I have had several comments and letters asking me to compile a list of Mysteries with Recipes. At first I thought this would be a rather daunting theme. I mean, I don’t read all of the authors who happen to have recipes in their Cozy Mysteries. Obviously I know which of my favorite authors include recipes in their mysteries, but what about those who I don’t read? And what about those authors of mysteries who I do read, but have forgotten they include recipes?
Aha, that’s where you ALL come in. If you know of an author of mysteries books who I have forgotten to include, who has recipes in his/her books, please post a comment.
Authors Who Write Mysteries with Recipes:
Avery Aames (aka Daryl Wood Gerber): Cheese Shop Mystery Series
Kathy Aarons: Chocolate Covered Mystery Series
Allyson K. Abbott (aka Annelise Ryan & Beth Amos): Mack’s Bar Mystery Series (both alcoholic and non drinks)
Kristi Abbott: Gourmet Popcorn Shop Mystery Series
Ellery Adams (aka Jennifer Stanley, J. B. Stanley, & 1/2 of Lucy Arlington): Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery Series
Riley Adams (aka Elizabeth Spann Craig & Elizabeth Craig): Memphis BBQ Mystery Series
Susan Wittig Albert: Darling Dahlia Mystery Series
Susan Wittig Albert: China Bayles Mystery Series
Ellie Alexander: Bakeshop Mystery Series
Connie Archer: Soup Lover’s Mystery Series
Nancy Atherton: Aunt Dimity and the Lost Prince from the Aunt Dimity Mystery Series
Judy Baer: Recipes and Wooden Spoons (Book #3 in Tales from Grace Chapel Hill)
Mignon F. Ballard: Augusta Goodnight Mystery Series
Lorna Barrett (aka Lorraine Bartlett & L. L. Bartlett): Booktown Mystery Series
Jessica Beck: Donut Shop Mystery Series
Maymee Bell (aka Tonya Kappes): Southern Cake Baker Mystery Series
Claudia Bishop (aka Mary Stanton): The Case of the Ill-Gotten Goat from Casebook of Dr McKenzie Mystery Series
Claudia Bishop (aka Mary Stanton): Hemlock Falls Mystery Series
Bethany Blake: Lucky Paws Petsitting Mystery Series (recipes for pets)
Miranda Bliss (aka Kylie Logan & Casey Daniels): Cooking Class Mystery Series
Jacklyn Brady (aka Sherry Lewis): A Piece of Cake Mystery Series
Kathleen Bridge: Hamptons Home & Garden Mystery Series
Julia Buckley: Undercover Dish Mystery Series
Leslie Budewitz: Food Lovers’ Village Mystery Series and Seattle Spice Shop Mystery Series
Lucy Burdette (aka Roberta Isleib): Key West Food Critic Mystery Series
V.M. Burns: RJ Franklin Mystery Series
Janet Cantrell (aka Kaye George): Fat Cat Mystery Series (recipes for people and cat treats)
Grace Carroll (aka Carol Culver): Accessory Mystery Series
Sammy Carter: Candy Shop Mystery Series
Bailey Cates (aka Crickey McRae): Magical Bakery Mystery Series
Chris Cavender (aka Elizabeth Bright, Melissa Glazer, Casey Mayes, & Tim Myers): Pizza Lovers Mystery Series
Laura Childs: Tea Shop Mysteries AND Scrapbooking Mysteries AND Cackleberry Club Mystery Series
Peg Cochran (aka Meg London ): Gourmet De-Lite Mystery Series
Peg Cochran (aka Meg London): Cranberry Cove Mystery Series
Nancy Coco (aka Nancy J. Parra): Candy-Coated Mystery Series
Susan Conant & Jessica Conant-Park: Gourmet Girl Mystery Series
Sheila Connolly (aka Sarah Atwell): Orchard Mystery Series
J. J. Cook (aka Joyce and Jim Lavene): Sweet Pepper Fire Brigade Mystery Series
Maya Corrigan: Five-Ingredient Mystery Series
Shelley Costa: Miracolo Mystery Series
