There is one place that I can name where “Equal rights for women.” has been taken very seriously, and that is in the amateur sleuth mystery book realm. Let’s face it, men simply are a very tiny, itsy-bitsy minority in the amateur sleuth world!
I have received several letters from people asking that I include this theme. The latest letter is from Carla:
“I was wondering if you could add another theme to your list. It is very hard to find cozy mysteries with male protagonists. It seems that mysteries with male detectives seem to be more procedurals and have a harder edge. I prefer cozy mysteries with amateur detectives.”
Men as Amateur Sleuths in Cozy Mystery Series:
Peter Abresch: James P. Dandy Elderhostel Mystery Series (ex-physical therapist)
Bruce Alexander (aka Bruce Cook): Sir John Fielding Mystery Series (18th century judge)
Jeffrey Allen (aka Jeff Shelby): Stay at Home Dead (stay-at-home dad)
Margery Allingham: Albert Campion Mystery Series (semi nobility)
L.L. Bartlett (aka Lorna Barrett & Lorraine Bartlett: Jeff Resnick Mystery Series
Mike Befeler: Paul Jacobson Geezer Lit Mystery Series (octogenarian)
Lilian Jackson Braun: The Cat Who Mystery Series (journalist)
Simon Brett: Charles Paris Mystery Series (actor)
C. S. Challinor: Rex Graves Mystery Series (Scottish barrister)
G. K. Chesterton: Father Brown Mystery Series (British priest)
Jeffrey Cohen (aka E. J. Copperman): Aaron Tucker Mystery Series (stay-at-home dad)
Jeffrey Cohen (aka E. J. Copperman): Double Feature Mystery Series (owner of a theater)
Edmund Crispin: Gervaise Fen Mystery Series (Oxford professor)
Lindsey Davis: Marcus Didius Falco Mystery Series (ancient Roman detective)
Aaron Elkins: Gideon Oliver Mystery Series (professor of Anthropology)
Janet Gleeson: The Grenadillo Box (journeyman carpenter)
Lee Goldberg: Diagnosis Murder Mystery Series (doctor)
Jane Haddam: Gregor Demarkian Mystery Series (retired FBI agent)
The Hardy Boys: Credited under Franklin W. Dixon, but written by many ghost authors
Edward D. Hoch: Dr. Sam Hawthorn Mystery Series (country doctor)
Victoria Houston: Loon Lake Fishing Mystery Series (retired dentist)
Miranda James (aka Honor Hartman, Jimmie Ruth Evans, & Dean James): Cat in the Stacks Mystery Series (librarian)
Harry Kemelman: Rabbi Small Mystery Series (rabbi)
John J. Lamb: Bear Collectors’ Mystery Series (retired police detective)
Jane Langton: Homer Kelly Mystery Series (professor)
Peter Lovesey: Bertie, Prince of Wales Mystery Series
Charlotte MacLeod (aka Alisa Craig): Peter Shandy Mystery Series (professor)
Charlotte MacLeod (aka Alisa Craig): Sarah Kelling Mystery Series (Max Bittersohn)
Deborah Morgan: Antique Lovers’ Mystery Series (antiques dealer)
Tim Myers (aka Elizabeth Bright, Melissa Glazer, Chris Cavender, & Casey Mayes): Lighthouse Inn Mystery Series (lighthouse inn keeper) & Soapmaking Mystery Series & Candlemaking Mystery Series
Robin Paige (aka Susan Wittig Albert and husband Bill Albert): Kate Ardleigh Sheridan & Sir Charles Sheridan Mystery Series (Victorian, nobility)
Hugh Pentecost: Pierre Chambrun Mystery Series (hotel manager)
Ellis Peters: Brother Cadfael Mystery Series (Medieval herbalist monk)
Ellery Queen: Ellery Queen Mystery Series (mystery author)
David Roberts: Lord Edward Corinth Mystery Series (nobility)
Sax Rohmer: Fu Manchu Mystery Series
Sapper: Bulldog Drummond Mystery Series
Dorothy L. Sayers: Lord Peter Wimsey Mystery Series (nobility)
Steven Saylor: Roma Sub Rosa Mystery Series (one century B.C. Roman investigator)
Malcolm Shuman: Alan Graham Mystery Series
J. B. Stanley (aka Jennifer Stanley, Ellery Adams, & 1/2 of Lucy Arlington): Supper Club Mystery Series (“retired” professor, librarian)
Dornford Yates: Chandos Mystery Series
Margaret Yorke: Dr. Patrick Grant Mystery Series (professor)
Sherban Young: Stand Alones
If you know of any other Men as Amateur Sleuths in Cozy Mystery Series, please post a comment. Thank you!
