Hampton Charles ……See Miss Seeton books, alphabetized under “Miss Emily Seeton” Retired British Art Teacher in England Series: WRITTEN BY HERON CARVIC: Picture Miss Seeton ‘68 Miss Seeton Draws the Line ‘69 Witch Miss Seeton ’71 aka: Miss Seeton, Bewitched Miss Seeton Sings ‘73 Odds on Miss Seeton ‘75 The Miss Seeton Series: Books 1, 2, & 3 The Miss Seeton Series: Books 4, 5, & prequel WRITTEN BY HAMPTON CHARLES: 6. Miss Seeton, by Appointment ‘90 7. Advantage Miss Seeton ‘90 8. Miss Seeton at the Helm ‘90 WRITTEN BY SARAH J. MASON (AS HAMILTON CRANE): 9. Miss Seeton Cracks the Case ‘91 10. Miss Seeton Paints the Town ‘91 11. Hands Up, Miss Seeton ‘92 12. Miss Seeton by Moonlight ‘92 13. Miss Seeton Rocks the Cradle ‘92 14. Miss Seeton Goes to Bat ‘93 15. Miss Seeton Plants Suspicion ‘93 16. Starring Miss Seeton ‘94 17. Miss Seeton Undercover ‘94 18. Miss Seeton Rules ‘94 19. Sold to Miss Seeton ‘95 20. Sweet Miss Seeton ‘96 21. Bonjour, Miss Seeton ‘97 22. Miss Seeton Quilts the Village ’17 23. Miss Seeton Flies High ’18 24. Watch the Wall, Miss Seeton ’19 Miss Seeton’s Finest Hour ‘99 (prequel)