Cleo Coyle (aka Alice Kimberly): Coffee House Mystery Series
Philip R. Craig: Martha’s Vineyard Mystery Series
Isis Crawford (aka Barbara Block): Mysteries with Recipes Mystery Series
Carol Culver (aka Grace Carroll): Pie Shop Mystery Series
Kathi Daley: Zoe Donovan Mystery Series
Diane Mott Davidson: Goldy Bear Mystery Series
Krista Davis: Domestic Diva Mystery Series
Krista Davis: Paws and Claws Mystery Series (recipes for both pets and their owners)
Maddie Day (aka Edith Maxwell & Tace Baker): Country Store Mystery Series
Gale Deitch: Trudie Fine Mystery Series
Devon Delaney: Cook-Off Mystery Series
Christine DeSmet: Fudge Shop Mystery Series
Denise Dietz: Diet Club Mystery Series
Leighann Dobbs: Lexy Baker Mystery Series
Peggy Ehrhart: Knit & Nibble Mystery Series
Nancy Fairbanks (aka Nancy Herndon): Culinary Food Writer Mystery Series
Amanda Flower (aka Isabella Alan): Amish Candy Shop Mystery Series
Joanne Fluke: Hannah Swensen Mystery Series
Sarah Fox: Pancake House Mystery Series
Susan Furlong (aka Lucy Arlington & Susan Furlong-Bolliger): Georgia Peach Mystery Series
Rosie Genova: Italian Kitchen Mystery Series
Daryl Wood Gerber (aka Avery Aames): Cookbook Nook Mystery Series
Debra H. Goldstein : Sarah Blair Mystery Series (quick and easy recipes)
Sarah Graves: Death by Chocolate Mystery Series
Kerry Greenwood: Corinna Chapman Mystery Series
Nancy Haddock: Silver Six Crafty Mystery Series
Gemma Halliday: Wine & Dine Mystery Series
Victoria Hamilton: Merry Muffin Mystery Series
Susannah Hardy (aka Sadie Hartwell): Greek to Me Mystery Series
B. B. Haywood: Candy Holliday Mystery Series
Betty Hechtman: Yarn Retreat Mystery Series
A.L. Herbert: Mahalia Watkins Soul Food Mystery Series
Lee Hollis: Hailey Powell Food & Cocktail Mystery Series
Mary Ellen Hughes: Pickled and Preserved Mystery Series
Julie Hyzy: White House Chef Mystery Series
Leslie Karst: Sally Solari Mystery Series
Tina Kashian: Kebab Kitchen Mystery Series
Josi S. Kilpack: Culinary Mystery Series
Kelly Lane: Olive Grove Mystery Series
Joyce and Jim Lavene (aka J.J. Cook & Ellie Grant): Pumpkin Patch Mystery Series
Elizabeth Lee (aka Elizabeth Kane Buzzelli): Nut House Mystery Series
Liz Lipperman (aka Lizbeth Lipperman): Clueless Cook Mystery Series
Kylie Logan (aka Miranda Bliss & Casey Daniels): Chili Cook-Off Mystery Series
Kylie Logan (aka Miranda Bliss & Casey Daniels): Ethnic Eats Mystery Series
Colette London: Chocolate Whisperer Mystery Series
Virginia Lowell: Cookie Cutter Shop Mystery Series
Karen MacInerney: Gray Whale Inn Mystery Series
Edith Maxwell (aka Maddie Day & Tace Baker): Local Foods Mystery Series
Jenn McKinlay (aka Lucy Lawrence & Josie Belle): Cupcake Bakery Mystery Series
Donna McLean: Ms. Tilda’s Best Recipes (cookbook related to the Sparrow Falls Mystery Series)
Liz Mugavero: Pawsitively Organic Gourmet Pet Food Mystery Series (includes pet treat recipe)
Ann Myers: Santa Fe Cafe Mystery Series
Tim Myers (aka Elizabeth Bright, Melissa Glazer, Chris Cavender, Casey Mayes, Jessica Beck, & D.B. Morgan): Candlemaking Mystery Series
Katherine Hall Page: Faith Fairchild Mystery Series
Nancy J. Parra (aka Nancy Coco): Baker’s Treat Mystery Series
Allison Cesario Paton: Mrs. Bundle Mystery Series
Andrea Penrose: Lady Arianna Regency Mystery Series
Cate Price: Deadly Notions Mystery Series
Hannah Reed (aka Deb Baker): Queen Bee Mystery Series