***To access more Cozy Mysteries by Theme click on this link.***
Regina says
Danna, Mark Schweizer, Victoria Houston are 2 more authors to add to your list.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Regina, thank you for suggesting Mark Schweizer and Victoria Houston’s sleuths. The reason I didn’t add them to the list is because they aren’t “amateurs”…
Lynn T. says
In Victoria Houston’s Loon Lake Mysteries Doc Paul Osborne is a retired dentist who teams up with the female Police Chief Lew Ferris to solve crimes. Would consider Doc Osborne an amateur. The books are written around Doc Osborne’s activities and his relationships with the characters of Loon Lake. Lew uses Doc’s expertise with dental records, etc. Plus he is always there when the bad guy is captured. They are fishing buddies and Doc Osborne is interested in Lew romantically.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Lynn T., I just added Victoria Houston’s Loon Lake Fishing Mystery Series’ Doc Paul Osborne to the list of male sleuths.
Regina says
Don’t forget C.S. Challinor and Jane Haddam. I know her chief character is a retired FBI agent.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Regina, I just added Gregor Demarkian (ex-FBI agent) and Scottish barrister Rex Graves to the list of Male Amateur Sleuths.
Carrie says
How about …
G K Chesterton – Father Brown series
David Roberts – Edward Corinth & Verity Brown Series
Dornford Yates – Chandos series
Edmund Crispin – Gervaise Fen series
Dorothy L Sayers – Lord Peter Wimsey series
Sapper – Bulldog Drummond series
Margery Allingham – Campion series
I know there are some more, but I can’t think of them at the moment. If I have any light bulb moments I’ll add to the list.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Carrie, it looks like you alread had a “light bulb” moment! I actually read some of those series, and they totally slipped my mind. Thank you!
Bev says
Stay at Home Dead by Jeffrey Allen. Really enjoyed this first book of a new series.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Bev!
Angela says
Off the top of my head…Aaron Elkins Gideon series (he’s an anthropologist), and not sure if you are including teams in the list but Robin Paige (AKA Sue Albert Wittig) Victorian series is a husband/wife team and share pretty equal time as the POV character.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Angela. And, good grief to my memory!
Deb says
I love John Lamb’s Bear Collector’s mysteries! The hero, Brad Lyon is a retired policeman; he and his wife run Lyon’s Tigers and Bears, for which they craft bears I’d love to buy!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Deb, I’m currently making a list of all the male amateur sleuths, and then I’ll post it. I have just added John J. Lamb’s Bear Collector’s Mystery Series to that list.
ginger says
Paul Jacobson in Geezer Mysterys by Mike Belefer
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Ginger, I just added Mike Befeler to the list.
Kay says
Peter Shandy in Charlotte MacLeod’s Balaclava College series. He’s a bachelor agriculture professor with a cat named Jane Austen. Then he marries a librarian. That should give you a clue!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Kay, Charlotte MacLeod’s Peter Shandy Mystery Series is one of my favorites. Thank you for reminding me.
Sue says
Mark Schweizer, liturgical mysteries. Sleuth is chief of police/ organist. Laugh out loud funny.
Tim myer, lighthouse mysteries. Male innkeeper is the sleuth.
There is also a series with a sleuth Homer somebody. Just can’t remember his name.
