My daughter is home for a week of vacation, which is great for my husband, son, and me. We have such few times when all four of us are together. (I almost feel like Sprite is giving me the evil eye… I think our fifteen year old puppy wants me to change that to five!) And, I know that it is only a matter of time when the four of us being together won’t happen, except for very rare occasions.
I am remembering back to when I was a child… years ago. Once my sister got married and moved to the Chicago area, and my brother became an Air Force “life-r” >>> There were very few times when all four of the siblings got together with my parents. Everyone had different schedules, and very different lives. The only things that insured everyone getting together were… my father’s stroke or a relative’s funeral. Hmmm… It almost seemed like we could “find the time” to honor the sick and dead, but never could quite “find the time” for any other reunion of sorts.
I treasure every time that the four (or five!) of us get together. I know it is only a matter of time until our son moves away from the San Antonio area, and once our daughter is no longer a student, and doesn’t get the one or two weeks here and there that the college “gives out”… our times together will be very few.
I am hoping that since we have a very different family dynamic than the one I had as a child, maybe we will be fortunate enough for the four of us to want to want to get together and enjoy our family… without the stresses of illness and funerals as the impetus for family gatherings! Boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses, and children are all welcome!
Maria (BearMountainBooks) says
Fire up that BBQ and get some good eatin’s! The kids will always come back for good eatins!!!!