Virginia Rich: Eugenia Potter Mystery Series
Delia Rosen: Deadly Deli Mystery Series
Ann B. Ross: Miss Julia Stirs Up Trouble from the Miss Julia Mystery Series
Michele Scott: Wine Lover’s Mystery Series
Paige Shelton: Farmers’ Market Mysteries AND Country Cooking School Mystery Series
Joanna Cambell Slan: Kiki Lowenstein Scrab-N-Craft Mystery Series
Karen Rose Smith: Daisy’s Tea Garden Mystery Series
J. B. Stanley (aka Jennifer Stanley, Ellery Adams, 1/2 of Lucy Arlington): Supper Club Mystery Series
Lou Jane Temple: Spice Box Historical Mystery Series
Gayle Trent (aka Amanda Lee): Daphne Martin Cake Mystery Series
Teresa Trent: Pecan Bayou Mystery Series
Diane Vallere: Costume Shop Mystery Series
Ann Waldron: Princeton Murders Mystery Series
Livia J. Washburn: Fresh-Baked Mystery Series
Kirsten Weiss: Doyle Mystery Series – Susan Witsend is the owner of a UFO themed bed and breakfast. These mysteries contain breakfast recipes in them.
Melinda Wells (aka Linda Palmer): Della Cooks Mystery Series
Christine Wenger: Comfort Food Mystery Series
Linda Wiken (aka Erika Chase): Dinner Club Mystery Series
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Here are some Recipe Books by Cozy Mystery Authors:
Ellery Adams, Deb Baker, Lorraine Bartlett, Kate Collins, Maggie Sefton, Leann Sweeney, & Heather Webber: The Cozy Chicks Kitchen
Tea Time with the Cozy Chicks – Ellery Adams, Lorraine Bartlett, Duffy Brown, Kate Collins, Mary Kennedy, Mary Jane Maffini, Maggie Sefton, & Leann Sweeney >>> Recipes, Tea Menus, and More!
Patricia Cornwell: Scarpetta’s Winter Table
Diane Mott Davidson: Goldy’s Kitchen Cookbook
Joanne Fluke’s Lake Eden Cookbook: Hannah Swensen’s Recipes from the Cookie Jar
Nancy Lynn Jarvis, editor: Cozy Food: 128 Cozy Mystery Writers Share Their Favorite Recipes
Julie Murphy & Sally Abney Stempinski: The Cat Who … Cookbook
Katherine Hall Page: Have Faith in Your Kitchen
The Cozy Cookbook: More than 100 Recipes from Today’s Bestselling Mystery Authors (with Avery Aames, Ellery Adams, Leslie Beudewitz, Laura Childs, Cleo Coyle, Victoria Hamilton, B.B. HAywood, Julie Hyzy, Jenn McKinlay, & Paige Shelton)
Here are some more of my CULINARY – COOKING THEMES:
Cozy Mystery Authors with Culinary Themes: A – D
Cozy Mystery Authors with Culinary Themes: F – K
Cozy Mystery Authors with Culinary Themes: L – R
Cozy Mystery Authors with Culinary Themes: S – W Plus Some!
Cozy Mystery Authors with Culinary Themes: Even More!
Where to Start with Culinary Cozy Mystery Series…
For any additions or corrections, please post a comment. Thank you!
♦To access a whole lot more Cozy Mysteries by Theme click on this link.♦
Betti says
Kerry Greenwood’s Corinna Chapman series
Jacklyn Brady’s A Piece of Cake Mystery
Betti says
Miranda Bliss’s A Cooking Class Mystery
Michele H says
Another one is Michele Scott’s Wine Lovers mysteries. There were 5 books, and she included recipes for all of the food dishes.
Andrea KPM says
I would add the author Jacklyn Brady who writes the “A Piece of Cake Mystery” series set at a cake shop in New Orleans. Fun Southern characters, delicious Southern food (not just desserts) and good mysteries. The author is acknowledged to be a pseudonym for a mystery and romance author, but I don’t know who it is. The first book is called A Sheetcake Named Desire. Penguin is the publisher and I think the third book just came out recently.