Oh and the Rabbi books by Harry Kemelman. Emma Lathen’s books with the banker.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Sue, I just added Tim Myers, Jane Langton, and Harry Kemelman.
susie calkins says
Great question! I think Charles Finch’s Charles Lenox would qualify as a cozy arm-chair detective. Maybe Agatha Christie’s Tommy (and Tuppence) too? I can’t remember what his occupation was though. And of course the intrepid Hardy Boys, ha ha!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you for the suggestions, Susie.
(PS >>> Tommy Beresford was a private detective.)
susie calkins says
oh that’s right! I loved all those when I was younger, I just haven’t read them in years. Tommy and Tuppence were my first experience with a partner-solving duo (other than Judy Bolton
susie calkins says
Come to think of it, what about Ellery Queen? I thought I remembered he’s an amateur sleuth.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Right you are, Susie. Ellery was a mystery author.
linda c says
I picked up 2 Dorothy Sayers’ books at a garage sale. I hate to be without a book to read at any time. These two particular books were old paperbacks that I can place in my purse.
Are any of you other mystery readers that way? So long as I have something good to read I am never bored. A lot of times darling hubby will “just run into the store” for something and will forget that I am waiting in the car for him. I don’t mind that so much so long as I have a good book handy.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda C, I never go anywhere without my audio book. I have it in my car, and when I go into places, I take it with me.
ginger says
Never leave the house without at least 5 books in dallas cowboys slingbag. Always have book with me.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Yikes, Ginger! You live in Louisiana and you have a Dallas Cowboys bag?!? As one who lives in Texas, sounds great to me!
Maria (BearMountainBooks) says
Sherban Young has some. I’ve read one of them and it was good. Kind of dry wit for the humor and a good plot. I have another of his on my TBR.
*Susan says
Deborah Morgan’s ‘Antique Lovers’ series, has a male sleuth. Jeff Talbot. An ex-FBI agent turned antique dealer.
The Grenadillo Box by Janet Gleeson is a historical mystery with another male sleuth – Nathaniel Hopson, a journeyman carpenter.
I know somebody has already mentioned Tim Myers’ Lighthouse Inn Mysteries . He also writes the Soap-Making Mysteries featuring Benjamin Perkins, and also the Candleshop Mysteries featuring Harrison Black.
I think we could also sneak most of Sax Rohmer’s work in here, as well. (Author of Fu Manchu and multiple other series.)
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, *Susan, I’ve just added all of them to the list.
Nita R says
Lilian Jackson Braun’s The Cat Who series has Jim Qwilleran.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Nita R.
Maria (BearMountainBooks) says
Also Tim Cockey (The Hearse series.) What about Wodehouse? The Jeeves Mysteries? They are on my TBR, but I haven’t read them yet.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Maria, although I enjoy P. G. Wodehouse‘s Jeeves and Wooster, they aren’t mysteries. I see that Sherban Young, one of the authors you recommended for this list of Men as Sleuths, is likened to a modern day Wodehouse. So, you will probably enjoy P. G. Wodehouse.
Maria (BearMountainBooks) says
Sherban Young, at least the books I did read, were mysteries. And I’ve seen that comparison so I guess I assumed the Wodehouse were mysteries. Interesting. Thanks for the tip.
Edie Dykeman says
I didn’t realize there were that many male amateur sleuths. I read the Albert Campion series many years ago, and of course the Ellery Queen mysteries. A new list to start working through – how cool! Thanks for this new challenge.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Edie, I have gotten several requests for Men as Sleuths in Mysteries over the years. I decided it was finally time to do something about this theme.
Nina says
Don’t forget the Charlie Paris series, he is an actor. Also Hugh Pentacoast’s Pierre Chambrun series, he manages a New York Hotel and Edward Hoch Short stories with Dr Sam Hawthorn.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Nina, I’ll go add Simon Brett’s Charles Paris Mystery Series, Edward D. Hoch, and Hugh Pentecost to the list.
