This entry includes the mystery books whose authors include some type of needlework as a theme:
Barbara Bretton: Chloe Hobbs’ Paranormal Mystery Series… Chloe is one half sorceress and owns the Sticks & Strings Knitting Shop in Vermont…
Janet Bolin: Threadville Mystery Series… Willow owns a “high-tech” embroidery shop…
Anne Canadeo: Black Sheep Knitting Mystery Series… Maggie Messina owns the Black Sheep Knitting Shop in Massachusetts. (Canadeo co-authors the Cape Light Series with Thomas Kinkade.)
Elizabeth Lynn Casey (aka Laura Bradford): Southern Sewing Circle Mystery Series… Tori Sinclair is a librarian/sleuth who is also a member of the Sewing Circle in South Carolina…
Peggy Ehrhart: Knit & Nibble Mystery Series – Pamela Patterson is the associate editor of a craft magazine and founder of a knitting club in Arborville, New Jersey. These Cozies include both a knitting pattern as well as a recipe.
Monica Ferris writes the Needlecraft Mystery Series. Betsy Devonshire inherits the Crewel World needlework/yarn shop. Not only does she have to learn about needlework from the ground up, she also has to solve mysteries. I love that Ferris’s books are usually stocked in needlepoint shops where needle-pointers can be introduced to cozy mysteries!
Sally Goldenbaum has the Seaside Knitters Mystery Series, in which Izzy Chambers owns the Seaside Knitting Studio in Massachusetts… where she not only sells beautiful yarn… but also sleuths.
Sadie Hartwell writes the Tangled Web Mystery Series about Josie Blair, a yarn shop owner.
Betty Hechtman writes the Crochet Mystery Series, and is herself hooked on Crocheting. And, for those crocheters out there… She even includes a crochet pattern in each of her mysteries! Hechtman also writes the Yarn Retreat Mystery Series, which features a dessert chef who inherits a yarn retreat business.
Kate Jacobs is a New York Times bestselling author who writes a non-mystery series called the Friday Night Knitting Club, which features a yarn shop owner and her knitting circle.
Mary Kruger is another author who sets her cozy mystery series amongst the world of deeply hued yarns…. Ari Evans owns the Ariadne’s Web knitting shop in this cozy series.
Amanda Lee (aka Ruth Glick & Rebecca York) writes the Embroidery Mystery Series which takes place in Oregon, and features the owner of the embroidery shop. As Glick she writes cookbooks, specializing in cuisine for Diabetics. As York she writes the paranormal Moon Series.
Molly MacRae writes the Haunted Yarn Shop Mystery Series. The sleuth inherits her grandmother’s wool shop, and an unexpected ghost.
Jaime Marsman: Crabapple Yarns Mystery Series
Carol Ann Martin writes the Weaving Mystery Series. Della Wright teaches weaving in a shop she owns.
Cate Price write the Deadly Notions Mystery Series. Daisy Buchanan is a retired teacher who currently manages the Great Notion Sewing and Antiques Shop in a quaint town in Pennsylvania.
Does the House of Lambspun sound like a yarn shop to you? It should! It is the name of the shop where Maggie Sefton‘s cozy mystery sleuth (Kelly Flynn) learns how to knit.
Lea Wait writes the Mainely Needlepoint Mystery Series.
Oh, and Miss Marple knits!
The Annie’s Attic Mystery Series is a series of mysteries that feature a woman crocheter who has inherited her grandmother’s old home, and who ends up finding all sorts of puzzling items in the attic, which then lead her to solve different mysteries with the help of her friends.
I recently added Debbie Macomber to the site, even though she doesn’t write mysteries. She writes the Blossom Street Knitting Series…
♦To access more Cozy Mysteries by Theme click on this link.♦
Nancy says
Just a note. In the Maggie Sefton knitting series with Kelly Flynn, the name of the yarn shop is the “House of Lambspun” and not the “House of Homespun” as listed above. (Just in the middle of the latest one “Needled to Death” and thought that I’d send that correction)
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks so much for pointing that out. I don’t know how I made that mistake!
Cookie says
You may want to add Sally Goldenbaum to your cozy knitter mysteries list. She’s just had published Death by Cashmere, a new series set in New England.
MrsB says
Death by Cashmere was a good read, full of intrigue.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Cookie, for reminding me about Sally Goldenbaum! (I don’t know how I missed annotating her new series’ knitting theme when I added it to her page.”