DatPixieGirl says
The new-ish “Magical Bakery Mystery” series by Bailey Cates has recipes; specific baked items are featured/described in the story, with recipes at the end of each book. There are two out so far (‘Brownies and Broomsticks’ and ‘Bewitched, Bothered, and Biscotti’), with the next book due out in November.
Sandy G says
Philip R Craig’s mysteries also include recipes.
Annette says
Connie Archer set in a soup and sandwich shop has recipes for both just read them very good reads
Carol Culver set in a Pie shop has recipes for pies of course…just read these also enjoyable reads.
Judith says
Mignon Ballard started adding recipes to her later Augusta Goodnight mysteries
Lois says
She isn’t a cozy mystery writer, but Patricia Cornwell’s Scarpetta has a book, Scarpetta’s Winter Table that is quite cozy and has directions for some fun (and calorie laden) dishes. It is short, a novelette, and is now out of print but many libraries have it. Barnes & Noble list used copies through their Marketplace sellers, but like all used print books the price has gone up sharply. Today there are 4 listed varying in price from $10.74 to $109.94.
Deb says
Josi Kilpack writes a series with good recipes and mysteries.
Kathryn B says
Thanks for sharing….two of my favorite subjects…cozies and cookbooks!
Patti S. says
Nancy Atherton and the Aunt Dimnity books.
Sharon says
There are recipes in the Darling Dahlia series by Susan Wittig Albert. Love the series, enjoy reading the recipes, and Florabelles Soda Bread was a big hit at this house.
apple says
I’m not sure if you count them as cosies, but there is a Miss Julia series by Ann B Ross . The most current one has recipes.
And what about that woman who is a food writer, can’t think of the characters name, Nancy something. her husband is a Professor?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
apple, the food writer is the Culinary Food Writer Mysteries by Nancy Fairbanks (aka Nancy Herndon).
Lee Ann says
A Catered Mysteries by Isis Crawford—sisters who own a bakery and do catering on the side their father is a former police chief in their small town.
Susan* says
I’ve just realised that Nancy Atherton’s wonderful books include recipes in the back, but I see I’ve been beaten to it!
But… Three others that haven’t yet been mentioned, are Claudia Bishop “The Case of the Ill-Gotten Goat” from the Casebook of Dr McKenzie’ series, Sammy Carter’s ‘Chocolate Shop’ mysteries, and Lou Jane Temple’s ‘Spice Box Mysteries’.
Temple is also the author of another ‘foodie’ series, which I haven’t read. Possibly someone else might be able to say if they have recipes as well?
Eleanor says
There are recipes in the Lou Jane Temple’s Heaven Lee books as well. I was surprised only the Spice Box series was listed.
Laura says
I mean, who doesn’t have recipes at the end of their book?
Lorna Barrett’s “Booktown Mysteries” do, too.
Julia says
Betty Hechtman just started a new series with a main character who is a baker who runs knitting retreats on the side (a business she inherited from her aunt). There’s only one book in the series so far (it just came out, as a matter of fact), but it did contain an excellent recipe at the end, as well as a knitting project (I’m not a knitter so I confess I skipped over that). I’m assuming future books in the series will contain them as well.
Also, Andrea Penrose’s Regency mysteries all contain various recipes for chocolate at the beginning of each chapter (her character is transcribing her husband’s grandmother’s cherished ‘receipt’ book, and testing out the recipes as she goes). The recipes are antique, I suspect some of the ingredients would be hard to obtain these days, and personally I don’t think I would attempt any of them simply because I lack what I feel is the most neccessary ingredient for this type of ornate cooking – a kitchen staff. But they do sound delicious.
Ann says
Some of the ladies in our book club often bring dishes made from recipes that they’ve found in the back of cozies. It’s a delightful addition.
MJ says
Danna, this certainly is a daunting task! Perhaps you could keep this blog open, so if we happen to read a book a month or two from now and notice it has recipes we can let you know.
Susan Wittig Albert – China Bayles. There are recipes in some of the books in this series also, especially after they opened the tea shop.
