Yikes! Some of the culinary-themed Cozy Mysteries I read are trying very hard to throw me off the dieting wagon!
My husband and I put on a “little” weight over the holidays – as we usually do. Every year we vow we won’t “let that happen again” >>> but every year, it does.
Some of you may be thinking “How much weight can they possibly gain over ‘the holidays’? Let’s face it, ‘the holidays’ means two or three weeks…”
Not so for us! “The holidays” start some time in October for us. Yep! We look at Halloween as the beginning of “the holiday” season. About as soon as the stores start putting up their Halloween treats (well, not really >>> since that now means early September!) we start making excuses to buy our favorite treats. Unfortunately, we have different preferences which means we have to buy two treats instead of just one. This doesn’t mean we only partake of our individual prefered treats…
So, we are now trying to shed those unwanted pounds from “the holidays”. Right now I am trying to (sort of) avoid reading culinary Cozies. As much as I enjoy reading how Goldy Bear (Diane Mott Davidson) plans on catering her next big event or what type of cookies Hannah Swensen (Joanne Fluke) has put in her gift cookie bags >>> I am just going to have to remain strong >>> at least for now.
How about you? >>> Do you find yourself trying to avoid Cozy mysteries with a strong food-related theme just because they make it hard for you to stick to your diet?
Michael C says
Maybe you can encourage authors to write diet themed mysteries… Could throw in exercise themes too… Maybe not as fun as chocolate themed mysteries, though…
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Michael C, there are a few series with diet/exercise themes but you’re probably right about it being more fun to read about chocolate over these. At least you can live vicariously with the culinary themes…
Rob Jarrad says
In that case, you may want to avoid Daryl Wood Gerber’s two series, the cheese shop under Avery Aames and Daryl’s own series of the cookbook nook series. And Leslie Budewitz two “foodie” series as well, the food lover’s series and the Spice Shop series as well. They are very entertaining but they have “gulp” recipes in the back. And while we are talking recipes, let’s not forget Laura Childs’s three “foodie” series, the teashop mysteries, the scrapbooking and the Crackleberry Egg club mysteries. So everywhere we like to read, there is food mentioned. All these series are very fun and entertaining as well or I wouldn’t have mentioned them. They are all aces high in my book!
Anne Fay says
I finally just gave into it. There are so many great culinary cozies so I usually eat before I start reading. That tactic also works with those high caloric holiday parties?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Anne, as many years as I was on Weight Watchers >>> that tactic never quite worked for me at holiday parties!
Karen says
Is Diane Mott Davidson going to add to the series. I miss them! I have looked from time to time, but haven’t found an answer…
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Karen, I think I read that she said she wasn’t planning on writing any more Goldy books. I agree with you about missing Goldy!
Karen says
Thanks! Sorry to hear that…..
Candy says
Love the culinary mysteries.
Finished reading Denise Swanson’s Dead in the Water. Can’t wait for the next Scumble River mystery.
I’ve enjoyed the Flower Shop Mysteries by Kate Collins and am currently watching the Hallmark Movies. The movies are nothing like the books.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Candy, I found that the only way I could enjoy the Hallmark movies was to think of them as not related to the series of books in any fashion. Hannah Swensen being a thin blonde, with flowing locks of hair bothered me initially >>> but once I thought of the movies’ Hannah as being another Hannah, I enjoyed the movies.
Marianne says
Yes – reading culinary cozies can be detrimental to one’s waistline! Joanne Fluke’s books are particularly dangerous. have tried to avoid reading them lately, but I don’t know that it helps. I call the period between Halloween and Easter “candy season.” Are there any cozies that focus on salads and grilled fish?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Marianne, good question! Maybe someone knows who will post the answer…
Editorgirl says
Max Darling sets a good example as a grilled seafood, steamed veggies kind of guy in the Death on Demand series. Annie Darling—not so much.
Candy R. says
Peg Cochran’s Gourmet De-lite series features a gourmet health food caterer.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Candy R, thanks for reminding us there are some calorie-conscious alternatives! I read Ellery Adams Supper Club Mystery Series and enjoyed hearing about the Flab Five’s efforts to lose weight by eating sensibly.
Susy S says
I just bought a couple of those. I haven’t started reading the series yet because I want to have all of them before I start.
Gram says
And the “holidays” do not end until after the Super Bowl. That’s at least three months and yes – we do the same.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Gram, my husband and I never can quite believe it when we do it again!
