was the first cozy ones I read including cats. I was hooked after that !!! I always wished there had been a ‘movie of the week’ based on her books … I had Tom Selleck or Sam Elliott in my mind the entire time I read them !!!
Petie says
I have also enjoyed Karen Anne Golden’s THE CATS THAT ….
series. Very good reads !!!
ollie says
Totally agree
Editorgirl says
The Cat Who series by Lilian Jackson Braun, the First Lady of cat mysteries! Cats, well-wrought mysteries, and even romance (when Polly stays in town).
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Editorgirl, this is one of the series I thought would definitely be suggested. Good choice…
Rita McDonnell says
I would show her your site and let her pick. Hard to pick one.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Rita, I never even thought of this! Great idea!
Susan* says
Agreeing with Rita. Direct her to / show her the ‘Cat Theme’ page on this site! There’s some great options on there, including cat-mystery anthologies, so she can dip in and find things to her liking, without necessarily having to go through a whole book at a time.
Julie M. says
My favorite is the Cat in the Stacks series by Miranda James. It features a Maine Coon cat named Diesel. I can hardly wait each year for a new mystery.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Julie M, great choice…
Nancy says
The Mrs. Murphy series by Rita Mae Brown is excellent. Great setting in Virginia’s horse country and memorable characters throughout the series. I’m completely hooked.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Nancy, I’m way behind on my Mrs. Murphy reading. I’m glad you reminded me I have some of her books waiting for me on my Kindle.
Nancy says
I forgot to mention the cats, dog, black snake, and possum who inhabit the farm. All have distinct personalities.
Debbie says
I like the series written by Sofie Kelly
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Debbie, I’m going to go add Sofie Kelly’s Magical Cat Mystery Series to the list. At first I wasn’t sure if you were talking about this one or the Second Chance Cat series – but then I remembered she writes those as Sofie Ryan.
Julia Dean says
Those are my favorites too!
Sandy says
I love this series. I just reread them all again and the Second chance series too by Sophie Ryan
her books
Mary Kennedy says
Leann Sweeney’s CATS IN TROUBLE series had me hooked from the start. Just the name was intriguing! The books have wonderful plots and engaging characters. I look forward to every single one.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Mary, that’s a great suggestion! I’ll add it to the list.
Julie says
I was just thinking of that series but I have read all that are listed and I don’t know if she is writing any more,
Kitty Dilatush says
I highly recommend Lillian Jackson Braun The Cat Who series is wonderful and also Sofie Kelly’s Magical Cat Series. These are two I really love and I am not a cat person.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Kitty, both of those are very solid suggestions.
Sheila Hamblin says
Leighann Dobbs has a good one out.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Sheila, which one in particular? None of her series are necessarily jumping out as “cat-centric”, looking at her page…
Susy S says
The series Sheila is talking about is the Mystic Notch series. The cats are absolutely integral to the story and the solution of the crime and are a cast of characters themselves, that any real cat lady would love them, as long as ghosts and the super natural are not a problem for her.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Susy S, thank you so much!
Bek says
OH SPIT! There’s ANOTHER series I just have to read! Putting it on the list right now!
George Dewar says
You forgot the Joe Grey mysteries by Shirley Roussel Murphy.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
George, that’s a great, long-running suggestion! Adding it to the list.
Absolutely LOVE this series by Shirley Rousseau Murphy! Now this is a book I want to live in! Love all the characters, especially the talking cats!
Also enjoy Rita Mae Brown Mrs. Murphy series so much!
Lilian Jackson Braun is another one of my favourites.
Bek says
Oh, I have to recommend Shirley Rousseau Murphy’s wonderful “Joe Grey” series. And both of the Sofie Kelly/Ryan series. Or maybe the Second Chance Cat series, or, um…the Bookmobile Cat series, or…
I give up. TOO TOO many to choose from!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Bek, all great suggestions! I’ll add the ones that weren’t already on it to the list.
P. Wever says
I have read most of those series. and I love them.
