As part of my visiting some of the most recommended Cozy Mystery series from our monthly recommendations posts, I have recently examined a couple of series where the sleuth consisted of more than one person. So, I thought it might be an interesting theme to add >>> Cozy Mysteries where the sleuths are two or more people who act as a mystery-solving team.
By this I don’t mean series where the sleuth has a sidekick or gets a little help from others. I wouldn’t consider Sherlock Holmes stories, for example, to include multiple sleuths. Watson is more of a sidekick than a co-sleuth. Watson is so iconic, in fact, that the sidekick of a sleuth is often called “the Watson”. By co-sleuth, I mean that each person provides substantial input into finding the culprit (not just information such as a boyfriend or other relative who is on the police force might provide). I think Ann George’s Southern Sisters Mystery Series is a pretty good example where there are two sleuths who are both equally involved in solving the mysteries – and where neither of the main characters is just a sidekick.
Kylie Logan’s League of Literary Ladies Mystery Series is another example where the stories include the efforts of a whole book group of women to solve the mysteries.
Can you think of any other sleuthing teams who work together equally? If you know of any series where there are two or more (more or less equal sleuths) please add a comment below.
Cozy Mystery Series With Two (or More) Sleuths
Kathy Aarons: Chocolate Covered Mystery Series
Isabella Alan (aka Amanda Flower): Amih Quilt Shop Mystery Series
Susan Wittig Albert: Darling Dahlias Mystery Series
Conrad Allen (aka Edward Marston and Keith Miles): Dillman Mystery Series
Susan Bernhardt: Kay Driscoll Mystery Series
Simon Brett: Fethering Mystery Series
Emily Brightwell: Mrs Jeffries Mystery Series
Elizabeth Lynn Casey (aka Laura Bradford): Southern Sewing Circle Mystery Series
Chris Cavender (aka Jessica Beck, Elizabeth Bright, Melissa Glazer, Tim Myers, Casey Mayes, & D.B. Morgan): Pizza Lover Mystery Series
Cassandra Chan: Phillip Bethancourt and Gibbons Mystery Series
Agatha Christie: Tommy and Tuppence Mystery Series
Jill Churchill: Jane Jeffry Mystery Series
Jill Churchill: Grace and Favor Mystery Series
Kate Collins: Flower Shop Mystery Series
Isis Crawford (aka Barbara Block): Mystery with Recipes Mystery Series – Bernie and Libby, sisters who run a bake shop/catering business, solve mysteries.
Mary Daheim: Bed & Breakfast Mystery Series
Julianna Deering (aka DeAnna Julie Dodson): Drew Farthering Mystery Series
Leighann Dobbs: The Mooseamuck Island Series
Vickie Fee: Liv and Di in Dixie Mystery Series
Anne George: Southern Sisters Mystery Series – Both of the loving but hilarious sisters work together to solve mysteries.
Jeanne Glidewell: Ripple Effect Mystery Series – Rip and Rapella Ripple are married sleuth RVers in Missouri.
Sally Goldenbaum: Seaside Knitters Mystery Series
Ann Granger: Campbell and Cartery Mystery Series AND Markby and Mitchell Village Whodunit Series
Carolyn Haines: Sarah Booth Delaney Mystery Series
David Handler: Berger & Mitry Mystery Series
Carolyn Hart: Death on Demand Mystery Series
Erin Hart: Nora Gavin / Cormac Maguire Mystery Series
D.E. Ireland (aka Sharon Farrow and Meg Macy): Eliza Doolittle & Henry Higgins Mystery Series
Miranda James (aka Honor Hartman, Jimmie Ruth Evans, & Dean James): Southern Ladies Mystery Series
Mary Kennedy: Dream Club Mystery Series
Laurie R. King: Mary Russell Mystery Series
Rita Lakin: Gladdy Gold Mystery Series
Richard & Frances Lockridge: Mr. and Mrs. North Mystery Series
Kylie Logan (aka Miranda Bliss & Casey Daniels): League of Literary Ladies Mystery Series – A whole book group works to solve mysteries.
