Well, it has finally happened! One of my very favorite shows is changing to “keep up with the times,” and I am very sad to see it happening. I have gotten used to the idea that I now have specialist doctors calling me “Ma’am,” but this is just too much! (There’s your first hint… not just doctors, but “specialists”!!!!)
The show I am talking about is “Siskel and Ebert“>>> Yes, I know that it isn’t actually called that anymore, but that’s how my husband and I think of it. (Well, actually that might just be me. My husband is better at keeping up with the times!)
I started watching “Siskel and Ebert” way back when I had just turned 20 (I think) … It’s hard to believe that the show was on television way back in the late-ish ’70s! (That’s right, it has been on for more than a quarter of a century!) I remember when Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert would sit across the isle in balcony seats and “chat” about the current movies, back when the show was played on PBS. I found a lot of movies by watching that show… and I found even more movies to avoid by watching those two disagree more often than not. The two of them probably had the most famous thumbs ever… with one (thumb) motion of UP or DOWN, movies would get the red or green light. It was an easy way to be introduced to what was playing in theaters… My husband and I always made up our on minds based on the synopsis that the two of them would provide, with the trailers they would show. We knew that we could trust them to never divulge any spoilers.
We were deeply saddened by the death of Gene Siskel, and again saddened by Roger Ebert’s bout with cancer. The show has taken many twists and turns… and now is known as At the Movies. They no longer are able to use the thumbs up/down signature, but still continue with the synopsis/trailer parts of the show. We have stayed with the show through all of its changes… The two permanent hosts are Richard Roeper and Michael Phillips.
BUT!!! This is too much!!! When my husband told me about the changes that are going to be taking place starting this September, I thought… that’s not too bad… I know who Ben Lyons is… I’ve enjoyed watching him in the past. NOPE!!! Not Jeffrey Lyons… but his son!!! YOW!!! Am I getting too old for this Brave New World, or what?!? And, apparently there will be even be a new format!
I know I have blogged about teaching an old dog new tricks… But, I never really saw myself as THAT OLD!!! You know it’s bad when children of you cohorts are taking over prime positions!!! Well, I guess there is nothing to do but wait and see what these “young puppies” can do!
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