Last year I found another series by an author couple who write several series as Nic Saint. Their cat series is The Mysteries of Max. There are five books and one short story in this series and I bought them on Kindle. The cats are Max, Harriet and Dooley. Max can communicate with his human Odelia Poole. She is a reporter for the Hampton Cove Gazette. Harriet belongs to Odelia’s family. Dooley belongs to a new Detective who doesn’t like Odelia nosing into his investigations.
P. Wever says
I also love Krista Davis Paws and Claws Series the features a town where dogs and cats are as welcome as their humans in the resort town of Wagtail.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
P., that’s another great suggestion! I’ll add her to this list.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
P., I’ll have to check that one out some time! I’ll add them to this list.
Bek says
Adding YET ANOTHER ONE to my list! Oh, dear. Um…well…if I don’t eat three days a weeks, I can get ALL of the books I want now!
Nettie C says
Actually Dooley belongs to Gran and a fourth cat named Brutus belongs to the detective. He reluctantly owns an inherited big black male cat who takes a while to fit in to the group. The relationships between the four cats is part of the appeal of the stories alongside the various mysteries. I have read quite a few of these series, but there are a few new ones that I will have to add. Just what I needed, more book series.
Tullita says
Lillian Jackson Braun is the Queen of “cat books” and yes they should be read in order. One that isn’t on the list that is a favorite of mine is Carole Nelson Douglas’ Midnight Louie series. He is such a cool character. (I think they would be considered cozy) . I did pick up a couple of ideas on series I haven’t read, so many books so little time. I’m adding them to my read list. Thanks Danna for the site and thanks to everyone who contributes, I get so many good reads from your suggestions.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Tullita, thanks for the Carole Nelson Douglas suggestion – another very classic, long-running series!
Katariina says
Don’t forget the Black Cat Bookshop series byAli Brandon. I love that series but I believe I read that it’s discontinued ?I will miss Hamlet. Still, five fun books!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Another good selection. Thanks Katariina!
Judy M. says
The Cat Who series is the best, for all the reasons noted above. When I found out Ms Braun had passed away, I determined to obtain a copy of each of her books. I now have all but two titles, both from the 1990s. I keep a list of the titles in my purse, and whenever I go to a used book store, I look for them.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Judy, good luck picking up the last few! I know that finding out of print books like that can be real trouble sometimes… hopefully persistence will pay off!
Aubrey says
I love all these, also really enjoying Carol J. Perry’s witch city mysteries. It takes place in Salem. I was hesitant because I don’t love mystical series, but I fell in love. The writing is so good!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
That’s another great suggestion, Aubrey. I’ll add it to the list.
C says
The “Joe Grey” series, I enjoy the interactions the cats have amongst themselves so very much, and how they relate to the world around them…
Danna - cozy mystery list says
C, that’s a great suggestion. I’ll add it to the list.
Pat S. says
I have to agree with “The Cat Who” series by Braun. But I also wanted to mention that almost all of her books are available on Audible and the reader for the series is marvelous!! and made the books really come to life. I was so sorry when that series ended.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Pat, definitely a great series! It’s always a shame when a good series ends too early.
Jan says
I have read books by all those authors and would recommend ALL of them!! Reading Mystic Notch series now. Always looking for new ones! >^··^<
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Jan, I’ve added a lot more authors to this list… so hopefully it can give you more reading inspiration!
Lainie says
I love the Wonder Cats Mystery series by Harper Lin. Treacle, Peanut Butter and Marshmallow are as delightful as their names and their humans are good witches hiding in full view at their Brew-Ha-Ha Cafe. I binge-read this series when I discovered it and look forward to every new book in the series.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Lainie, I’ll have to check that one out myself some time. Thanks for the suggestion!
Chrys says
Oh my goodness, what about the Midnight Louie books???
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Chrys, you’re right, that’s a great one. I’ve added it to the list.
Lora says
Claire Donally’s A Sunny and Shadow Mystery.
When the story is told from the viewpoint of Shadow, you might need a tissue. Poor Shadow loves Sunny, but he’s not sure that he had found his furever home with Sunny and her dad.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Lora, that’s definitely a great suggestion. I’ll put it on the list.
robin in oregon says
Though not exactly involved in cases, I go way back to the Lockridges Mr. and Mrs North series who always had a plethora of cats, Gin,Sherry, Martini etc.! Kay Finch and her black cat series. Leeann Sweeney and her Cat series, Carol Perry and O’Reilly, Delia James and her familiar(I’m blocking the name). And even ,like the North’s cats, though he’s not a main player, I always remember Anna Georges series with the sisters and Bubba who sits on the heating pad on the counter!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Robin, those are all great suggestions! I’ll add the ones that aren’t already on the list.