Virginia Lowell: Cookie Cutter Shop Mystery Series
Lisa Q. Mathews: Ladies Smythe & Westin Mystery Series
Jenn McKinlay (aka Josie Belle & Lucy Lawrence): Cupcake Bakery Mystery Series
Marcia Muller & Bill Pronzini: Carpenter and Quincannon Mystery Series
Clare O’Donohue: World of Spies Mystery Series – Hollis and Finn Larsson are college professors who assist Interpol in Ireland.
Robin Paige (aka Susan Wittig Albert & Bill Albert): Victorian Mystery Series
Andrea Penrose: Wrexford & Sloan Mystery Series is set in Regency London.
Anne Perry: Charlotte & Thomas Pitt Mystery Series and William Monk Mystery Series
Ann Purser: Ivy Beasley Mystery Series
Corrine Holt Sawyer: Benbow & Wingate Mystery Series
Jamie Lee Scott: Gotcha Detective Mystery Series
L.C.Tyler: Ethelred & Elsie Mystery Series
Livia J. Washburn: Fresh-Baked Mystery Series
P.S. Please be sure to read all of the comments below to find out more about the series listed above.
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Tullita says
Anne George is one of the very best and I love the League of Literary Ladies too. But, no list will be complete without Tinkie and Sarah Booth, the Carolyn Haines Bones series.
I’m going to have to check out the Isis Crawford series. I love this site, I have discovered so many new authors and if they are on here, I feel pretty sure no unpleasant surprises, just a good read.
Karen says
I don’t know if you consider these cozy but Richard l Baldwin writes the Lou Seering series with Lou and Maggie solving the crimes. They are all placed in different parts of Michigan. I really like them and I don’t to scary or gory
Susan says
In the Kay Driscoll mystery series, Kay solves crimes with two friends.
With her friends, the free-spirited herbalist Deirdre and the untamed modern woman Elizabeth, Kay discusses new clues over tea and pastries at Sweet Marissa’s Patisserie, their crime-fighting headquarters.
Laura says
How about Susan Wittig Albert’s The Darling Dahlias? Verna Tidwell and Liz Lacey are the main sleuths and also have many wonderful sidekicks.
Ingrid says
What about Miranda James’ Southern Ladies Mysteries featuring the Ducote sisters?
Ruth says
That’s a good one
Greenway says
This may be a little OT, and strange, anyway, but I just watched a PBS food show called FOOD FLIRTS, and the stars, the Brass Sisters, reminded me of Miranda James’s DuCote Sisters of the Southern Ladies Mystery series. Now, the Brass Sisters (real sisters; Oscar winners couldn’t fake it that well) are “of the age” and aspect of a more casual…and, probably shorter…version of the DuCotes, but, they’re very, very Boston Jewish with full-on accents and urban dash. They’re (as they say in Boston) shaaaap! as tacks and their “sister act” is perfected: They play off one another better than most comedy teams with professional scripts. They’re food adventurers, trying new things at restaurants, getting lessons from the cooks “backstage”, then trying them at home with their own tweaks and fusions, and inviting their restaurant teachers for a meal. They are hilarious and quick and absolutely ADORABLE, but always gracious ladies and tiny powerhouses in tandem, which is what most reminds me of the DuCotes… Although the Brass Sisters at some time must have decided to go full throttle on some aspects of their name, and seem fearless and flirty enough (flinging age to the wind!) to crown them, if only they had magnolia accents, what Carolyn Haines’s Tinky, Queen of the Daddies’ Girls, and Jill Connor Brown, Royal Boss of the Sweet Potato Queens, Southern Lady Queens Emeritae, with the DuCote Sisters, their ownselves (!) agreeing. Try them, already! Food looks yummy and COZY, of course, too!
Lynn T. says
Carole Seddon and Jude from the Simon Brett Fethering Series
Mary says
Great post!! In my Dream Club Mysteries, a group of Savannah ladies meet once a week to discuss their dreams–and they find clues in their dreams that point to the killer. They also do some traditional sleuthing (one of them is a paralegal) but many murders are solved by delving into dream material.