Thanks, again…
Barbara says
What has happened to Mary Kruger if anyone knows?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
The last book I posted for Mary Kruger’s Knitting Mystery Series was published in 2007, but it looks like her previous one was published two years earlier… so maybe she will be putting a new book out soon.
Rochelle says
Any idea if there’s a cross stitch mystery series? Always thought it would be neat to have a cross stitch series with patterns.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Hi Rochelle,
As a cross stitcher >>> I think that would be a phenomenal idea. I don’t know of a series that only features cross stitching. I guess that Monica Ferris is the closest, though, with her needlecraft theme.
Hopefully someone will read your comment and let us know if there is an author who includes cross stitch patterns and a cross stitch theme in his/her mysteries.
Bee says
Monica Ferris has at least one free cross stitch pattern in her series.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Bee, you are so right! I read this series so I have the patterns. I didn’t write this comment very well… Thank you for clearing this up.
Penny says
ACF Bookens has a series where the main character does cross stitch but there are no patterns. The series title is Stitches in Crime, currently three books in the series.
Sheryl T says
The Crossed Stitcher — by Pamela Sue James came out in Feb 2010 for you cross stitchers!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks for telling us, Sheryl. There are a lot of us cross stitchers out there who are always looking for a new Cozy mystery series.
Have you read the book? Is it Cozy?
George M. says
“Thai Die” by Monica Ferris contains a counted cross stitch pattern.
Bev S says
George…I have all of her books and they all have a pattern at the end of the book. Have threads listed as both DMC and Anchor. I haven’t stitched any of her patterns, but normally make a copy and enlarge it. Have them in a small binder in sheet protectors.
Roe says
I am so happy I found this site. I just love sitting down with a “cozy” book, particularly the “rustling leaves in the fall” variety and your site has made it possible to find what I like.
Thank You!!!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Welcome to the site, Roe!
I’m with you >>> I love the seasonal Cozies, also.
Patti says
I am so glad I found your website. I am adding you to my favorites list. I have read Maggie Sefton and Rhys Bowen. Both were fun and cozy reads. I am so glad to find some other authors to add to my collection.
Elaine says
I just found this website. You have created the perfect “Cozy” website. I am a great fan of the needlework cozies (my favorites) and have found a couple of authors I have not heard of. The breakdown by author, topic, etc. is fantastic. This website is a cozy dream come true!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Welcome to the Cozy Mystery site, Elaine. As a fellow needle worker, I also like this particular list. Unfortunately, the more Cozies I read, the less time I spend on my cross stitching!
Diana says
I just found this site and noticed your comment. I do stitching while listening to audiobook cozy mysteries and therefore indulge both pleasures at once.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Diana, it’s definitely a good way to handle two hobbies at once. I used to listen to books quite a bit while I was cross-stitching or knitting.
Linda says
I love this website and have purchased a number of books for my I-Pad. Would love to see more authors (like Betty Hechtman) write about the world of crochet.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda, you aren’t the only person who would love more authors like Betty Hechtman! I love “theme” cozies that match my hobbies… but, of course, I (obviously!) also have to enjoy the author’s series…
magistra says
I read a couple of books from a series about a yarn shop. I can’t remember the author but the series included a group who came together in the shop. I recall that the group included a man or a man worked at the shop. The shop owner lived upstairs or rented the upstairs. The main character’s best friend was married to the local policeman. In one book, the group was staying at an old inn and someone tried to kill them. I have been searching for this series for nearly a year. Is it one of these listed above? Nothing really rings a bell for me.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Magistra, it sounds to me like you are looking for the
Needlecraft Mystery Series by Monica Ferris. The main sleuth lives above the shop that she owns, and Godwin is her main assistant at the shop who teaches her how to actually needlework.
Trina says
Or she could be thinking of the Anne Canadeo series. The main character doesn’t live upstairs, but one of her employees does. And one of the girls that is part of the knitting group is married to a law enforcement type.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Trina. I hope Magistra reads your tip!
carol says
Hi just found this site, looking for more knitting mysterys thanks
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Welcome to the Cozy Mystery site, Carol! I hope there are a few authors on this Knitting theme who you haven’t yet read.
Lisa says
Love this site, found that i love all types of needle work. The books hit the spot on a fall day, with a hot cup of tea. If there are anymore new books please let me know.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Lisa, I’m glad you’re enjoying the site.