Mary Kennedy says
Back again to recommend one of my favorite series!! Trouble is the son of Familiar, the black cat detective created by Carolyn Haines. This a delightful series and I hope every cat lover(and mystery lovers) tries it! FAMILIAR TROUBLE is the first in this four book series.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Mary, definitely an interesting series, written as it is by different authors. There’s a fifth book out now, Small Town Trouble.
Connie C. says
I do not like talking cats or any other animal, Braun does her cats the right way for me. The others are not my cup of tea.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Connie, there’s definitely a certain attraction to a more conventional animal. Though I’d say that there are plenty of other authors here who qualify as “normal” cats!
April McBride says
While I enjoy The Cat Who series ( my personal preference is the earlier ones) and the Mrs. Murphy series, my favorite series is The Cat in the Stacks. Diesel and Charlie are wonderful! The supporting characters are interesting as well. An all around great series!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
April, those are definitely both great series for certain.
Janice G says
My suggestion would have to be Sofie Kelly’s Magical Cats series. What cat owner doesn’t want to think that their cat can understand everything that they say to them?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Janice, that’s definitely a good suggestion!
Bek says
Sofie, whether writing as Ryan OR Kelly, is always a favorite of mine, as well!
Anne M says
The Second Chance Cat Mysteries by Sofie Ryan. These are Great and always make me laugh.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Anne, they’re definitely popular for a reason!
Dana McNeely says
I love the Bookmobile cat series by Laurie Cass, in fact I think it belongs at the top of the list! Eddie the cat isn’t magical or psychic, but there’s just something about Eddie!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Dana, it’s definitely a good one … though I’m keeping the list alphabetical so you’ll have to settle for it being near the top of the list!
Sheila O says
I think this is pretty much a complete list of my favourites! I love cosy mysteries with cats. I would add Joanne Fluke and the Hannah Swenson mysteries – Hannah has a large, fat cat called Moishe. There is also a great series by the Mulgary Twins (sadly only a few books) which features a sniffer cat, called Gorgonzola, who detects drugs and such for his keeper called DJ Smith.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Sheila, Joanne Fluke’s series is definitely a great one – and I’ll have to check out the other series you mention!
Billie says
The Cat Who series is a good one to start with.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Billie, that’s definitely a good one.
Memak says
Does anyone know of the series set in a resort area with a lead character who lost her twin sister in an accident. Her cat seems to be a reincarnation of the sister and helps her dream of details needed to solve mysteries. I read one and forgot to write down the author and series name. I think it may be a cozy.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Memak, could it be Peril in Paxton Park, by J. A. Whiting?
Memak says
It is. Thank you.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Glad to be able to help!
Linda says
I would like to add Magical Bookshop Mystery by Amanda Flower … Emerson is adorable!!! Also Booktown Mystery by Lorna Barrett with Miss Marple as the bookstore mascot! Also Lighthouse Library Mystery by Eva Gates aka Vicki Delany with the lovable Charles the cat!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda, thanks for the suggestion!
Bob Bates says
My favorite so far is Laurie Cass; – her heroine (Minnie) is a genuinely good person who tries her best and battles along with a seemingly clairvoyant cat to solve mysteries, with a dramatic crisis in every book. Nice romances included and very absorbing!
Also good is Cate Conte, whose story characters are very realistic and believable characters. Her style is crisp so that you see and experience the action instead of hearing the author relating it to the reader. The heroine is clever but often blunders out of her depth with crazy results. Cate’s books are hard to put down.
Looking forward to everyone’s recommendation of starting Lilian Jackson Braun’s books.
Thanks for this great website!
B. Bailey says
As a crazy cat lady with only ONE spoiled cat who owns me – i started with the Cat Who series – on audiobook – free, through the Anytime Library overdrive! (i’m poor).