Penny W says
Oh, I ADORE Hugh Pentecost — I had forgotten all about him – read tons of his stuff during college!
linda says
Danna, I know from time to time we discuss reading the series type mysteries out of order. I sort of learned my lesson this week NOT TO DO THAT!! I didn’t read Stewart Woods’ “Son of Stone,” novel because I thought this was going to be another story like the new “Dallas” TV show. So didn’t think anything different could happen in that particular book other than Stone’s son being a chip off the old block, if you will.. I thought it was going to be just another same old, same old. Then when I started reading “Unnatual Acts” by this author I only got to the 1st page when I discoved one of the main characters throughout the book had died!! Darn it!! This happens to me quite often.
I was able to pick up “Son of Stone” today at the library. I will read that one 1st.
When am I going to learn!!
By the way. I loved the old “Dallas” tv show and I haven’t seen this new one yet. Bringing new TV shows on during baseball season just doesn’t cut it for me. Hope the new series will be on this winter.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda, you must be ecstatic about the new Dallas television show. I’m surprised you are waiting until the winter schedule to watch it. I have never watched Dallas, but have heard about the time when one of the characters woke up from a dream and voided out the entire season…
linda says
Danna, That scene with Bobbie waking up in the shower was pretty hokie. It just killed the whole series for me. For one thing, a lot of the other plots from the previous season were still in the new series. I have some very real dreams but this was from the TV show “The Twilight Zone.
By the way, when I wrote about the Stewart series I didn’t realize there was another book in between ‘Son Of Stone” and “Unnatural Acts.” That book is ‘D.C. Dead”. Regardless I read all 3 books over the weekend and they were good books, not cozies though!!
One thing I like about Stewart Woods’ books is they are fast paced books. The chapters are short and there isn’t a lot of background infomation. I think a person would almost have to read the entire series to get much out of these last 3 books. I have read all of the books in this series.
There is explicit bad language and although there is a lot of sex, except for a few places, the sex isn’t step by step. I just glide past those places in the stories.
This series is not for the faint of heart and definitely not for kids!!
One thing readers will see for sure is that “The Rich Are Different.”
I love baseball! I didn’t even watch “Design Star” this year on HGTV because of the baseball games.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda, I wondered if that year’s other Dallas plots all “dissolved” when Bobby woke up from his dream, or if just his death was a dream. Good grief! Talk about “taking liberties” with the public!
Penny W says
Peter E. Abresch’s A Jim Dandy Elderhostel Mystery Series
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Penny, I just added Peter Abresch to the list of authors with men as their amateur sleuths.
Jeannie says
I love this site. I use it all the time to keep track of what books to read next.
I don’t find Gwendoline Butler and her John Coffin series. I have a copy someone lent to me, but I have no idea what other books are in the series. Help please!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Welcome to the site, Jeannie. Here are Gwendoline Butler’s John Coffin mystery books in chronological order:
The Interloper
Death Lives Next Door (aka Dine and Be Dead)
Make Me a Murderer
Coffin in Oxford
A Coffin for Baby
Coffin Waiting
Coffin in Malta
A Nameless Coffin
Coffin Following
Coffin’s Dark Number
A Coffin from the Past
Coffin on the Water
Coffin in Fashion
Coffin Underground
Coffin in the Black Museum (aka Coffin in the Museum of Crime)
Coffin and the Paper Man
Coffin on Murder Street
Cracking Open a Coffin
A Coffin for Charley
The Coffin Tree
A Dark Coffin
A Double Coffin
Coffin’s Game
A Grave Coffin
Coffin’s Ghost
A Cold Coffin
Coffin Knows the Answer
Ellen says
For the Men as Sleuths list:
Margaret Yorke – Dr. Patrick Grant
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Ellen, I’m going to go add Dr. Patrick Grant to the list of Mystery Books with Men as Sleuths.
C. M. Albrecht says
In my novel “Deadly Reception”, Chef Merle Blanc dons his apron and cooks a killer’s goose. Here are a few syllables about his case:
When elderly millionaire Goldberg gets ready to remarry, it’s only natural he should book Le Merle Blanc, the finest restaurant in the city, for his wedding and reception.
Unfortunately most of his family is against the marriage. Most of the bride’s family is against the marriage…and most of his employees are against the marriage too.
There’s a lot at stake here, not just unrequited love and mistrust, but the future of a company and millions of dollars.