Virginia Lowell – Cookie Cutter Shop Mysteries
Liz Lipperman – Clueless Cook Mysteries
Melinda Wells – Della Cooks
Grace Carroll (aka Carol Culver) – Accessory Murders (2 recipes in latest book)
Some series have just one recipe in a book, so I don’t know if you want to include them in this list or not:
Shelley Costa – Italian Restaurant Cozy Mystery – 1 recipe (relating to title).
Betty Hechtman – Yarn Retreat Mysteries – 1 recipe ( I don’t know if the Crochet Mysteries have a recipe in them or not.)
Danna - cozy mystery list says
MJ, I’ll definitely leave this entry open.
(I try to only close the entries that are the end-of-the-month recommendations.)
Julie F says
Another older series that I really miss … the Iris House B&B Mysteries by Jean Hager…culinary mysteries are what first drew me to reading cozies….
Elaine G says
Chris Cavender’s Pizza Lover’s mystery series
Julia says
I confess, there are two or three mystery novels I keep in my kitchen cabinet with my cookbooks instead of in a bookcase. In these cases the value of the recipes outweighs the chances that I would want to reread the books (or in one case, even finish the book).
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Julia, now that is crazy! Imagine a mystery author who has better recipes that writes mysteries?!?
M. Burns says
I tried the recipe for ribs and pulled pork from Krista Davis’s Domestic Diva series. My family and friends love it. It is one of our favorites for parties. Was happy to find the soda bread recipe from The Darling Dahlias. I remember my mother making soda bread.
Ginny says
There is a new series starting by J. J. Cook called the Sweet Pepper Brigade mysteries. The first(only) book has recipes in it also.
Connie says
Cricket McRae writes a series of home crafting mysteries, which include “recipes” for soaps, body butters, scrubs and the like. She also loves to cook and volunteers at an organic farm so the character is always talking about great food and cooking with natural ingredients.
NitaR says
I just finished a book by J.B. Stanley, The first of the supper club mystery series. This is a new author who I just love. Danna this site never ceases to amaze me. It has so much more info than the info desk at the library. Thank you again for having such a wonderful site.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks for the very kind words about the site, NitaR. I’m glad you’re enjoying J. B. Stanley’s Supper Club Mysteries.
Sunnybythesea says
I am trying to think of the name of a mystery writer and I think she was a food columnist or critic, too. Wrote her books maybe in the 1960-70’s or ??? I think her first initials were M.K. Does anyone know? Remember? Help!!!! Thanks!!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Sorry, Sunnybythesea, the author doesn’t ring a bell with me. At first I thought you might be talking about Nancy Fairbanks, but was quite surprised to see that her first was from 2001. For some reason it seemed like it had been longer…
Sunnybythesea says
Alice Bryant says
I associate the initials with M.K.Fisher, don’t know if she wrote mysteries.
Judith says
Are you thinking of M.K. Wren, the author of the Conan Flagg books?
Sunnybythesea says
Thanks, but that is not it….
June says
Please add my Cealie Gunther series. Thanks!
Susan* says
Hannah Reed’s ‘Queen Bee’ mysteries. These feature beekeeper Story Fischer, and the first one, at least, has honey-based recipes. Yum!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, again, Susan*. I just added Hannah Reed to the appropriate list.
Nancy Lynn Jarvis says
Does it count if there is a recipe not printed in the book(s) but available to all for free download at the website? In my Regan McHenry Real Estate Mysteries series there is always a reference to chocolate chip cookies. The recipe for Mysterious Chocolate Chip Cookies is available online.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks for stopping by, Nancy Lynn Jarvis. And thank you for telling us about Regan’s chocolate chip cookies recipe being available on your site.
(I’m sorry but I don’t think it qualifies as a mystery book with recipes.)
Susan* says
Ann Waldron’s Princeton mysteries feature recipes in the back, too!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Susan*, thank you. I’m off to go add her to this list of mystery books with recipes.
Shug says
I’m not sure if it was listed but Dying for Chocolate by Diane Mott Davidson is Book 2 in the Goldy Schulz series. It originally interested me in these types of books.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Shug, it’s nice that you were introduced to Cozy Mysteries with Recipes after reading Diane Mott Davidson’s Goldy mysteries. She is one of my favorite Cozy Mystery authors.