MaryKennedy says
I forgot to mention that my latest release in the series is A PREMONITION of MURDER, Thanks! Mary Kennedy
Greenway says
What a great idea (premise)! I’ll be on the lookout. And in Savannah, too! I’m on the opposite coast, and can’t travel anymore, except via media, and dreams. MIDNIGHT IN THE GARDEN OF GOOD AND EVIL, and the Forsyth Fountain, the most beautiful in the World, made many of us far away fall in love with Savannah. Even if I wasn’t already all for the late great Donald Bain’s Murder, She Wrote tie-in novels, I would have got his Savannah-set volume just for Savannah, and the Fountain! Thanks for your series!
Rita says
Miranda James Southern Ladies Series, Ann Purser Ivy Beasley Mysteries are 2 that come to mind for me.
Tracey says
Livia J Washburn’s Fresh Baked Mysteries are excellent and feature a retired school teacher and retired school coach who work together to solve murders in Texas. They are quite often joined by their two roommates. The stories are fun and the recipes are “yummy”!
Joppy says
I think the Elsie and Ethelred stories of L.C.Tyler probably qualify? Though reading the books (usually with the word ‘Herring’ in the title) it seems that Ethelred stumbles along naively believing everyone, while Elsie interferes and believes no-one.
KG says
I think the sisters (Eleanor and Maddy) from the Pizza Lover Mysteries by Chris Cavendar might fit in this category. I liked this series and felt that both sisters were involved in the investigations.
Sheila in CT says
How about Sally Goldenbaum’s Seaside Knitters. They sure work in a team both in knitting projects and solving mysteries.
Jane says
I think Simon Brett’s Fethering Mysteries fit this category. Both Carole Seddon and her neighbor Jude are involved in solving the mysteries, with sometimes one and sometimes the other taking the lead.
Katia says
Mimi and Charles of the Gotcha Detective mysteries by Jamie Lee Scott. At first it was mainly Mimi, but Charles has grown into a real partner as demonstrated in the latest book that was told from both their viewpoints.
Carpenter and Quincannon in the series by Marcia Muller and Bill Pronzini.
Rob says
I have a few for your cozy mysteries! Laura Childs has three different mystery series where a team works together. Isabel Alan has a quilting group that solves myseries in an Amish community. Anne Perry has two husband and wife teams that started in the Victorian England era with Thomas and Charlotte Pitt and William and Hester Monk. Robin Paige is a husband and wife author team that has a husband and wife
team-Charles and Katherine that started in the Victorian and Edwardian era in England. These books for the most part can be considered cozies but Anne Perry is a trifle edgy so her work not so much. Also, not to be excluded from this August company-Emily Brightwell’s Mrs. Jeffries series has the household of a Scotland Yard Police inspector helping him solve his cases (without his knowledge, no less) and that eclectic group has been charming me for years!
Anne says
The Gladdy Gold series by Rita Lakin has Gladdy and her sister Evie among a number of her senior friends sleuthing together! Their home base is their Florida Senior Living Center and all the characters are fantastic.
Sandy says
These books are a hoot to read and fun to try to solve. The author is her real life story.. The only woman in the room. Wish she would write more!!
tonichelle says
Just off the top of my head I think of Miranda James’ southern ladies mysteries. I love Miss An’gel and Miss Dickce!
Kate Collier says
Loved all the Anne George books! Those sisters were a hoot! This is a timely topic for me. My first mystery featuring husband-wife sleuths, The Penningtons will release this summer.
Melissa says
In the Southern Sewing Circle Mystery Series – there are a group of ladies that help the “main” character solve mysteries. The authors name is Elizabeth Lynn Casey (aka Laura Bradford)
Ellen Byron says
Great topic. Lisa Q. Mathews writes a great series – The Ladies Smythe & Westin – where a twentysomething and a senior join up to solve mysteries in the retirement community of Milano, Florida. They’re super fun!
Ellen Byron says
Forgot to give their titles: Cardiac Arrest and Permanently Booked.
Susan* says
There’s Laurie R. King’s ‘Holmes and Russell’ stories.