When Goldberg drops dead during his luncheon, his personal doctor declares it a natural death. The man had a very bad heart, the stress of the wedding itself…he drank too much whiskey and smoked too many cigars…and along with his nitro pills he’d been popping Viagra…(!)
But Chef Blanc, he has the nose, and the nose he smells the foul play. Chef Blanc calls the police. They come, but the coroner agrees that the doctor is probably right. Pending an autopsy, Goldberg’s death appears to be perfectly natural.
But wait! To murder a man in his restaurant during a repast he has personally overseen, ah…this is an insult Chef Blanc cannot tolerate. He will see justice done, but can he keep the police and some forty guests in his restaurant long enough to prove that his famous nose never errs?
Impeccable, vous me direz !
Deadly Reception from http://www.writewordsinc. (Print from Cambridge Books).
My sites are and
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, C. M., for telling us about Deadly Reception.
Jerry B says
Delighted to find your site, disappointed to see major male historical mystery crime solvers omitted (actually some show up on other lists but were inadvertently omitted for male detectives). Don’t see why all mystery solvers need be amateurs. Sir John Fielding (also a real person) invented a number of crime procedures that didn’t exist before, a case where an amateur changed how crimes were dealt with. These seem tame in terms of sex and violence, so they seem cozy to me:
Falco series by Lindsey Davis
Gordianus the Finder series by Steven Saylor
Sir John Fielding series by Bruce Alexander
Cadfael series by Ellis Peters
Good luck in your ongoing list making. It is a very valuable contribution.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Jerry B, for all of the reminders about men as sleuths. The reason I didn’t include non-amateurs in the list is because that list would then include every police procedural mystery book… Way too many to list!
Seeing that Ellis Peters’ Brother Cadfael Mystery Series is one of my favorites >>> Shame on me for not starting the list with it!
Rochelle says
Lee Goldberg brought back Dr. Mark Sloan in an 8 book series of Diagnosis Murder Books.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Rochelle, I just added Lee Goldberg’s Diagnosis Murder Mystery Series to the Men as Sleuths theme.
grannyfrye says
This note has to do with people like myself that love mysteries, especially cozy, and sometimes buy books they already have on the shelf. Well if you buy from Amazon, one of the things I like most about them when I buy a book or a DVD, they will tell you at the top of the screen when you bought it and the date. I don’t know of any other bookstore that does that.
I like the mysteryguild and buy books and get a suggestion because I have ordered a best seller and have to go to the trouble to write and embarrass myself…they didn’t think of the idea; so usually get backs from Amazon. Thank you for many books (new authors) I now enjoy because of books.
thank you and smiles.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Grannyfrye, I’m glad you have been able to find new-to-you authors who you are enjoying!
grannyfrye says
Hi, me again; I love going to used bookstores too and sometimes find books (oldies) I call Treasures.
One of them is by George Simenon….a French Policeman or he is called Inspector Maigret of Paris. Usually in French, but thank goodness have been translated into English.
As a young woman I read some of (all his books) they had at the library where I lived…..Now I am an old women, retired and love to read… Alibri used book store I came across some of his books, forgot the author is George Simenon. I read some of his earlier books 50 yrs ago so it is a delight to find some more. These are VERY GOOD mysteries.
Hope you find the author at your library or a used bookstore. I guarantee you will love him. smile.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Grannyfrye, I have George Simenon on the Cozy Mystery site. Also, have you seen the British television series Maigret Collection with Michael Gambon? Call your library and see if they carry them. They are a treat to watch.
John C says
Another Men as Sleuths series is the Chief Inspector Armand Gamache series by Louise Penny. His mysteries take place in Three Pines, a small community in Quebec, Canada near the US border. The village has its share of unusual individuals and when a murder occurs, the Inspector of the Surete du Quebec must travel in with his team to solve them .
RK in Denver says
Don’t forget Charlotte MacLeod/Alisa Craig’s stories — she has several series, and two of them had male amateurs.
