Here are some fun facts about Minnesota:
Minnesota is an Indian word that means “sky-tinted water.” St. Paul is the capital, Minneapolis is the largest city. State Motto: The Star of the North. State Flower: Minnesota Pink and White Lady’s-Slipper. Minnesota was named for the sky blue waters.
Authors who are found on the Cozy Mystery Site and who feature Minnesota locations in their books:
John L. Betcher: James Becker Mystery Series
Janet Cantrell (aka Kaye George): Fat Cat Mystery Series
Jessie Chandler: Shay O’Hanlon’ Caper Series
Carole Nelson Douglas: Kevin Blake Mystery Series
Jan Dunlap: Bob White Birder Murder Mystery Series
J.C. Eaton: Sophie Kimball Mystery Series
Monica Ferris: Needlecraft Mystery Series
Joanne Fluke: Cookie Jar Mystery Series
Ellen Hart: Sophie Greenway Mystery Series AND Jane Lawless Mystery Series
Tami Hoag: Sam Kovac Mystery Series
Christine Husom: Snow Globe Shop Mystery Series
Sofie Kelly: Magical Cats Mystery Series
Mary Lou Kirwin: Librarian Mystery Series
William Kent Krueger: Cork O’Connor Mystery Series
M.D. Lake: Peggy O’Neill Mystery Series
Jess Lourey: Murder by the Month Mystery Series
Diane Morlan: Jennifer Penny Mystery Series
Annie Knox (aka Wendy Lyn Watson): Pet Boutique Mystery Series
Beth Solheim: Sadie Witt Mystery Series
Please feel free to contact me if you see an author from the Cozy Mystery Site who belongs on this list, or if you have any comments.
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Marla says
Also David Housewright, even though you may not consider him a “cozy”, he does have a series set in Minnesota.
Mike Fenske says
I agree, Housewright books are a good read because they are about the Twin Cities and Minnesota.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Marla, for telling us about David Housewright!
Shelley says
Even though these mysteries aren’t real cozy, they are so well-written and being a Minnesota native I find the history fascinating, I just had to suggest these. Believe it or not, this author has brought the famous Sherlock Holmes to Minnesota and IT WORKS! Author is Larry Millett – titles are:
Sherlock Holmes and the Red Demon
Sherlock Holmes and the Ice Palace
Sherlock Holmes and the Rune Stone
Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Alliance
The Disapperance of Sherlock Holmes
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Shelley, for telling us about Larry Millett…
Barry says
I picked up Larry Millett’s first works of Sherlock Holmes
and I couldn’t believe that I was reading another’s version of
Sherlock Holmes,but I couldn’t wait till the other novels came
out. Larry really had Doyle’s writing style down pact.
I read all five of Larry’s Sherlock Holmes novels and I wish
he would write other Holmes novels.
Larry kept Holmes’ character as close to the Doyle character as
anyone I read so far has.
Laura King did a good job,but she had Holmes getting married
to a much younger woman and also, she did invent the female
version of Sherlock Holmes which was really great.
Larry has the BEST version of Sherlock Holmes of all the writers I have read, with the exception of Doyle, and the stories flow along smoothly.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Barry, for recommending Millett!
Ginny J says
Several years ago I read some mysteries set in the Grand Marais, MN area and I have forgotten the author’s name. Does anyone know the author’s name?
Steve kantner says
Yes definitely Sanford’s“prey” books should be included mainly happen in the twin cities unfortunately I didn’t keep track of which ones I’ve read I’m cursed to reread several you can get bulk hardcovers of his books on eBay
Note that Sanford has another character than Lucas Davenport in some books Virgil flowers I think his books take place in Wisconsin where Lucas has a cabin
Laura says
Ginny, could you be talking about the Cork O’Connor series by William Kent Krueger? Also, don’t forget all the John Sanford books.
Lisa says
How about P.J. Tracy? They’re the mother/daughter team with the Monkeywrench books. I think there are four books now and I think they get better with each one!
Sue W says
Yes – the PJ Tracy and William Kent Krueger books are great as are John Sandford’s. I’m not sure if they are cozy mysteries, but they have a great sense of place. They deserve to be on any Minnesota mystery list!!
