Here are some fun Montana facts:
The capital is Helena.
The largest city is Billings.
State motto is “Gold and Silver”
State nickname is the Big Sky Country.
State flower is the Bitterroot.
State bird is the Western Meadowlark.
State animal is the Grizzly Bear.
Montana has the greatest number of different mammal species in the USA.
Mystery authors who are found on the Cozy Mystery Site who feature Montana locations in their books:
Leslie Budewitz: Food Lovers’ Village Mystery Series
Rae Davies: Dusty Deals Mystery Series
Sharon Dunn: Bargain Hunters Mystery Series AND Ruby Taylor Mystery Series
Sandra West Prowell: Phoebe Siegel Mystery Series
Please feel free to comment if you see an author from the Cozy Mystery Site who belongs on this list, or if you have any corrections.
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Sheila says
I was just browsing in Barnes & Noble and found this book – first in the series – “Death Al Dente” by
Leslie Ann Budewitz which happens to take in in Jewel Bay, Montana. The series name is Food Lovers Villages. Its release date is August 6, 2013.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Sheila, for telling us about Death al Dente, the first in the Food Lovers’ Village Mystery Series by Leslie Budewitz.
Leslie Budewitz says
Delighted to report two more books in the series, Crime Rib (July 2014) and Butter Off Dead (July 2015), with more to come!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Leslie, thank you so much for letting us know there will be (at least) two more books in your Food Lovers’ Village Mystery Series. This is great news!
Leslie Budewitz says
My pleasure, Danna!
Susie says
Great list! Always so fun to read mysteries set in the region I’m traveling through! I’ll be taking the kids to South Dakota this summer…any mysteries set at Mount Rushmore
BB says
Just found out something. I always thought Montana’s nickname was “Big Sky Country” instead of “Big Country Sky” so I went to Montana’s official state website and at the bottom of the page it states that the nickname is “Treasure State.” That’s a new one on me! Learn something everyday.
BTW, Danna, I think you mean “Mystery authors… Montana…” Both are beautiful states, though.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, BB, my reading retention seems to be failing me!
BB says
Margaret Scherf wrote the Reverend Martin Buell series set in Farmington, Montana. These are older books published primarily during the 40s and 50s. The titles are:
* Always Murder a Friend
* Gilbert’s Last Toothache (aka For the Love of Murder)
* The Curious Custard Pie (aka Devine and Deadly)
* The Elk and the Evidence
* The Cautious Overshoes
* Never Turn Your Back
* The Corpse in the Flannel Nightgown
Ronald T. says
New novel, her first mystery and exceptionally written. Lonna Enox has written an easy readng mystery that keeps you engaged until the final page. The name of the book is “The Last Dance.” Her leading lady is Sorrel Janes, a professional photographer with an exciting past and an even more exceting future as the story unfolds. The characters are identifiable in each person’s life, yet have lives of their own.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Ronald T, for telling us about Lonna Enox.
Beverly S says
Ann Charles writes a great series that take place in Deadwood Montana. Violet “Spooky” Parker a single mom with two twins finds herself in more trouble than she expects when she takes a new job as a real estate agent in the small town of Deadwood, Montana. A sexy new love interest mixed with fun friends and two kids who keep her on her toes is almost more than Violet can keep up with at times. Very fun and entertaining.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Beverly S, for telling us about Ann Charles.