Michelle says
Delia Rosen’s Deadly Deli mystery series
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Michelle, thank you so much for mentioning Delia Rosen’s Deadly Deli Mystery Series. I have added it to the Mysteries with Recipes list. Thanks, again!
Susan* says
I’ve just discovered Susan Conant & Jessica Conant Park’s ‘Gourmet Girl’ series – with recipes!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Susan*, are you serious? I didn’t know their Gourmet Girl series had recipes. Thank you! (I’ll go add them to the Cozies with Recipes list.)
Susan* says
Most welcome. And yes, I’m serious!
The one I’ve just picked up – ‘Turn Up the Heat’ (Bk 3) – has a full chapter of recipes, in the back!
Susan* says
Tim Myers’ Candlemaking Mysteries also have food recipes in the back. Recipes that have been mentioned in the story.
It makes for a fun extra, if a little unexpected.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Susan*, I’ll go add this series to the Mysteries with Recipes theme. Thank you!
Greta says
I started reading the Goldy series of Dianne Mott Davidson until I had read them all then switched to Hannah Swensen series by Joanne Fluke, now I am starting with Paws and Claws mystery by Krista Davis and I am really enjoying it. I have 3 dogs so the recipes for dogs will be neat to try. Can anyone suggest another mystery book with recipes for dogs for me to try next?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Greta, Liz Mugavero writes the Pawsitively Organic Gourmet Pet Food Mystery Series…
Greta says
Thank you, I went on an ordered the first in the series.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Greta, I hope you enjoy it!
Vicki says
Did Joanna Fluke also write a series about a Dallas girl who moved up north and began helping her aunt make chocolates?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Vicki, no, I don’t think so…
Janice says
Vicki might be thinking of JoAnna Carl’s chocolate series. The main character Lee is from Texas and moves to Michigan to help her aunt with the family chocolate business.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Janice, thank you!
Austin says
I notice you have one of Claudia Bishop’s books from her Dr. McKenzie series. What about her Hemlock Falls series? One of the “sleuths” is a chef who owns an inn with her sister. There are recipes at the end of the book.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Austin, thanks! I’ll go add Hemlock Falls to the list…
Lisa H. says
I haven’t read one in a while, so can’t remember if there are recipes, but the Savannah Reid books by G.A. McKevett have a culinary theme.
Susan* says
Jessie Crockett’s ‘Sugar Grove Mysteries’ have recipes in the back, too. All of them dishes mentioned in the story. (I wish I could cook, sometimes!)
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Susan*, I see you added the word “sometimes” to your wish. My wish would be that I enjoyed cooking…
Susan* says
I usually don’t care, either way. It’s only when I read some of the recipes in the mysteries… Some of them sound so good!
*Thinks of Puffed Peach Pancakes from a recent read and starts to drool a little*
Grace K. says
Diane Mott Davidson published a cookbook with recipes based on her Goldy Schulz mysteries in 2015 titled:
Goldy’s Kitchen Cookbook: Cooking, Writing, Family, Life
William Morrow Cookbooks/HarperCollins Canada Ltd | September 22, 2015 |Hardcover
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Grace K, I’m so glad you posted this comment about Diane Mott Davidson’s cookbook. I have added it to the list, thanks to you. (I don’t know how I forgot to add it to this list when it was published!)
Edith says
My Local Foods Mysteries have recipes, and all the dishes include produce that would be growing in the season the book is set.
My Country Store Mysteries (written as Maddie Day) have recipes from my protagonist’s country store breakfast and lunch restaurant.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Edith, thanks!
Gramdma says
I read a mystery last year about someone judging a fruitcake contest. It had several fruitcake recipes, some of which were unusual and sounded delicious. Unfortunately, the book has disappeared. Anyone have any idea what book I’m thinking of?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Gramdma, I’m afraid I don’t recognize the book you’re looking for. Maybe someone else on the site will be able to help?
Kate says
I am looking for that book, too. When I read it, quite a while ago, I wanted to try making a few of the fruitcakes the author included. Will watch this thread…
Susan* says
Not actually a culinary series – The heroine runs a diet club (!) – but Denise Dietz’s Ellie Bernstein / Lt Peter Miller mysteries include a recipe in the back.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Susan, thanks for the suggestion! I’ll add it to the list.
