From time to time, I get recommendations (from Cozy Mystery site readers) of mystery book authors who they feel belong on the site. These authors are new to me, but of course, many of them are not “new authors” to you all. Here are the latest mystery book author additions to the site:
Suzette A. Hill writes the Reverend Oughterard Mystery Series. This series features the vicar with Maurice (his cat) and Bouncer (his dog) in a British village. (Hill is an English graduate and ex-teacher of English Literature.)
Virginia Lowell writes the new Cookie Cutter Shop Mystery Series. The series will feature Olivia Greyson, the owner of the Gingerbread House Cookie Shop. (Her first book is not due to be published until April 2011.)
Ada Madison may be a new name in the Cozy Mystery arena, but don’t be so sure you aren’t familiar with the author! Madison is also known as Margaret Grace AND Camille Minichino! As Madison, she will be writing the Sophie Knowles Mystery Series, which will feature a mathematics college professor who is also a sleuth (and beader!)
David Rosenfelt writes the Andy Carpenter Mystery Series, which features a defense attorney who also runs a dog rescue. Rosenfelt has been nominated for four major mystery book awards – the Edgar, Nero, Shamus, & Barry. (Also, Rosenfelt has rescued over 4,000 dogs!)
Nicola Slade writes the Harriet Quigley Mystery Series. This series has, as its sleuth, a retired headmistress. She is helped by her cousin, Canon Sam Hathaway – a clergyman at Winchester Cathedral. Slade also writes a British, historical series: the Charlotte Richmond Investigates Mystery Series which is set during Victorian times.
Rebecca says
Danna, I was trying to let you know I found another new author I don’t know if she is new to you. Sofie Kelly, has a book out I think belongs on cozy list, the title is Curiosity Thrilled the Cat. This is a first in series called Magical Cats. The main char. is a librarian, Kathleen Paulson. Am I right or ?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Small world, Rebecca. Sofie Kelly is on my list of authors to post. Thank you!
Connie says
Danna, thanks for the list of new cozy writers. I love reading books in new series. I have a new cozy mystery author for you, too. Melanie O’Hara-Salyers writes the new series called “The Traveling Tea Ladies”. The main character is Amelia Spencer who owns a Tea Room and travels with her three fun loving friends who somehow find murder in their travels. She also includes a recipe section and tips on how to make the perfect pot of tea.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Connie!
Sean says
Thanks for the list of cozy writers! I had not heard of David Rosenfelt, but can’t wait to read him. I am a supporter, even donating a portion of my writing proceeds, to rescue groups so I will make sure to support him!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Sean, I haven’t read Rosenfelt, but I don’t think that his mysteries are Cozy. I have many of authors on the site who are not Cozy >>> due to recommendations from site readers. When I started the site, I only had my favorite Cozy Mystery authors on it, but the site has grown A LOT since then…
(I do wish that people would at least let me know when the authors they recommend are not Cozy Mystery authors. That way I could be sure to annotate them as Not Cozy.)
Alfred says
Danna I have Sofie Kelly’s Curiosity Thrilled the Cat in my hand right now will be starting it tonight and will let u know what I thought about it in a few days ok.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Alfred, that would be great!
Leslie says
I know that David Rosenfelt doesn’t officially write cozies, but they certainly will be enjoyed by most cozy readers. His books feature the relationship he has with his dog, the dog becomes a silent character. Also, each book builds on the previous. You will meet great characters, they will then become part of his main character’s “entourage”, and appear in future books. A major part of each book involves the scenes in the courtroom, but you can skim those quickly if you’re not interested in that type of book.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you so much, Leslie, for telling us about David Rosenfelt’s mystery books. You mention his dog becoming a “silent character.” It sounds like I should have Rosenfelt listed in the Mystery Books with Dogs theme. (?)
Eveline says
I think we should stick to the basic premise. Your site is about cozy mysteries. I really don’t want to muddy-up the pool, so to speak. I know it is difficult for people to contain themselves when they find a book that they love and not share it with the whole world but, the fact is, your site is about cozies. If a non-cozy is inserted here and there, the next thing we know, non-fiction will start appearing on the site. Of course, this is only my opinion. But, remember, the majority of the people who log on to this site are tie-in-the-dye cozy fans!
Brian says
Hi Danna, I was wondering if you or your well-informed readers know why Rhys Bowen has stopped the wonderful Evans,the Welsh policeman series. I know she has two other series,but I always liked the Evans books the best. Thanks!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
I wonder if it could possibly be like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wanting to discontinue writing the Sherlock Holmes mysteries, as well as Agatha Christie wanting to stop writing her Poirot mysteries…
Other than mere speculation, I don’t know, Brian.
Brian says
HI – the Suzette A. Hill series sounds good. Has anyone read it?
Melanie O'Hara-Salyers says
Thanks for including my series, The Traveling Tea Ladies, on your cozy mystery website! I wanted to let you know that the second book in the series, The Traveling Tea Ladies- Death in Dixie” will be released this May. The setting is the National Storytelling Festival held annually in historic Jonesborough, Tennessee. This mysterious tale will include local history and ghost stories as well as recipes from my own tea room and tea tips!