I add authors to the lists whenever I become aware of them. Please let us know if you hear about any additions to this Mystery Books with Knitting and Needlecraft/Needlework theme.
marion says
Danna, you say that Jill is your least favorite character in Monica Ferris’ series. Any particular reason or is she just at the bottom of the list by default? I like her well enough but my favorite character thus far is Godwin, I can picture him so well I could vow that he’s actually human.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Marion, Godwin is also my favorite character in the Monica Ferris Needlecraft Mystery Series. Perhaps the fact that Betsy seems to have replaced Godwin as her best friend (which I sort of remember him being when she first hit town) with Jill is what sealed the deal for Jill’s character. I would much prefer Betsy “best friend it” with Godwin, so that he would have more book time. (A pretty feeble reason, now that I put it on “paper”!)
Martina says
I found a new Needlework Mystery Series – The Knitting Fairy (A Crabapple Yarns Mystery 1) by Jaime Marsman
Promise to keep my eyes open because I love your site
Many greetings from Vienna and Happy New Year!!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Martina, for telling us about Jaime Marsman’s Crabapple Yarns Mystery Series. (I just added her to the Kintting Cozy Mystery theme list.)
(What a place to spend the New Year!)
Ellen G says
I posted a query about crochet cozies on the blog yesterday then belatedly realized I should have checked here first. Duh!
Betty Hechtman and Elizabeth Lynn Casey sound like two authors that will keep me busy for a while. Just hope my library has both of them since I am an archtypical retiree on a fixed income who has lots of time to read and a very tiny book budget.
Since I got hooked on cozies I have bought (and subsequently returned) both a Kindle and a Nook in hopes of tapping into TN READS, a state-wide collection of e-books that has lots of cozies. But alas! I couldn’t master the downloading process in spite of lots of help from a local librarian. Has anybody else been this inept? I’d like to think I’m not alone.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Ellen G, I am guessing your library will have all of Betty Hechtman’s Crochet Mystery Series and Elizabeth Lynn Casey’s Southern Sewing Circle Mystery Series. They are both very popular. In the small chance they don’t, maybe your library does inter-library loans.
Leslie says
Love your site! A sweet non-mystery series with knitting and a love of yarn is the Witchlight trilogy by Debora Geary.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Welcome to the Cozy Mystery site, Leslie. And, thanks for telling us about Debora Geary’s Witchlight Trilogy.
Rachel R says
Wow! What a wonderful site. I recently discovered the genre of cozy mysteries while working on some relatively mindless data entry. I had finished listening to all of the audiobooks of Miss Marple and went on to find something else to keep me occupied while mechanically entering data. I fell into the middle of a few series, but really wanted to start at the beginning. Your compilations are fabulous! If there is only one thing I would add to your list is a note on which books are available in audiobook. I have a passion for listening to audiobooks while knitting and a good cozy mystery can make mountains of data entry work seem pleasurable.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Welcome to the site, Rachel R! Your idea about compiling all of the audiobooks in a list sounds like a great idea, but I don’t know how I would even begin to compile a list of all the books on the site that are available in audiobook form. We have belonged to since August 2000, and I know how frustrating it is to have to manually check to see which of each of the books I’m interested in listening to is available.
Jane says
Since I am often torn between needlework and reading, audio books are the perfect solution! There’s so much to do and so much to read that combining the two passions makes perfect sense!
Betty C says
I work at a public library and run a “Chatty Crafters” book club and this is the BEST site!! Helped me pick new books for my readers. Thank you so much!!!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Betty C, I’m glad the site is helping you pick out new books for your readers. I get a lot of ideas for new books from other Cozy Mystery readers as well.
Carol says
Love the cozies…..really appreciate the list I have read some that are not on this list, but don’t remember their names right off hand.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Carol, if you remember their names, please let us know! One can never have enough knitting/needlecrafting Cozy Mysteries!
Laurie F. says
Hello, Danna!
Just wanted to let you know how much I love and appreciate your website. I’ve been referring to it for years and don’t know what I’d do without it. Please keep up the GREAT WORK!!!
Your #1 fan in Canada,
Laurie F.
Maple Ridge, BC
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Welcome to the Cozy Mystery site, Laurie F! And, thank you for the kind words about the site.
