I’ve been busy updating the Soon to be Released page on my site, and it looks to me like some editors have decided to showcase Holiday Cozy Mysteries! As some of you know, I’m all for that!
I know I’ve talked a whole lot about how we never see a “real” winter here in San Antonio. Today, while I was walking our puppy (Cocoa), I saw three different houses that had irises blooming. Yep … we are three weeks away from spring, and already we have flowers blooming that usually wait until “early spring to early summer” (according to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden site). (I absolutely love reading Cozies during the holiday season – they give me a little taste of the colder months that I miss…)
Not only are there Christmas themed Cozy Mysteries being released in September and October, there is one that’s going to be released in August! And, I found a New Year’s Eve book as well!
Wow, am I glad someone is making more holiday Cozies available for readers like me who look forward to reading them!
So here’s a reminder for you all: Take a look at the Soon to be Released page on my site every once in a while. (I try to keep it updated.) Not only will you be able to find Holiday Cozies, you will probably find one, two, or even more of your favorite Cozy Mystery authors who will be releasing new books.
Sharon Hagedorn says
Love the holiday theme books thank you for listing them for us
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Sharon, you’re very welcome!
Caroline says
Here in North Texas is completely different! It was in the low 40s today and we are expecting lows in the 20s Monday and Tuesday! Hope this doesn’t down your way. I would hate to have those. beautiful irises get frozen!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Caroline, we’ve already had a bit of a cold front… the last few days have been colder… not ‘cold’, really, just a bit colder. Hopefully it stays nice out!
Carol in Kansas says
Want to trade. We are sitting here watching the snow getting heavier. It is 2 degrees with about 2″, and 2 to 3 hours still to go.
Better than last Sunday with ice and 300 reported wrecks. MODOT just said they are plowing only. With blowing snow and low temperatures salt will just cause snow pack.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Carol, sorry to hear that! It’s definitely nice being in a more temperate clime, though I’ve lived elsewhere long enough to have lived in the sort of conditions you’re talking about. Very unpleasant.
Joanne Cowley says
If you want a “real Winter season” you are welcome to come to WI. We have had 28 below zero for weeks and we had 53 inches of snow last month. Very good cozy mystery reading weather.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Joanne, I don’t want real winter that bad, thanks! Complain as much as I might, it’s nice to be able to go outside without bundling up.
Mary Gallagher says
I love cozy mysteries by Judit I Vie, but she has stopped writing them.
Do hope she starts again.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Mary, it’s always a shame when a favorite author stops writing.
Mary Gallagher says
So true , just live in hope that she get the writing bug again.
Rebcca Kaufman says
I have found new authors that I am enjoying reading on your site. In fact have to purchase another bookcase to house my reads
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Rebecca, that’s a complaint I’ve certainly heard before!
Linda MH says
I LOVE your Soon To Be Released page. I use it all the time!!! Thank you for all you do. You are greatly appreciated.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda, you’re very welcome! I’m glad it’s helpful.
Martha Knox says
Stuck in the house all day in Joplin Mo. DO NOT drive warning from MODOT. I’ve been reading an English author who is 85+ . Betty Rowlands. I’m in the process of reading her whole series of books. The main characters are smart interesting women. It’s like getting a wonderful box of chocolates, every word is to be savored. Love the cottages and setting. Great author. I’m on the Murder in the Orchard. Great price too for ebooks.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Martha, it’s a shame to be stuck at home, but I suppose it can also be a great opportunity to catch up on some overdue reading!
Donna McLean says
A Sparrow Falls Christmas sells year round! That always surprises me, but people really do seem to love reading Christmas mysteries even in the middle of summer. Barnes & Noble featured my wee story in their Christmas-in-July promo last year, right up there with Emily Brightwell and Joanne Fluke! I was shocked but thankful, of course.
Forgive me for tooting my own horn (as my Grandma always told me a lady never does!).
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Donna, I can certainly understand people trying to keep the Christmas spirit the whole year round!