Lisa says
Hi, It’s Lisa again. I just realized I should have also mentioned Brian Freeman. His novels are set in Duluth and feature the same detective, Jonathan Stride.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Lisa, for telling us about both P. J. Tracy and Brian Freeman!
Gary says
Some of the Chuck Logan Novels have a setting near Grand Marais. One of the Main characters lives on the lake near there. All his novels are excellent.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks for telling us about chuck Logan, Gary!
michele says
I love the William Kent Krueger books and have read them all. I just finished his latest one that is recently out..His life goes through many changes. I am in the middle of Larry Millette’s Sherlock series and can’t put them down. I am lucky I didn’t discover them til they were all out and available at the library so I can read them right after each other. I swear they were written by Doyle himself except for knowing Holmes and Watson never visited Minnesota in his time.. Shadwell Rafferty an Irish character introduced in the second book is a good match for the quirky Holmes..many of the characters return in each book…I wish there were more written. I have always loved the Millett “Lost In The Twin Cities”….
Barb says
Thank you the list of authors. Always looking for something to read especially when the story takes place in MN. I have read all of the Sanford books and I am on the waiting list for his 2 new books. Also enjoy the Jane Lawless Series by Ellen Hart
Danna - cozy mystery list says
You’re quite welcome, Barb.
wanda says
This is really scatter shot – like my mind lately.
I have read some good mystery books that have title something like “One Eyed Jacks” and Walleyed Pike”
Cannot find out the author. The main man is a somewhat burned out middle aged man named Jake – I think.
I can’t get to the library to check this out and I would really like to connect with the books again
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Wanda, I’ll write an entry asking for help on locating your author and mysteries. It may not be too soon, but it will happen…
Mary Beth says
The author Wanda is seeking is Elizabeth Gunn. Her series character is Jake Hines. Six Pound Walleye is one of the books, Five Card Stud is another, plus others.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Mary Beth. I hope Wanda sees this comment…
Betsy says
How about Lillian Jackson Braun’s “Cat Who…” series. It takes place “400 miles north of everywhere” and mentions Minneapolis as the large airport they use. I can’t see anywhere else that might be that far north.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Betsy, I have always thought that if Lilian Jackson Braun had wanted us to know for sure, she would have included it in her mysteries. I know a lot of people think it’s Minnesota, but I’m sort of iffy about attributing her setting in any one particular state.
marion says
I’m not sure but I want to say that the “Cat Who” series take place in the upper Michigan peninsula.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Marion, it’s funny how Lilian Jackson Braun left us all wondering about the state, isn’t it?
Pegatha says
You have forgotten the detective series by John Sanford, who has written many books featuring Lucas Davenport as a Minneapolis police detective. One of the best ones I read was set during the Repuplican Convention – actually held here in Minneapolis, “Wicked Prey”. There is a whole series of “Prey” books.
FYI – Sanford, a pen name, was once a Pulitzer prize winning writer for the St. Paul Pioneer Press.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Pegatha, for telling us about John Sanford’s Lucas Davenport Mystery Series.
Laurie J says
I am looking for an author of a book about a woman who lived on a houseboat in St. Paul, crime solving mystery setting. Cannot remember the author or title but enjoyed the book several years ago and seeking more by the author. Thanks for any help!
BB says
The first that comes to mind is the Gunn Zoo series (Theodora “Teddy” Bentley) by Betty Webb, but that’s set in California.
I did find another that could fit, but not cozy: Paris Murphy series by Theresa Monsour.
If either of these are not it, do you recall anymore details?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Sorry, Laurie J, I can’t think of the author you’re looking for.
Jo Cross says
The character’s name is Paris Murphy, the Author is Theresa Monsour. The book I have is titled Clean Cut.
Suzy says
I’m trying to help a friend track down a book but she doesn’t know the title or author. She said it’s a mystery novel set in Minnesota around a salvage yard. (She thinks the name of the salvage yard is in the title of the book) In her memory, a murder is involved and people are kidnapped into the back of a semi truck…but a lot of the action takes place around the salvage yard. She thinks it was set near Annandale, Minnesota.