Unfortunately, they only have about 10 of the series – the middle ones – and if you’ve never heard George Guidall narrate and do all of his voices, including Koko and Yum Yum’s meows, you are in for a treat! Once i’ve heard the best, it’s hard to think about the rest – because on audiobooks, narration and voices are the thing.
Any suggestions from you lovely people on well narrated cozy cat mystery series? Your list is awesome, and the recommendations are great. I don’t know where to start next!(PS – i am so glad i found your cozy mystery site!)
Danna - cozy mystery list says
B, sadly I don’t do as much listening to books, so I can’t really give too strong of an opinion on the subject any more.
B. Bailey says
That’s ok; I noticed the post was kind of old; still I am so happy to find this site and I’m sure there is a lot of fun stuff in the archives – hoping too I’ll find some newer posts on various subjects. I’m “new” to the mystery genre and am so happy to find cozy – not gory – mysteries. Be well and stay safe.
Susan L Royston says
I am new too. But I love lots of the series mentioned.I just discovered cozy a few years ago. I love it!
Susan L Royston says
Karen Golden has a good cat series. And Beatrice Young. I really enjoy Sara Bourgeois books. She has one about a witch with a delightful
Meri,who is snarky and then another series with the daughter and Meri is still there just a tiny bit altered. The other series are great too, especially Diesel and Joe Grey. The series by Nic Saint has 26 books of Max now
Norris M. says
It’s gotten only a passing mention, but my favorite (and I have read most of those mentioned) is Carole Nelson Douglas’ “Midnight Louie” series
Judy M. says
I’ve just finished two series by H.Y. Hanna that had featured character cats in each. The Oxford Tearoom Mysteries with Museli the black and white tabby & the English Cottage Garden Mysteries featuring Oren a troublemaking clue finder orange cat, I loved these series, Great writing and fun cozies!!
Colleen M. says
I thoroughly enjoyed The Secrets of the Castleton Manor Library series. All 24! Seeing parts of the story through the eyes of Faith’s tuxedo cat Watson was the best! The most relaxing series I have ever read.
April says
I’m a little “late” to the picnic.
Just discovered your web site and really appreciate all the suggestions! I read The Cat Who series and LOVED it. Also Leann Sweeney. One very good place to get the reading material is OpenLibrary.org. They have almost everything!! Since my eyesight is not good, I have begun doing the audio and like it! I will be checking out a lot of the suggestions. Thank you
Carol F says
I love the Mrs. Murphy series by Rita Mae Brown. I love how the animals all talk to each other and manage to point Harry to clues. I especially enjoy Sneaky Pie Brown’s comments at the end of each book.
Cindy N says
I read a series about a Librarian who had 2 cats. One could walk through doors and the other could become invisible. I lost the authors name and the series. Does anyone know the authors name. Thanks so much.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Cindy, you’re probably looking for Sofie Kelly’s Magical Cats Mystery Series. Hope this helps!
Lyn McConchie says
I think the same. I’d add that under a slightly different name, (Sophie Ryan) she is also doing another cat+ mystery series which I find slightly better. That’s just a personal preference.
Ro says
None better than The Cat Who series. Braun is head and shoulders above all the others…miss her.
Kirsten Bett says
I love Cate Conte’s series, have read three now and they are interesting because of both the human and the cat characters!
Susan Sirois says
Kirsten, I’m really late to the party! I have loved many of the series mentioned here. The others are now added to my list. I am trying to catch up to this age of technology, so I now keep my list in a note on my phone. I didn’t see Dianne Kelly mentioned. She has several series in the past and present that involve wonderfully involved cats. The House Flipper Novels, and The Mountain Lodge Mysteries cats have their own chapters. In the latest cozy series: Southern Homebrew Mysteries the cat is very prominent in daily life, much like our furbabies are in our lives. I have just started back reading her older series, so I can’t describe them yet. Thank you Danna for all you do! Thank you also to everyone replying for thoughts, ideas and opinions.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Susan, you’re very welcome!
Molly says
I love the magical cat mystery series by Sofie Kelly. I can’t say enough great things about the series. Who doesn’t think that their cats have “magical” powers?!!!!