Robin says
Question I am looking for the author and series of a yarn shop set in the French quarter in New Orleans that she does mysteries and owns the shop also. She does a knitting circle also once a week with a class and there is talk of different types of yarn, one being Alpaca yarn a lot in it. There is always talk about the walks during Halloween and such of the houses and historical things on the streets just like the books with Laura Childs ones with her Tea mysteries in Charleston.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Robin, hmmm… I can’t think of a New Orleans knitting circle mystery series. I’ll try to post this in an entry and see if someone knows who/what you’re looking for.
Paula says
Are there any series that are audio books ? I love to knit and listen to books .
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Paula, I always look for audio books on Amazon. I think some of these are probably available.
Paula says
Dee says
Danna, I love your site, thank you for introducing me to Betty Hechtman, do you know of any other authors? Her mysteries are fun, but so are her patterns. It was wonderful to combine my two hobbies.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Dee, I believe that Monica Ferris includes needlepoint patterns in some of her books, though you may want to check to be sure before purchasing!
Corrine C aka GrandmaSarage says
I’m looking for a listing of Annie’s Mysteries Unraveled…it’s sort of a continuation of Annie’s Attic Series. Kate Stevens was in all of the mysteries because of the gathering at the Stitch in Time yarn shop. I read one called “The Azalea Bones” by Mary O’Donnell. I’m sure it’s more than one book in the series but I can’t find a listing of all the titles. This book shows Kate relocated in Texas but with a different male hero than the one she met in the original series.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Corinne, I’m glad to be able to help you, here’s a link to the page you’ve been looking for: Annie’s Mysteries Unraveled
Corrine C aka GrandmaSarage says
Thanks for trying but none of those match.
Beatriz Robles says
A cross stitch and embroidery in general I love Amanda Lee’s embroidery series. She has published 10 novels and they are great.
Monica Ferris’s books are great and have free patterns.
I have about 10 different authors (not all embroidery themed) which I follow.
Another great author is Julie Hyzy. I only read A manor house mystery series which is great, too. Unfortunately, she was set to write only 8 installements. I wish she changes her mind: I love Grace.
I do not usually read food series because they get me really hungry.
I think it is a great idea to do a cozies blog. Thank you
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Beatriz, I’m glad that you’re finding the site useful!
Randi Dixon says
Does anyone know why Maggie Sefton has stopped writing the Kelly Flynn series?
Christine says
Sadly Lea Wait passed away earlier this year so her 2020 book will be the last in that series.
melissa phelps utter says
Hello. I just found your site. Going to bookmark for all of the great new authors names. I was looking for more Maggie Sefton books as I loved her Kelly Flynn series…was wondering why no knew stories. Really miss her writing.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Melissa, you’re welcome! I’m always glad to hear from new people to the site!
Julia says
I think Nancy Warren should be added to this list too! She has the Vampire Knitting club, The Vampire book club, and the The witches baking show series. Love them all!
Agreed! I went looking for her under “Vampires” and found nothing. She ticks a few boxes, doesn’t she! I like her books.
GrandmaJoye says
Don’t forget your local library. They have many books in the form of downloadable audio, so we can listen while we stitch. I am a grandma, living in an assisted living facility, and want to stitch, and read, as much as I can. I am now working on a cross-stitch project that is probably the most beautiful, and most complicated, one I have ever done. There are 50 small squares, each with a state name and a picture of something that state is known for. It’s an old Janlynn kit; the designer was very talented! I use Overdrive as the app to connect to my library.
Holly says
Nancy Warren has a series of a witch that owns a yarn shop and her knitting circle is vampires.
VMama says
Just found your site and I love how you have the books laid out by theme. Definitely plan to bookmark!
Thought I’d mention a new series of Knitting Mysteries… The Knitorious Murder Mysteries by Reagan Davis. Super cozy, small town murder series. Debuted in 2020.
Deb Stine says
I love your site and have found many great recommendations. Thank you for this site.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Deb, you’re welcome!
Amy says
Patricia Wentworth’s sleuth, Miss Silver, is an inveterate knitting, and knitting is highly featured in each of the 32 books in the series.
Jennifer says
Nancy Warren’s Vampire Knitting Club Mystery Series.
Allie Pleiter’s A Riverbank Knitting Mystery Series.
Emmie Caldwell’s Craft Fair Knitters Mystery Series.
Jennifer says
Reagan Davis’s A Knitorious Murder Mystery Series.