After talking about going on Facebook for a while, my husband finally convinced me to take the plunge. On December 17, 2013 I finally started my Cozy Mystery on Facebook. I should have known that my husband was simply having me test the water (so to speak) because it seemed like I had no sooner said yes, I’d give Facebook a try, when he started talking about the Cozy Mystery site going on Pinterest.
I have to admit that I had absolutely no knowledge of what Pinterest is about. I guess that I knew about Facebook because it had been around for so long… ten years? Over those ten years I had heard from people who tried to get me to go on Facebook. I would repeatedly answer that I was afraid I would spend way too much time looking up old high school, college, babysitting coop friends. I already felt like I spent enough time on the computer without having more distractions.
Fast forward ten years (since Facebook started) and now that I have the site on Facebook, I feel like, why not? Sure I can take another brave, new step and join Pinterest. So, the Cozy Mystery site is now on Pinterest. I am trying to get some of my major themes on my Cozy Mystery Pinterest page, but am finding that it is taking a little time for me to organize them the way I want them to be.
By the way, the Cozy Mystery Pinterest page has only been up about two weeks, and just this morning my husband asked me how I would feel about a Cozy Mystery Tweet? Now I have to go find out what the heck that’s all about!
Donna McLean says
Wow, Danna, I’m impressed.
I’m working on my writer’s page for FB right now, AND I just started a Pinterest page! Yours is better than mine, though. I’m still trying to figure out how it works. (My page is called Marvelous Mystery Book Covers).
Judy says
Lol. I’m laughing because I joined Pinterest to keep up with some of my favorite authors about 2 months ago and have yet to know what to do with it. Meanwhile family and friends are following me but there’s nothing to follow except a few things I somehow posted on there by accident. Right now trying to figure out how to use an IPod so I can get audio books of my e-books that I love. You are lucky your husband can help you with this. I guess I should ask mine because he’s smarter than I am with this stuff. Can’t wait to see how you make out with it. Good luck and have fun.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Judy, I don’t hesitate to ask my husband to help me with these new things. He’s really good about knowing how to figure things out, but sometimes I can see that he gets a little frustrated by my “can’t do” attitude.
Donna Mc says
Those are some very exciting developments, Danna! It’s a brave new world out there, and it seems to change by the moment. I follow Cozy-Mystery on FB but usually view this webpage to see all the comments. Twitter has been a great experience for me so far, and I recently ventured onto Pinterest but I’m still trying to figure out how to organize things. It seems to post pictures by most recent added and there’s no way to change it around, or is there? (My page is Marvelous Mystery Book Covers. I only post the ones I really like.)
Laurel says
I am addicted to Pinterest!!! Who knew it was possible to pin over a thousand pictures of super cute baby animals and old cemeteries.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Laurel, I wish you lived her in San Antonio! I would love to visit old cemeteries, but no one here seems interested in going. When my daughter and I visited Salem, I loved walking through and reading the epitaphs, and getting a feeling for those who lived there so many years ago.
Maria (BearMountainBooks) says
Here’s my pinterest:
I will go friend you. Here I am on twitter:
Cathy Seer Kundert says
I love Pinterest and I have already started to follow your Boards.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Cathy! I’m going to have to figure it out…
Dru says
I did Pinterest but I lost interest in it.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Dru, nice to see you here!
Tessa~ says
Oh! Oh! Oh! You must stifle your husband’s drive, to plug you into all the techy sites. Must! Must! Must! >,-) ‘Cause they will eat your time, and cause a great sucking sound, to surround you, every time you check in on one or the other, or the other, or the other…. Eeeeeeek!!!!!
Can you tell, I don’t care for a lot of them???? Only for blogging. ,-) Nahhhh, you couldn’t tell, could you? -chuckle-
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Tessa, so far it’s worked out great. I’m still getting the hang of Pinterest. It’s quite different than anything I’ve ever seen/been to.
Ann says
I have a Facebook page but didn’t think of Pinterest. Although I do like to go to it for ideas. There’s far too much stuff to sap your “free” time. Makes my head spin.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Ann, since I’m a little bit of an obsessive/compulsive oriented person, organizing my Pinterest page has turned out to be a lot of fun.
Susan M says
Thrilled!! to find you on Facebook and Pinterest! I just didn’t get Pinterest at first but now I love it! Really gets your creativity flowing! Love your website. So glad I can incorporate more of it into my Kindle experience!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Susan M, I’m glad you are enjoying the website.
Steph says
I am glad that you are learning about the different social sites. You will figure out what works for you. I personally like Twitter as there is a limited number of characters for an update, it looks clean and doesn’t eat up a lot of my time to scan through to see if there are any updates that I want to follow through on.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Steph, I visited a person’s Twitter page and it looks like she has to be on it all day long.
Melissa says
I really enjoy Pinterest! I’m now following you on Facebook and Pinterest. =)
Have a great weekend!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Melissa, I hope your weekend is great, also. Our daughter came home yesterday (she has a 3-day weekend) so we have been enjoying having her here.