Alice be Murphy says
Alice I carefully skip over those tasty recipes!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Alice, I used to actually read every line of the recipes in my favorite culinary Cozies >>> even though I knew I wasn’t going to attempt to make the recipes. You would think I could skip reading them…
Amber S. says
I can definitely relate to book-induced temptations. I recently had to cave and order pizza simply because the cozy I was reading mentioned it multiple times. And it wasn’t even a culinary cozy! It was a witchcraft themed series. Whoops!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Amber S, my husband and I watch the Great British Baking Show and this morning I got VERY close to running to the grocery store for a lemon meringue pie. (Actually, if I had “run” it might have been OK to eat all those calories!) Instead, I had my husband talk me out of it…
Marla Lawless says
I’ve read all of the Goldy Bear series by Diane Mott Davdson and all of Joanne Fluke Hannah Swenson series. Love them both and wish Diane would write more of the Goldy books.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Marla, you and me both! (And lots of other Cozy Mystery readers!)
Bek says
OH, no, not a problem for me! I don’t “give into” the temptation, I dive in, head first, knowing the waters are deep enough to drown my ample girth! I LOVE those cozies! In fact, I love them so danged much that I actually adapted a “for dogs” recipe in a Krista Davis “Paws and Claws” book for to a human recipe, and it was really, really yummy!
Look, you know my book case issues. I’ve decided to put two much larger bookcases in my bedroom (where they will fit nicely), and to move the two smaller ones into the dining room to house my cozies with recipes, so that they are handy to the kitchen! At SOME point, I must make an index of which recipes are where…or just order some of the very good cozy cookbooks out there!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Bek, now that’s a switch! I’ve heard about converting fattening recipes to semi-low fat ones, but I’ve never heard of your dog to human switch!
Bek says
LOL, this one was full of chicken tenders, squash, green beans and barley…I just added carrots, onions and a bit of cheese. I’ll bet it would be good with rice instead of barley, if that were more to one’s taste than barley!
KG says
I am trying to lose weight also. I was very ill from a bacterial infection for 6 months and lost some weight. The doctor advised me to gain weight at the end of October and I’ve been gaining ever since. Now that I am feeling better, my clothes are tight and I feel uncomfortable. I started eating less sugar and carbs last week. I am still reading culinary cozies, but I drink quite a bit of water while reading.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
KG, it sounds like you really had a bad experience with that infection. I’m glad to hear you are now on the mend. Good luck with your “less sugar and carbs”! It’s so difficult to lose but sure is easy to gain…
Years ago (after losing a lot of weight) I gave my “fat clothes” to Goodwill. That wasn’t a good idea, since I’ve had to replenish my closet with jeans that actually fit me now >>> which are pretty much the same size as the ones I gave to Goodwill…
Linda MH says
I laughed out loud when I read your “fat clothes” story. Been there, done that–more than once!!! You would think I had learned my lesson after the first time–but no! LOL!
As for the culinary cozies, on more than one occasion (ok–on many occasions!), I”ll be reading about some amazing meal the protagonist is preparing and next thing you know, I’m raiding the fridge! *sigh*
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda MH, what’s wrong with us! I’ve done this several times >>> each time thinking I would absolutely, positively never have to buy larger sizes again…
Susy says
I too have done this. I think we are optimists and believe we will NOT gain the weight back. We have worked so hard to get it off, that we can conceive of the idea we would let ourselves gain it back. Sadly, we are all just human, and life gets in the way of our optimistic goals.
Ingrid Rosenberg says
I don’t avoid the culinary mysteries because I’m also tempted by the TV ads, the store displays, magazines, visits with friends (seems like treats are always involved), my food recollections, etc. What’s one more temptation? Sigh. Ingrid
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Ingrid, I only watch shows that have been DVRed so I don’t have to sit through tempting ads. However, I then sabotage myself by watching all sorts of Food Network shows. I especially love the different holiday baking shows with Duff Goldman, Lorraine Pascale, and Nancy Fuller.
PamB says
Danna, oh my … YES! I found myself eating even if not hungry. Then it progressed to snacking every time I sat down to read (chips/cookies). I am now trying to break this habit and the struggle is real. So right now it’s only tootsie roll pops… baby steps…ha!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
PamB, when I mentioned this problem to one of my online Cozy Mystery-reading friends, she told me about Nothing Bundt Cakes!
(A lot better than just reading about delicious treats…)
It’s odd you mentioned tootsie roll pops >>> I’ve been craving a tootsie roll like they used to have in every grocery store years ago. Not the little ones they have now. Yummmmmmmmmmmmm…
PamB says
Ha! Yes, the tootsie rolls you could break apart were the best.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
PamB, those are the ones!
Bek says
~drools lightly on keyboard~
MJ says
Absolutely NOT! But then I am a ‘foodie’, always looking for different/creative recipes and experimenting with different flavor combinations.