Donna Mc says
Hi Danna, my new cookbook has just been released! Ms. Tilda’s Best Recipes: home cookin’ from Sparrow Falls is a collection of old-fashioned (but simple) Southern recipes that I’ve used for many years. It ties in with the Sparrow Falls Mystery series of novels that have been re-released and now include a few recipes in each book. Available on Kindle and Nook, or on ebay for an old-timey spiral bound version.
Just wanted to share, thanks!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Donna, thanks for letting us know! I’ve added it to the list here!
Donna Mc says
Thank you!!
Bek says
Two years. TWO YEARS it took me to spot this! I’m a huge fan of culinary cozies, and a huge fan of Southern cooking. There’s a running joke here about my “to read” list, the necessity to buy a bigger house for my books, and to live forever to read them all, and the list just got longer!
Catherine says
Leslie Budewitz – her Seattle Spice Shop Mysteries and Food Lovers Mysteries are great and have recipes.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Catherine, thanks for the suggestion – both are definitely appropriate.
Annie says
Try June Shaw’s RELATIVE DANGER, which includes great Cajun recipes!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Annie, thanks for the suggestion! I’ll have to take a look at her some time.
Pat says
Can someone recommend a good book for my book club with at least 10 recipes? Each member will choose a recipe to bring to the meeting.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Pat, hmm, ten is a whole lot for a single book! I’ll have to check to see if I can find one with that many… though perhaps someone else can think of one?
Susan* says
Leslie Meier’s Lucy Stone mysteries. “Bake Sale Murder” has recipes, including ‘Better Than Sex Brownies’ (!) Hmmm…
lenda lyman says
I have been trying to remember which mystery writer includes recipes that are also list the gluten free version. All I can remember is that the writer is a woman.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Lenda, I’m afraid I don’t recall any specifically gluten-free Cozy Mystery recipes. But I’ve put this up on the front page as part of a Cozy reader question post, so hopefully someone else can help!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Lenda, I don’t know if this is the answer, but several people have suggested Nancy J. Parra’s Baker’s Treat Mystery Series. Others have suggested Daryl Wood Gerber’s Cookbook Nook Mystery Series.
Jacqueline says
I’ve just read a book that included recipes called Greyhound At The Gravesite by Kyla Colby.
It was published in 2018 and is supposed to be the first book in a new “pets reporter mystery” series, but I haven’t seen any others published yet. It’s a delightful book especially if you love greyhounds as much as I do! It included a fun pets theme centered around a little cafe. So much fun
Maureen says
Alison Golden’s Reverend Annabelle Dixon series has recipes.
Nikko says
Carolyn L Dean, Ravenwood Cove Mysteries were my first series that got me hooked on Cozy mysteries with recipes! Enjoyed them all!
Lisa says
Hello! I am looking for a children’s mystery book series that has recipes in the back on each book. I read one about 20 years ago and have been making a tuna salad recipe from it ever since, but I have no idea what it was called! I remember the protagonist was a girl but that’s it. Does this ring any bells for anyone?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Lisa, I’m sorry about the lateness of this reply – I couldn’t come up with an answer to your question, but I have posed it as part of a front-of-blog post to try to see if someone else might have a solution.
Lisa says
Thanks so much!
PamB says
Barbara Ross (Julia Snowden series) also have recipes in them.
mint says
Pennsylvania Dutch Mystery series by Tamar Myers
Catherine C says
Dorothy St. James – Southern Chocolate Shop Mysteries
– Asking for Truffle (2017)
– Playing with Bonbon Fire (2018)
– In Cold Chocolate (2018)
– Bonbon with the Wind (2019)
Lisa H. says
I’d add:
Jenny Kales’ Callie’s Kitchen Mysteries
Catherine Bruns’ Italian Chef Mysteries
Shelly Kosloski says
Hope Callaghan has a really, really good series called “Made in Savannah”. I think there are 19 books. The family and the recipes are mainly Italian. She also has a cookbook or two as well. It’s been in the top 2 of my all-time favorite series.
Hairstyles says
Thank you for being of assistance to me. I really loved this article.