The following Mystery Books will be released in January 2015:
Beverly Allan: For Whom the Bluebell Tolls (This will be the 2nd in the Bridal Bouquet Shop Mystery Series.)
Christy Barritt: Dubiosity (This will be a Stand Alone mystery.)
Mike Befeler: Mystery of the Dinner Playhouse (This will be a Stand Alone mystery.)
Melissa Bourbon: A Seamless Murder (This will be the 6th in the Magical Dressmaking Mystery Series.)
Alan Bradley: As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust (This will be the 7th in the Flavia de Luce Mystery Series.)
Kate Carlisle: This Old Homicide (This will be the 2nd in the Fixer-Upper Mystery Series.)
Alys Clare: Blood of the South (This will be the 6th in the Aelf Fen Mystery Series.)
Peg Cochran (aka Meg London): Hit and Nun (This will be the 3rd in the Lucille Mystery Series.)
Hy Conrad: Mr. Monk and the New Lieutenant (This will be the 19th in the Mr. Monk Mystery Series.)
Hy Conrad: Toured to Death (This is being touted as the first in the NEW Amy’s Travel Mystery Series, however the book was released in 2012 as Rally ‘Round the Corpse, the first in the Abel Adventures Mystery Series.)
J.J. Cook (aka Joyce and Jim Lavene & Ellie Grant): In Hot Water (This will be the 3rd in the Sweet Pepper Fire Brigade Mystery Series.)
J.J. Cook (aka Joyce and Jim Lavene & Ellie Grant): Gator Bowl(This will be the prequel novella in the Biscuit Bowl Food Truck Mystery Series.)
Lesley Cookman: Murder Out of Tune (This will be the 14th in the Libby Sarjeant Mysteries Series. The Kindle has been available since last year.)
Kathi Daley: Romeow and Juliet (This will be the NEW 1st in the Whales and Tails Mystery Series.)
Tim Dorsey: Shark Skin Suite (This will be the 18th in the Serge A. Storms Mystery Series.)
Kate Ellis: The Death Season (This will be the 19th in the Wesley Peterson Mystery Series.)
Jean G. Goodhind: Death of a Diva (This will be the 10th in the Honey Driver Mystery Series.)
Sarah Graves: Winter at the Door (This will be the 1st in the NEW Lizzie Snow Mystery Series.)
Parnell Hall: Puzzled Indemnity (This will be the 16th in the Puzzle Lady Mystery Series.)
Tessa Harris: Shadow of the Raven (This will be the 5th in the Dr. Thomas Silkstone Mystery Series.)
Tami Hoag: Cold, Cold Heart (This will be a Stand Alone.)
Julie Hyzy: All the President’s Menus (This will be the 8th in the White House Chef Mystery Series.)
Sue Ann Jaffarian: Ghost in the Guacamole (This will be the 5th in the Ghost of Granny Apples Mystery Series.)
Miranda James: Arsenic and Old Books (This will be the in the Cat in the Stacks Mystery Series)
Victoria Laurie: No Ghouls Allowed (This will be the 9th in the Ghost Hunter Mystery Series.)
Victoria Laurie: When (This will be the 1st in the NEW Maddie Flynn Mystery Series. This is a Young Adult mystery series.)
Elizabeth Lee (aka Elizabeth Kane Buzzelli): Snoop to Nuts (This will be the 2nd in the Nut House Mystery Series.)
Tyora Moody: Oven Baked Secrets (This will be the 2nd in the Eugeena Patterson Mystery Series.)
Amy Myers: Classic Cashes In (This will be the 6th in the Jack Colby, Car Detective Mystery Series.)
Carla Neggers: Echo Lake (This will be the 4th in the Swift River Valley series – romance.)
Joyce Carol Oates: The Sacrifice (This will be a Stand Alone novel.) (Not Cozy.)
Cate Price: Lie of the Needle (This will be the 3rd in the Deadly Notions Mystery Series.)
Phil Rickman: Night after Night (This will be a Stand Alone mystery.)
Delia Rosen: Fry Me a Liver (This will be the 6th in the Deadly Deli Mystery Series.)
Karen Rose Smith: Gilt by Association (This will be the 3rd in the Caprice De Luca Mystery Series.) (This is a Valentine’s Day themed mystery.)
Charles Todd: A Fine Summer’s Day (This will be the 17th in the Ian Rudledge Mystery Series.)
Diane Vallere: Some Like It Haute (This will be the 4th in the Style & Error Mystery Series.)
Lea Wait: Twisted Threads (This will be the 1st in the NEW Mainely Needlepoint Mystery Series.)
Christine Wenger: Diners, Drive-Ins, and Death (This will be the 3rd in the Comfort Food Mystery Series.)
To go back to the Cozy Mystery New Book Release page, click here.
(These are the mysteries by authors who are currently on the Cozy Mystery site.)
Denise says
What a wonderful list of books to look forward to. Can’t wait !
Thanks Danna .
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Denise, I think this January 2015 list looks particularly good, also!