— Professor Peter Shandy, in her wacky academic mysteries centered around Balaclava Agricultural College
— Max Bittersohn of her Sarah Kelling series. He is only sort-of an amateur, as he’s a specialist in art theft. But he’s not police, so I don’t know if he counts or not.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Shame on me, RK in Denver! I actually read both of those series! Thanks for the reminder…
Susan M says
Jeffrey Cohen’s Double Feature series is also very good. The main character is a man who owns and operates a movie theater and only shows classic films. This is the only series I have read with a male sleuth. I found him to be relatable and quite funny. I was really disappointed that he did not continue the series.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Susan M, I just added Jeffrey Cohen’s other mystery series to the list of Mystery Books with Men as (Amateur) Sleuths.
April says
I am looking for an author of older books – he is a stay at home dad – has a dog, 2 kids, and wife in school. One book was about a friend in town who grew flowers – and he also had a young person who was good with computers – he was a great dad. Can you help me with the author? His books are not new, about 90s or early 2000 I taking – thanks for any help
Susan* says
One more – Malcolm Shuman. His Alan Graham is an archaeologist & historian based in Louisiana.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Susan*, thank you. I just added Malcolm Shuman to the list of Men as Sleuths theme list.
Liz says
The Jeff Resnick mysteries by L.L. Bartlett. Jeff Resnick is an amateur detective who gains some sort of extrasensory perception after suffering head trauma. A good mystery series for those who like a touch of paranormal.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Liz, thank you! Shame on me for not already having Jeff Resnick on the men as main sleuth theme!
Candy says
Thanks for this great list,most of which I was unaware of.Too many books so little time.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Candy, unfortunately there are so few male sleuths in our Cozies. However, there are lots of male side-kicks >>> usually in the form of a boyfriend detective…
Susan* says
Raymond Buckland’s “Bram Stoker Mysteries’ feature sleuth Harry Rivers. He is stage manager for the (as yet unknown) author of Dracula.
At the time, Stoker was manager of the Lyceum theatre in Victorian London and he appears as a major character in the books.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Susan, again, I’ll have to take a look at that one and thank you for the suggestion.
Kristen says
What about the Hardy Boys?
Aren’t they consider male sleuths in cozies?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Kristen, that’s a very valid suggestion… I’ve added them to the list.
Donna Walo Clancy says
The Shipwreck Café Mysteries features Jay Hallett as the main character. It also includes ghosts in the series. By Donna Walo Clancy 3 in the series so far and #4 will be out in July
Mark says
There’s a book series that I’ve been trying to figure out too. I don’t remember very much about it but it had an older man in it and I wanna say his nephew or younger friend? There was a murder in it (I think in mississippi or in the bayou?) and the old man is like brilliant or extremely smart. It was an old book That I found at my nanas house and I think it was my dads book. I think the main character has 2 initials as his first name. I think it was a series and could be from the 40s or 50s
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Mark, I’m not sure who this could be, so I’ve put it up as part of a front page post.
Diana Leagh Matthews says
M.C. Beaton wrote the Hamish MacBeth series. I believe there are 34 books.
Kristen says
How about adding Father Dowling Mysteries by Ralph McInerny? He also wrote under: Harry Austin, Matthew FitzRalph, Ernan Mackey, Edwin Mackin, & Monica Quill.
Karen T. says
Hi. Love this site and appreciate your hard work. Also thelike reading the comments that are quite informative. I wanted to add that my hubby really super enjoyed the Heathcliff Lennox series by Karen Baugh Menuhin. Heathcliff is a male amateur sleuth who befriends the local constable in England. There’s some humor and good “who-done-it” mysteries. I believe there are eight books.
Neil Plakcy says
The hero of my golden retriever mysteries is a middle aged guy.
Penelope says
I don’t believe I saw John Gaspard’s Elli Marks mystery series on your wonderful list (Magician). This a Cozy series with humor and magic nicely woven into the plot. There are 8 or so books in the series. Light and fun and always leave me smiling. I’ve reread each book twice+.
Jim says
In listing books with men as sleuths, please don’t forget a two-for-one: Archie and Nero
Jim says
Another missing classic male sleuth duo is Holmes and Watson.