I’ve done some searching online but have not had any luck. Perhaps someone here might recognize it?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
(Suzy, I’ll post an entry asking for help in identifying this title/author.)
Judith says
I think Bingo Barge Murder by Jessie Chandler involved some action at a salvage yard and semi trucks.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Judith, thank you for telling us about Jessie Chandler’s Bingo Barge Murder. I have added it to the list of the gambling and cards theme.
dave b says
I believe you are looking for a book by Peter Rennebohn
Elise says
I’ve been searching for a book I read in the early 90’s by a local Minneapolis author. It was his debut novel and set in Minneapolis. I vaguely remember the plot involved the detective uncovering a secret of a Hennepin County judge that was involved in a young male prostitution ring of sorts.
I don’t remember the author or the name of the book. Any help would be appreciated!
Barb says
The author is Ron Handberg. The book is, I think, Savage Justice. Handberg has written 5 books that I know of. All are very good.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Barb, for identifying Elise’s author.
Robin says
Love Brian Freeman series and his 8 books are set in Duluth. Can’t put them down. Brian Freeman is psychological mysteries.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Robin, thanks for telling us about Brian Freeman’s psychological mysteries.
Teri says
I am looking for a book I read where a woman inherits a family summer home in northern MN. Her mother is dying or died in Casa where they both live. The daughter plans to go there and sell the property but, becomes attached to the house and it’s history as well as the people in the town. I think she meets a love interest as well. It is a woman author.
seve says
Mabel Seeley, once (1930’s-1950’s) called “the Mistress of Mystery” wrote around eight mysteries all set in Minnesota .Some have been fairly recently reprinted.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Seve, thank you for telling us about Mabel Seeley!
Minnesota native says
Mabel Seeley is one of my favorite authors and although the Era she writes about is fairly long ago, many of the books are still very relevant. One of her books, The Chuckling Fingers, was set along the North Shore of Lake Superior and is probably one of the best mysteries I have ever read. I have read it several times and still do not pick up the clues to the identity of the murderer.
Donna says
My son is trying to remember the books he read:
“I remember reading it maybe in Jr High or younger (so probably published in the 80’s)… probably younger. I think it might have been a series of three mystery books, possibly for teens. I remember it took place in Minnesota with a bunch of it on the north shore/Duluth. It is so weird that I don’t remember much more about it aside from the feeling it gives me (kinda like nostalgia) and how much I liked it.
The art on the cover was kinda like ‘e Gory’ and I believe it was a Minnesota Author” Does anyone have any idea?
Susan* says
Somebody has already mentioned Jessie Chandler’s ‘Shay O’Hanlon’ novels – but she didn’t mention that the main character runs a coffee shop in Minneapolis – *Minnesota*!
I’ve just discovered them and I’m looking for more!
Minnesota native says
John Gaspard has written a series of at least five mysteries set in Minneapolis starting , I believe, in 2013. His detective is a magician and I have been told the books are very good and very funny. I have his first book on order, but talked quite a while with the gentleman who highly recommended this author and series.
Steve k says
Brian freeman’s character Jon stride is a cop based in Duluth and is all over the state including the marathon etc. Also, one takes place in Las Vegas. You can get his novels in bulk cheaply from eBay.
Jamie says
Jess Lourey has a murder series based in Minnesota. First book is called May Day.
Todd Andrews says
Also try The Cavanough Quest by Thomas Gifford.
Mary Sterns says
Allen Eskens is another great Minnesota fiction mystery writer. Settings in Minneapolis. I find he writes in a similar style as Kent Krueger. Couldn’t put them down and grabs attention right away.
Local gal says
Mattt Goldman’s GONE TO DUST, BROKEN ICE, A GOOD FAMILY all set in Minnesota.
Twin Cities Sisters in Crime chapter, and Minnesota Crime Wave (Ellen Hart, Wm Kent Krueger, Carl Brookins) have published anthologies of short mystery stories. Pat Dennis writes humorous mysteries. Gary Bush writes historical mysteries. Many other authors here.