There are actually two Murdoch Mysteries series – both are Canadian productions and both are based on author Maureen Jennings’ Murdoch Mystery Series. Both series are set in the late 1890s and feature a police detective (William Murdoch) – who is an avid reader of scientific findings and inventions. This entry will be about the Murdoch Mysteries television series, not the Canadian made-for-TV movies.
Murdoch’s interest in modern (for the times) theories enables him to make gadgets that help him solve cases. He is years before his time… in some cases, over one hundred years before his time. Murdoch makes gadgets that are quite similar to today’s – a “circumscope” (periscope) using opera glasses, a lie detector using who knows what types of tubes with blue liquid, etc. There are many sly references to today, as well. Sergeant George introduces Murdoch to a very new beverage -coffee. Murdoch states he doesn’t see coffee as something that will catch on, when they already have tea.
Not only is Murdoch ahead of his times. Apparently the entire police force is made up of very modern thinking men. They totally accept the beautiful female forensic pathologist. And, the female doctor is also way ahead of her time: She speaks easily about finding sperm in a corpse, and uses a substance very close to today’s Luminal.
The first Murdoch Mysteries series was a movie series… sort of like the old movies-of-the-week. The second Murdoch Mysteries is a Canadian CityTV television series. This television series stars Yannick Bisson as Inspector Murdoch, Hélène Joy as Dr. Julia Ogden, Jonny Harris as Constable George Crabtree, and Thomas Craig as Murdoch’s boss. (Thomas Craig is a stand-out for me.)
I first started watching this Murdoch Mysteries series after I watched the original series. The first “movie” series was grittier and less obsessed with what I will call “the forensic gross-out” details. Since the first series was from 2004 and this one is more current (four years later) I will blame this on shows like CSI Miami, CSI Anchorage, CSI Topeka, in short, CSI!
I guess you might call these Murdoch episodes sci-fi mysteries. You have to “go with it” >>> These are not for everyone. And, of course, what Victorian, sci-fi mystery would be complete without real historical characters? Enter Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Prince Alfred, Buffalo Bill Cody, Nicola Tesla, etc..
I have to admit that I found the previous Murdoch Mysteries series of movies more believable. This series stars Peter Outerbridge as Murdoch, Colm Meaney as his boss, and Keeley Hawes as the doctor. However, as I stated above, they are grittier.
PS>>> I have not read any of Maureen Jennings’ Murdoch Mysteries. This television series does show certain biases, which for me, is not a problem. I am able to just “go with it” and totally disregard the “politically correct” views the series clearly endorses. I do not know if Jennings’ mystery novels do the same. Also, the show is named The Artful Detective in some areas, rather than the Murdoch Mysteries.
If you would like to see more TV and Movies suggestions, click here.
Anne says
And Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) is very easy on the eyes!!!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Anne, he’s yet another example of men who get dark, long eyelashes…
Cindy says
Oh yes Yannick Bisson is very easy on the eyes. I could get lost forever in those beautiful eyes and that handsome face!
Tori Lennox says
I’ve seen the first DVD disc of this series! I loved it. The rest is on my Netlfix list.
Anna H. says
How timely your post is! I have recently discovered the Murdoch series and I love it! Yes, often you have to suspend belief about his “inventions” and CSI-type discoveries, and some of the scripts have noticeable holes in them, but all in all, I do enjoy the series. I think it’s mostly because of the funny interactions among the interesting main characters. And I like how some famous people make cameo appearances. I have borrowed the CDs from my local library. I’m sorry that there are only 3 seasons, wish there were more!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Anna H, your library sounds like a great resource! How neat that they carry less “popular” series for you to check out!
Ann says
Thanks for posting – I’ll look out for these.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Ann, I hope you are among those who enjoy the series…
Diane says
Has anyone read Falling to Pieces by Vannetta Chapman?
It’s a Shipshewana Amish Mystery. Before I buy it, I would like to make sure it’s a cozy.
Laura says
Danna: On the subject of TV mysteries, did you hear that “Memphis Beat” will not be returning? I am heartbroken! That was one of my favorite shows. Any other suggestions for good, but not gruesome, TV mystery/detective shows?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Laura, I’m really sorry to hear that Memphis Beat won’t be returning. With that and The Closer only having this winter season left, we will need to find some new TV mystery/detective shows. I think that In Plain Sight only has one season left, also. Yikes! I’ll have to think about this for a while…
Nick says
Murdoch Mysteries is now a favourite. It ranks with Due South and Slings & Arrows and reminds me of both. It is so polite, so Canadian.
Melinda says
I have not read any of the books but have loved the series! It’s so much fun watching Murdoch meet up with various historical figures and invent new ways to solve crimes. The early CSI as I sometimes call it. Now that I’ve seen the end of the series – BOO! – I’m hoping the books will ease the pain.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Melinda, please let us know how the Maureen Jenning’s Murdoch mystery books compare to the television series.
Melinda says
I have not yet made it to the books yet. Happy to say that the show moved to another network and has just completed airing the 6th season.
Have been watching and enjoying an Australian-based series called Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries based on the books by Kerry Greenwood. They are set in Melbourne in the 1920’s and would recommend viewing.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Melinda, for telling us about the Australian Miss Fisher’s Murder Mystery television shows.
Paula says
I just found Murdock mysteries, here in Florida. The series is on WMOR on Sundays. I am not sure what series it is. I did watch one of them on Netflix years ago. Very enjoyable. As a nurse ithe series was interesting for me to see the ” science” behind the method.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Paula, I hope Cozy Mystery readers in Florida see this comment! Thank you!
Lydia says
I’ve recently been viewing this series out of Windsor, Canada (can be seen in MI and OH) and I believe it’s still in production. I love this series and am going to look for earlier seasons of the show. Perhaps Acorn TV is streaming them. Acorn TV carries just about all of the British mysteries. The first month is free; then they charge a monthly fee.
P.S. I also love the Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries out of Australia. Simply fabulous!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Lydia, thanks!
Bunny says
I just discovered Murdoch Mysteries on a relatively new station for us (cozi) and I love it. I think I’m developing a crush on Murdoch but I was
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sad to see Dr. Ogden go tonight. I loved her character and enjoyed the image of a free speaking, intelligent female Dr. I liked the “sexual tension” (as much as one could have in that era) between her and Murdock. The mix of past and future was interesting to me. Things were being discovered then as the character of Tesla demonstrated. Please tell me that Dr. Ogden will be back (we just finished season 3 I believe).
Larry says
You will be happy to know, that MM is just finishing up broadcasting it’s 11 season. Already a couple of seasons longer than anticipated. It was to conclude after, I think, season 8, but the public clamored for more during the awards banquet that was held. Looking for season 12, myself.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Larry, we’re still working our way through… season 5, I think! So glad to hear that there’s more ahead than there is behind at this point.
London Thompson says
London T says,
?I love Murdoch Mysteries. I’ve watched it on TV, DVD and online ??? I’m starting season 11 today. I am hoping it’s not the last.
I am an American who loves British entertainment.
I would suggest the following shows; The (new) Father Brown Mysteries, Endeavor, Call the Midwife, Midsomer Murders, Homefires, and of course Downton Abbey. These are just off the top of my head ? enjoy
Danna - cozy mystery list says
London, good news for you then – a 12th season has definitely been confirmed!