I thought this blog entry was SO ironic, that I just HAD to respond. I stopped reading Fluke’s Hannah Swensen series when Hannah got married and didn’t marry ‘Norman’. It’s my ‘small’ way of protesting. However I know there still is a HUGE fan following, so my little protest won’t make much difference.
HOWEVER, a couple of days ago (Thursday), I picked up the latest book which was on display at the library. WHY, you ask? BECAUSE I wanted to look at the recipes (there’s far more than just cookie recipes)! That’s the irony when I saw today’s blog topic. I’ll look at and copy some of the recipes…….but won’t read the book.
In Fluke’s latest book, ‘Raspberry Danish Murder’, there are 29 new recipes, some looking pretty delish! Hmmmm……Orange Marmalade Filled Oatmeal Muffins, Irish Potato Cookies, Cool Whip Fudge Frosting, Sweet and Salty Strawberry Bar Cookies, Almond Custard Pie, Cherry Chocolate Bar Cookies, Crunchy Salty Cheesy Prosciutto and Asparagus Rolls, Upside Down Pear Coffee Cake, Chili Cheese Omelet Squares, and Pineapple Raisin Whippersnapper Cookies……….just to name a FEW.
BTW since I mentioned Fluke’s latest book, I was surprised to see that the copyright on the title page is to ‘HR Swensen’. What I don’t know is if that’s always been the case, or is a recent change. Just thought it was strange or somewhat unusual.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
MJ, your third paragraph has me craving all sorts of desserts… especially that Upside Down Pear Coffee Cake! I love the end products in the baking process, but I’m always looking for short-cuts.
MJ says
WELL……………………if it’s ‘simplicity’ or short cuts you want, look at this recipe I saw last week. As you know, I like to share a recipe with blog readers and this seemed like a perfect excuse to do so. We’ve all heard of ‘mug recipes’ before, but this one looks particularly yummy.
Sometimes we don’t like to make a cake that will sit around for a few days/week. I saw this simple mug cake mixture that can be made for just one (or two) at a time……………an easy way to get our ‘chocolate fix’ without having tempting leftovers.
I thought it was unique because there are eggs in the angel food cake mix, thus adding that ingredient to the mug cake for a better texture. SO EASY, too! The mixture is stored and used as needed. If you want, you can put some in a mason jar and give it away as a gift.
Cake in a Cup
1 box angel food cake mix
1 box (family size) fudge/dark chocolate brownie mix
¾ to 1 cup mini chocolate chips
In a large bowl whisk the dry cake mix and
brownie mix ingredients together until fully
combined. Stir in the mini chocolate chips.
Store in container (like mason jars).
To make the cake in a mug, stir together
¼ cup mixture and 2 Tbsp. water or milk
until combined. Microwave on high for
1 minute. Yum!
Top with Cool Whip, if desired.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
MJ, that sounds absolutely delightful! It’s also the sort of thing I should definitely avoid while I’m still on my diet… Still, one or two portions (or three…) can’t hurt too much I suppose…
Marianne says
Interesting comment about the copyright to HR Swenson. I got the feeling with the next to last book that she is using a ghost writer. The story and writing just felt awkward…
Bek says
You had me at the asparagus rolls…
Susy says
Me too. It is really sad that I did not eat asparagus as a kid since it grew wild just a few blocks from my house.
Bek says
OH YUM! We had a patch of it near a house I lived in years ago. I LOVED being able to go harvest it and cook so fresh! Ground to table in minutes!
Susan Webb Moxley says
Actually it helps me with dieting because I get my food fix through reading.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Susan, I wish I had your ability to do that!
Kelly D says
Seriously, the Joanne Fluke books make me so hungry. Luckily, I’m no baker!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Kelly D, I’m not either >>> but I’ve been tempted to go to my grocery store’s bakery area a few times…
Barb B says
I don’t have too much problem with the culinary cozies working up my appetite. My problem is the craft cozies – Monica Ferris, Earlene Fowler, Elizabeth Craig. They make me want to try new hobbies that I really dont have time for.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Barb B, as a past Carol Duvall addict, I know exactly what you mean! Some of her segments convinced me I “needed” to take up polymer clay crafting >>> I have the tools just lack the oomph to actually do them.
Ellen Byron says
As an author who includes recipes in her series (the Cajun Country Mysteries), AND is on Weight Watchers – six pounds down, 20 to go – I feel your pain. I make myself hungry just writing my books. FYI, my editor always makes describe the food in detail – smells, taste, etc. – and I’m sure other authors get the same notes. So let’s blame the editors for making our tummies growl!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Ellen, I hadn’t thought of what you, the authors, must have to go through. So it’s those doggone editors who are to blame…
Bek says
Well, SPIT, Ellen! You are on my “must have” list, but I did NOT realize that there are recipes! You’ve just moved WAY WAY up the list to “must have in immediate future!”