I think you could include the Death on Demand’ books by Carolyn Hart (Max gets involved almost as much as Annie does.)
Cassandra Chan has an Upper Class sleuth teaming up with his Scotland Yard detective friend. ‘Phillip Bethancourt and Jack Gibons’ series.
Conrad Allen has a pair of male / female detectives in his ‘Great Liners’ series.
Corrine Holt Sawyer’s Angela Benbow and Caledonia Wingate.
I know I’ve seen the JD Robb novels on here, (Although I wouldn’t call them cozy, myself), but Eve Dallas and Roarke are definitely a team. – However much she wishes he would butt out, sometimes! Lol!
Christopher Fowler has detectives ‘Bryant and May’.
Mary Daheim has two female cousins teaming up in her ‘Bed and Breakfast Mystery’ series.
Of course, there’s also the Hardy Boys. Mustn’t forget them!
MJ says
The one series that immediately came to mind when I read this entry is the Seaside Knitters series by Sally Goldenbaum. Frankly, I can’t tell who is the protagonist some of the time. Their group of four work together pretty evenly.
There are several others series where groups gather to discuss ‘the mystery’ (usually murder) and work together to solve it. Usually these are reading groups or crafting groups. But even within this framework there normally is a ‘lead character’.
I suppose you could now say this about Kate Collins Flower Shop series since it has evolved into a husband/wife detective team.
Livia Washburn’s Fresh Baked mysteries also involves a team working together.
Jenn McKinlay’s Cupcake Bakery series usually involves the two owners of the bakery solving the mystery.
Depending on how broad one looks at this topic this could be a lengthy list of cozies.
Susan* says
Two more that I forgot:
Agatha Christie’s ‘Tommy and Tuppence’.
Emily Brightwell’s ‘Mrs Jeffries’. – The whole staff gets involved with those! Lol!
Ingrid says
I think Virginia Lowell’s series about Olivia, who owns a cookie cutter shop in Maryland and solves mysteries with her best friend qualifies. And Kathy Aarons series about co-owners of a combination bookstore and chocolate shop.
MJ says
It took me awhile to think (brain freeze) of the author/title of this series. But, Elizabeth Lynn Casey’s Southern Sewing Circle series could possibly qualify for this list.
susan says
I’m currently reading the Second chance Cat Mysteries which feature Charlotte’s Angels, a group of seniors turned investigators. Although the main character is a young single woman , the seniors keep the plot moving and add a lot of interest.
Ruth says
I really loved Cassandra Chan’s books . Does anyone know why she stopped writing
Kimmie says
The Mooseamuck Island Series by Leighann Dobbs
The two main characters are retired police force consultants: Dom is a retired crime detective consultant and Claire is a retired criminal psychologist consultant. They have worked together on various occasions during their career, often with differing opinions and not really fond of each other. They are both described as being age 69/70. A Zen for Murder is the first book. There are 3 books so far. I really enjoy this series and I hope it will have more books to follow.
Donna says
A favorite of mine is The Cat Who.. series that was written by Lilian Jackson Braun. Qwill and his Siamese cat Koko are a great team
Lynn T says
David Handler’s series (Mitch Berger and Des Mitry)
Laura says
My first thought was the Liv and Di in Dixie series by Vickie Fee. Liv is a party planner and Di is a mailwoman solving mysteries in Dixie, TN. Very funny and very Southern.
dragons3 says
I’m a bit late here, but I can think of two series with co-sleuths that aren’t listed. These are oldies but goodies — Richard and Frances Lockridge’s Mr. and Mrs. North. The other is Erin Hart’s Cormac Maguire and Nora Gavin series. He’s an Irish archeaologist and she’s an American pathologist. There’s a strong historical element in the mysteries, but they’re more cozy than not.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, ALL, for these more-than-one-sleuth suggestions. I had no idea there are so many series that feature team efforts!