I hope your readers will join me on my next tea adventure!
Until Our Next Pot of Tea,
Maria K says
OMG. I think I may have died & gone to heaven. Was looking for info on Doc Martin Series & found this blog. I barely know what a blog is; this is my first. I adore mysteries (& Doc Martin) My first cozy was Mrs. Pollifax. I devoured them all, then went to M.C. Beaton & Agatha Raisin. I also loved all Robert T. Parker’s, especially Spencer. Dorothy Gilman is my favorite (Mrs. Pollifax) Haven’t found any for many years. Is she still living?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Welcome to the site, Maria K! Mrs. Pollifax was one of the authors who I enjoyed so much, that I found myself reading her books back to back rather quickly. I love Gilman’s sleuth.
I also went through Beaton’s Agatha Raisin and Hamish Macbeth series very quickly, which I think might have “over-saturated” me. I am now trying to pace myself when I find an author who has several books out…
Maria K says
Hmm. Just read more blogs. Robert B. Parker may not fit this criteria but I think Mrs. Pollifax does. She is widowed, living alone and bored with the garden club and accidentally falls into a mystery. I hope other’s have read these delightful stories. I have introduced her to many friends, including new friends I have met in the library mystery section!
Maria K says
Yes Danna, that was my experience exactly. Found a Mrs. Pollifax story in a Readers Digest condensed book, went to the library and picked up all previous books and waited excitedly every year for a new one. Didn’t care as much for her other books. Thought I’d never find anything I liked so much as her until I found Agatha Raisin; repeated my new pattern with that series. I only recently started Hamish McBeth. Read a few, left it and now am back. Did you know there is a BBC series based (loosely) on the Macbeth series. Disappointing really, the actor isn’t tall and doesn’t have red hair! I am also looking for a new series. Will you please share what other series you have read? Going to library for Nancy Atherton book. Will let you know what I find.
Maria K says
Just remembered a series I loved that might fit. It is not British or set in Britain. Set in a retirement community in Florida. It’s the Godly Gold series by Rita Lakin. Four retired friends who solve mysteries. I loved them.
Maria K says
Woops. Just re-read my post. Should be Goldy Gold.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
I have read the first in Rita Lakin‘s Gladdy Gold series, and enjoyed it quite a bit…
Maria K says
I’ve enjoyed all in the series & waiting for the most recent. I am getting the hang of your blog & checked the list closer. Didn’t see Lakin’s name before. Sorry. Got a stack of new books at the library yesterday! Thanks for the blog.
Linda says
I love this Cozy web site. I can’t find some of these writers’ books in my local libraries , but when I can’t the librarians will try their best to find these for me. One writer that I just found new to me this week is Mike Befeler. The main sleuth is an 80 something year old man who has a short term memory loss and a young granddaughter.
This is a funny series. As far as I know Mr. Befeler only has 2 books out but I certainly hope he has a lot more.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Linda, for telling us about Mike Befeler. I see more and more mystery books that feature older sleuths…
Maria K says
Thanks Linda. I will add Befeler to my list. I have found my local librarians very helpful too. I just started reading Aunt Dimity & having a hard time relating to it. I hope it picks up soon.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Maria K, I always wonder about my reading taste when I try a really popular author and just can’t seem to “get into him/her.” I use my fifty page rule, and then try to shift the focus on the people who do like the popular author, and wonder what is wrong with their preferences in mystery-reading!
Maria K says
Yes! I should have done that with Aunt Dimity; read the whole thing and wished I hadn’t wasted my precious reading time. I thought it was sort of romance/mystery & I’m not fond of romance (in books). Made a goal to read all of Hamish MacBeth. Didn’t like them when I read it many years ago. Now I zip through them & thought about what you said about reading too fast but can’t seem to help myself. I am also enjoying Lorna Barrett. Hope she writes more (bookstore owners series).
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Maria K, I have tried to read mystery series that I once tried and didn’t like years before, except that I usually end up not liking them the second time around. You’re lucky that your re-tried the Hamish Macbeth series…
Maria K says
I do feel lucky. It feels like meeting someone I met a long time ago with whom I didn’t connect and meeting them again and finding we have more in common than I first thought. Kind of like making a new old friend. That sounds sort of corny but oh well!
Becca16 says
Wow. Here I am at the library searching for several series/authors online (after a VERY long day at work and no sleep, yet) when I stumble across this site. Would you believe I now have several miniscule pieces of papers in front of me with so many new leads I don’t even know where to begin? I’ve been getting into a variety of series, mostly ones having to do with cooking..and it shows
I just really REALLY hope I can find my way back here (no internet at home.) If you can, please email me some kind of contact info and I will DEFINITELY be adding you to my contact list. Thanx soo much and happy reading ya’ll!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
I’m sorry, Becca, but I am not sure what you are asking for… My site isn’t done via e-mail (I am guessing that this is what you are asking.)
Sorry I can’t be any help on this. Let me know exactly what it is you would like…