Don’t worry! I’m on it!
Actually, I doubt you are worried…….. but I am on it…. The Derringer Awards will be announced very soon, and I will be posting them on the web site.
Remember, the Derringer Awards are given by the Short Mystery Fiction Society for the finest mystery stories. Like the Agathas, they are awarded the year after the works were published. So, this year, I will be posting the 2007 Derringer Award winners, even though the date of publication was actually 2006.
And, right after the Derringer Awards being announced, the Bouchercon nominations will be announced. The Bouchercon nominations are for the Anthony Awards, which are awarded in late September.
These awards are just the beginning. I still haven’t looked up the Shamus, Macavity, Spotted Owl, Edgar, Barry, Arthur Ellis, Nero, Herodotus, John Creasey Memorial, ETC awards!