Stash Empress says
OMG — so much cozy goodness!!!!!!!! I think a new Carol Higgins Clark is probably the most exciting thing I could ask for!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Stash, a Cozy Mystery readers just sent me a note telling me I jumped the gun on this Carol Higgins Clark mystery. It is scheduled for January 2016!
Sheila says
What a way to start 2015. Lot’s of books for my TBR list. Thank you Danna for keeping the readers so well informed. You are the best.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Sheila, you’re welcome!
MJ says
There’s an author who writes a Nut House Mystery series under the name of Elizabeth Lee. The first book is, ‘Tough Nut to Kill’ (released 2/14). The second book is, ‘Snoop to Nuts’ and due to be released 1-6-15. It’s impossible to find anything about this author. For some reason, the author wants complete anonymity.
There is another author also writing under the name of Elizabeth Lee. She writes adult romance books and a young adult series. She proudly displays all her books on her facebook page and blog. So I’m quite sure they aren’t the same person.
At any rate, I wanted to mention the Nut House Mystery series because of the upcoming release in January and it’s definitely in the cozy genre.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
MJ, thanks for the Elizabeth Lee information. She’s already on my list of authors to post on the site. She also writes the Emily Kincaid mystery series as Elizabeth Kane Buzzelli.
Patti S. says
More books to add to my TBR list. Thanks, Danna for listing these books.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Patti, my TBR queue is ridiculously long… At the rate I read, it will take at least a year for me to get through it, and that’s only if I don’t add any more Cozies to it!
reginav says
Danna, I am happy to see two new books on your list, one by Lesley Cookman and the other by Kate Ellis. I promptly pre-ordered them. Questions for you, any information on Peter Robinson’s newest book and Hazel Holt.I wondered if they have been published in England and not here yet. I looked closely at the ad for Holt’s book on Amazon and I think it said that this is the last book in her series. Any idea why?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Regina, Hazel Holt’s last Mrs. Malory (Death is a Word) has been published. It was published by a different publishing house than the rest of her Mrs. Malory mysteries. For some reason, I don’t believe it has been released in the USA, but is available from England, or as a used copy. I don’t quite understand why her new publishing company (for this last book) decided not to release it in the USA. (Hopefully this is just a case of “released it yet” in the USA.)
As for Peter Robinson, it looks like his last book hasn’t been made available here either. I don’t know why…
janie says
I know the new mysteries list are new mysteries only by authors already on this site. There are two new series that look interesting by their descriptions….the first one is titled “Snow Way Out” by Christine Houston about a Curio Shop Manager. The other one is…”Feta Attraction” by Susannah Hardy, about a manager of a Greek Restaurant in New York. If you are interested, you can check out the book descriptions. Of course, if you are like me, you probably have a ton of books to read. Both of these new mysteries come out January 6 th.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Janie, thanks for telling us about Christine Houston’s 1st Snow Globe Mystery Series (Snow Way Out) and Susannah Hardy’s 1st Greek to Me Mystery Series (Feta Attraction)!
Lindar says
Victoria Laurie’s new YA mystery appears to be titled WHEN in Amazon when I checked for Victoria Laurie: Death Date (This will be the 1st in the NEW Maddie Flynn Mystery Series. I checked today – 12/17/14
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Lindar, I am so glad you brought this to my attention. I pre-write these monthly releases as far in advance as I can, so I’m guessing that it might possibly have been the working title of the book. Other than that, I can’t even see how I possibly ever thought it was called “Death Date”.
When I first read your comment, I went to both Victoria Laurie‘s page and the Soon to be Released page on the site, and since both of those are correct, I couldn’t understand what was wrong. Then it dawned on me to check the January monthly release entry, and I saw that I never corrected it, which I just did.
So, thank you, again!
Anne says
I just love your site – I stumbled on it and it is now my go to source for cat cozy mysteries. I check your site frequently to keep up on my favorite authors.
At the library today, I was surprised to discover that Carole Nelson Douglas had released her 26th Midnight Louie Mystery – Cat in A Yellow Spotlight. If you listed it, somehow I missed it. If not, you know it now.
Thanks for all your work in keeping this site up to date.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Anne, welcome to the Cozy Mytery site AND thank you for telling me about Cat in a Yellow Spotlight by Carol Nelson Douglas. I don’t know how I missed it. I always appreciate hearing from Cozy Mystery readers who have a correction/addition for me to make on the site. Thanks, again!
Carole says
I came across this website and am thrilled to find it. Thank you for providing this list. Now I can keep up!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Carole, welcome to the Cozy Mystery site!
Donna says
Dead Man’s Daughter will not be released until June 1, 2016
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Donna, thank you for the update. I guess they’ve changed the dates on us! I’ll go delete it from the list.
Ramla Zareen says
Hi, thanks for the list. I am especially excited about Julie Hyzy’s latest book in the “White House Chef Mystery” series…! Though I have yet to read the previous two books as well…! Lolz
Too many books and not enough time…! But it’s good to feel that there are still books of my favourite authors that remain for me to read…! I hope it’s ok with you that I link your list, that is, this page, for my upcoming post on latest book releases, on my blog…!