I lived in Louisiana for several years, and I miss the cooking so much! Lafayette puts on a mean Langniappe, and they were close enough to Houma and Morgan City to make the trip easy. I still get a little teary-eyed when I hear someone say “I need an on-yon.”
Linda MH says
Ms. Byron,
LOLOL!!! Yes, let’s blame the editors. Good luck with your weight loss. It is soooooo hard to lose weight, especially as a person gets older–like me.
Susy says
Amen sister! As I approach retirement, I keep trying to lose weight, but it keeps finding me.
The one thing that helps me with the recipes is that most of them contain ingredients To which I am allergic, such as nuts, coconut, dried fruit, mushrooms and on and on. It is the ONLY time having allergies is useful.
Margaret StashEmpress says
The Chocoholic series is my nemesis! The way they give the complete description of each individual chocolate every time someone orders or samples one! I so badly want to live near that store so I can go in and get my free sample daily LOL!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Margaret, I definitely know what you mean – just a few of those sorts of descriptions make me really wish I could just break down and cheat just a little!
Rich S. says
I can so relate to this. Anytime I read a book or series in which the main character eats or drinks something specifically I start to crave it. Hanna Swensen books – I need baked goods and coffee. Cleo Coye’s coffeehouse mysteries – coffee, coffee and more coffee. Sue Grafton mysteries – hard-boiled egg sandwiches. I once told a friend about this obsession and they said no matter what, I should never read “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” because I would want to do all the drugs they talk about! LOL
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Rich S, I wish I could crave a hard-boiled egg sandwich or coffee! Unfortunately since I can have those any time… they just don’t cut my craving tooth.
Your friend sounds like a very wise friend!
CraftChic says
I put on a bit of weight when I read Laura Levine’s, Jaine Austin, series because the main character really enjoys junk food. I love these cozies!!! I did learn to resist the temptation.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
CraftChic, junk food is another definite category of danger when you’re on a diet… so I can see the risk this sort of Cozy would create as well!
Susy S says
I think the only reason I don’t weigh 400 ponds is that I have taught myself NEVER to eat while reading a book (I destroyed one once and that was all it took). I still read magazines while eating alone, but that is not the same. I do limit what I can drink while reading as well.
If I allowed myself to snack while reading, just once would be all it would take and I would have a real problem. In that way, I am like a junkie – if I don’t do it even one time, I am OK, but even once and I will be likely to eat, and always the wrong thing, while reading a book.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Susy, ruining a book while you’re reading is another danger that I certainly wouldn’t have considered when I was thinking about the risks of Cozies and food colliding!
Susy says
Well, I have long had a ‘coordination issue’, so it was a good, though painful lesson
Bek says
LOL, if I made that rule, I’d starve to death. It is very, very rare that there isn’t a book in my hand! Meals, bath tub, doctor’s office, watching tv…all of it is done while snatching a page or two (at least) of reading!
Billie says
I just tried to post to an older article on Miss Marple and was not allowed to. It said I could fix it myself, but when I tried the page wouldn’t come up. This is a JIC, since I enjoy this site and the ability to text with others about cozies and tv movies .
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Billie, which specific page? I think I’ve written about Miss Marple several times…
Billie says
It must have worked. Yes, I enjoy reading about food even when I’m dieting or avoiding certain foods. I mean we don’t go out and do something to someone just because we are reading about an accident or a deliberate attempt to hurt somebody. Nor do we run out and rob someone because we are reading about that.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Billie, that’s certainly true, but the sort of criminal activity you mention are things I wouldn’t be inclined to do anyway, whereas eating a piece of chocolate cake is more in line with my normal behavior than dieting is.
Delores says
Why did Ellery Adams publisher discontinue the Books by the Bay series? It was my favorite series of all.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Delores, I’m afraid I don’t know! The larger publishers unfortunately have a tendency to end series that still seem popular among Cozy fans.
Susy says
I hated the ending, but at least she controlled the future of the characters, instead of leaving some publisher with the ability to have someone else take over.
Bek says
That’s the sad, sad truth! I’ve contacted a few authors about when a new book might be coming out, only to be told, “As soon as my publisher requests one!” We fans tend to forget that authors can’t just write what they might want to write, they have to be able to sell it! Writing is an art form, but it is also a business.
Susy S says
Amen. That is why I am TRYING to write reviews for the books I like. I am old enough that I am used to the reviews all being written by professionals.
Candy R. says
I miss the Ellery Adams Books by the Bay, too.
Also, has Earlene Fowler retired? I miss her Benni Harper series.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Candy, I haven’t heard anything definite about Earlene Fowler, but it seems very likely she has retired since she hasn’t released a book in six years.