Karyn says
I’m trying to remember a series I love. There is an apartment complex in Florida. Might have started out as a motel. Run by an old lady. Younger guy and girl who are married but keep two separate apartments plus, I think, one for an office. One episode has the wife going undercover taking care of cats for a wealthy woman who enters them in cat shows. Another one has the older lady accused of murder and hauled off to jail. One of the residents has a big bird that she brings down to the nightly cocktail hour around the pool. I know it will come to me as soon as I post this! Thanks!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Karyn, a lot of what you are saying sounds familiar, but no series that I’m thinking of quite matches all of them. Maybe another site visitor can help you out?
Karyn says
I hope so – driving me crazy. I can see my vision of the characters in my head! I think in the last book in the series, there is fear that they will all lose their homes because the building needs serious refurbishing work, and the little old lady who owns it finally comes up with the money. It’s such a good (and funny) series – it will probably come to me in the middle of the night.
Rita says
I believe you are thinking of Elaine Viets Dead End Job Series.
Karyn says
That’s the one! I was thinking it was, but it didn’t sound right. Went and dug out my copies and started reading it again, and sure enough! Thanks so much!
Tessa says
Ann Granger has two with duos: Markby and Mitchell and Campbell and Carter.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Tessa, thanks for the reminder – I’ll add them to the list!
Drew says
A cozy series I’ve enjoyed with two sleuths is the Marsden-Lacey series by Sigrid Vansandt. The two women are both ex-pat Yanks living in England who meet in the first book and end up solving crimes together. It’s fun.
Cheryle says
Hi: Newbie here….Considering the cozy mysteries, as a reference, I enjoyed the t.v. series Rosemary & Thyme. I believe the author was L. Hamre. Were there other series or books this author wrote?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Cheryle, actually the Rosemary & Thyme books I’m aware of were written by Brian Eastman…
Gladys says
Hello, I am so happy to find this site!! I think I am missing here Diana Xarissa and her Markham Sisters Series. They are two lovely retired teachers that decide to open a bed and breakfast. I really enjoyed all the books. Congratulations for this web, I was running out of options and a new world is just opening now!!
Susan* says
Jill Churchill has two series that fit into this category. The Jane Jeffries Mysteries, featuring suburban mom Jane, who solves mysteries with her best friend and neighbour Shelley Nowack and the ‘Grace and Favor’ Mysteries which feature brother and sister sleuths. (Though that should probably be sister and brother, since Lily is the one who usually starts things rolling! Her brother just ends up along for the ride.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Susan, thanks for the suggestion – I’ve added them to the list.
Kivara says
What are your thoughts on Rex Stout?
In some ways, I can see it as detective/side-kick, but since Archie is the “leg man” and a detective in his own rights, I thought it might be fitting.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Kivara, I’m a little torn on this one, but I’d probably say that he’s more of a sidekick than another sleuth. That said, I could also see how others might feel that they are co-sleuths.
Jan H says
The Jake & Emma series by Linda Crowder are a husband & wife who solve crimes in Wyoming. The Sleuth Sisters by Maggie Pill are three sisters who have a PI business in northeast Michigan.
Judy E. says
I would also like to mention Sarah Graves who wrote the Home Repair mysteries and now is writing a Death by Chocolate series. Jacobia (Jake) and her best friend Ellie star in both.
Catherine C says
Lee Hollis – Maya and Sandra Mysteries (new)
– Murder at the PTA
– Murder at the Bake Sale
M. J. Barber says
A series I think might fit the parameters here is Ellery Adams’ “Secret, Book, and Scone Society.” The “lead character,” bookshop owner and bibliotherapist Nora Pennington, is joined by three other women to solve mysteries.
Another possibility might be Kathy Manos Penn’s “Dickens and Christie” series. It is set in the English Cotswolds region and the lead character, widowed expat banker ‘Leta’ Parker (who can “talk to the animals” without needing to “learn their languages”) teams up with a retired English teacher and her 80-plus-year old mother to solve crimes. They call themselves the “Little Old Ladies’ Detective Agency,” or LOL for short!
Maya Corrigan says
My Five-Ingredient Mysteries feature a 30-something cafe manager and her grandfather solving mysteries on the Eastern Shore. As the series progresses from the 1st to the 9th book, Granddad moves from being a sidekick to being actively involved in the investigation.