I am back home, and have been busy trying to “catch up” with some of my household responsibilities. My husband and I changed insurance plans in January, and had to have our medications sent to another online pharmacy, which would have been a little easier for me to do>>> if my doctor’s nurse was a little better at her job. I don’t mean to be negative, but I had to talk to her before I left (several times), while I was gone, and will have to call her tomorrow. Good Grief!
I feel like I got a lot accomplished while out in Colorado. I found a dog walker for my mother – who is unable to take her dog for an extended morning walk. I also found an organization that will send a woman to her home (Visiting Angels) every morning for three hours to help with small household tasks and to drive her places. Her fiancé is mending from his surgery, but will not be home for at least another month.
Although I had my laptop with me while in Colorado, my time was spent going through insurance forms, taking my mom to doctors’ appointments, lining up services that will help my mother, ETC. Also, her fiancé’s sons finally came down to see him last weekend. Their visit seemed to really raise his spirits. I really liked them, but unfortunately the daughter in law filled me in on all of my mom’s fiancé’s gossip… which I am really sorry I know! Here’s another Good Grief!
Anyway, I am back and will start being better about responding to your comments. When I finally did fire up the laptop, the connection was so slow and the mouse so stubborn, it made the whole computer process a real drag. Seemed to take forever to do anything.
Also, if any of you wrote me directly to my mail box, I will go ahead and apologize right now. I usually get my mail through Outlook Express, and was not at all prepared for the “regular” internet mail box system. Good Grief! What a mess!
Deb says
Welcome home!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Deb!
Regina says
Danna, I am glad to hear that you are back safely despite the snow. It certainly was a hectic trip for you. You are the filling in the “Sandwich Generation” while I am a slice of the bread. My daughter flew out of Denver on Friday after a 2 hour delay. She and her husband were going to the Super Bowl. All she is seeing is rain. I will be glued to my TV. GO PATRIOTS.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Hmmm, Regina. I’ve never heard about the “Sandwich Generation” but it sure does make sense.
I certainly would prefer watching the Super Bowl on television than braving the hectic crowds… Not being a football fan has its benefits, though. I can take those hours of instant replays and time-outs and watch a movie >>> or read my book!
linda says
Danna, It is so beautiful here in Ohio today. Hard to believe it is early Feb. Hope everyting will be okay with your older family members.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda, thanks. Everything seems to be under control.
Regina says
Danna, I multi task. One eye is watching the TV while the other is reading a very and I mean light mystery story. When the announcer’s voice reaches a certain decibel, I look up. Then there is always instant replay. Right now I am reading Jeanne Dams’ newest one.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Regina, I was always amazed when my mom in law would read while watching television. Both of my children can do that, also. It simply doesn’t work for me. I have to have absolute quiet… which is why I hate it when I’m in a waiting room that has the television blasting, while no one is watching. I’d rather read or get some paperwork done.
linda says
Danna, I don’t go anywhere without a book to read. Sure helps while waiting in a hospital ER or surgery waiting room. I don’t mind the TV being on but I would rather read.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda, it actually bothers me (somewhat!) to see people waiting in doctors’ offices with absolutely nothing to do. I think they are the reason so many doctors now have a television blasting in the waiting room… I mean, how many people really want to see half an hour of a movie while they wait for their appointment?!? (Or, in some cases, an hour!)
linda says
Just a small rant and rave here BBUUTT how come if we have to sit and wait for quite a while for the doctor but just let one of us be late for OUR appointent we have to either reschedule or wait until all the other patients have been seen!!!!!! Something wrong here!
Donna says
Welcome back! I’m not into football either so will be spending the evening reading some wonderful cozies or maybe watching the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet. The very definition of cute!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Donna, I’m glad you mentioned Puppy Bowl! I watched it last year (for the first time) and loved every fumble and tackle those little guys made.
Denise says
Welcome back! I too am not a big football fan so I have a good book (Hess’s Damsels in Distress ), a hot cup of tea, and will watch Cupcake Wars. Oh, did I mention in honor of it being Super Bowl Sunday I am treating myself to a slice of coconut cake.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Denise, I watched a few Cupcake Wars during the holiday season, and enjoyed them. Yum to the coconut cake. I wish others in my family liked it as much as I do…
Susan says
((((((Hugs)))))) Danna.
Not being in America there’s no football on TV and I have a new – to me – Carolyn Haines novel!
Hope things improve for you!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Susan. This last trip home certainly was a surprise for me. I had no idea that things had gotten this bad… I’m glad I was able to get the ball rolling.
Maria (BearMountainBooks) says
I’m a big football fan, so I watched and really enjoyed the close game!
Welcome back and *good grief!* I hope things are smooth sailing from here on out!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Good grief, Maria, you picked football over those cute, little puppies?!?
Maria (BearMountainBooks) says
Margaret says
Danna, I am so happy to hear you made it out before the blizzard! I was actually thinking about you when I saw the snow on the news. Here in (midstate) New York we are still snowless. I too love Puppy Bowl. I’ve been watching it for a few years. The Kitty Half Time is my favorite. I also like the new additions, the Blimp, Tweeting Bird and Pig Pep Squad!
I actually prefer to read when the T.V. is on. During the warmer months I like to read while sitting outside in the back yard. During the Winter I read for about 1 hour before going to bed. But I do need the T.V. on for the noise. Funny thing tho, when I read outside if there is alot of Neighborhood noise it actually distracts my reading. When I read inside the silence distracts me.
Margaret says
P.S. I am making my way through Lorna Barrett’s Book Town series. I am on the 4th installment. What a great series. I just purchased the Avery Aames Cheese Shop Mysteries. It looks like it will be a cute series. It seems to be a pretty safe bet staying with Authors from Berkley Prime Crime Publishing. They have a nice selection of consistent Cozy Authors!
alfred says
Margaret have you read Laura Childs Tea Shop Mysteries that is another good series to read.
Margaret says
Alfred, I have recently purchased a few in the series but have not started them yet. I love her Cackleberry Club Mysteries so I am sure to enjoy the Tea Shop Mysteries once I get to them!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Margaret, while I was out in Colorado Springs, there were days when I didn’t even wear my light weight jacket. Who would have guessed they would get that blizzard!
I taped the Animal Planet’s Puppy Bowl and am watching it in short installments. Those little puppies are absolutely darling! Makes me want to go get another puppy… almost!
Regina says
Danna, The secret of my multi-tasking is to read something very light or to watch something rather boring. I finished Jeanne Dams’ new book. She touched upon a serious topic, domestic abuse, with a deft hand. Today I hope to begin Elizabeth George’s new book as I have a bad cold I want some light reading.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Yikes, Regina! I wouldn’t consider Elizabeth George “light” reading! Hope your cold is quick to leave you…
Petie says
Welcome home, Danna! Watched the Super Bowl (don’t have cable) and I think the commercials were the best part!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Petie, a few years ago I actually looked up the Super Bowl ads online. That was the only part I wanted to see…
linda says
I love football. I watched the game but I had a book opened on my lap at the same time. Loved the puppies!!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda, I still have some of the Puppy Bowl I haven’t watched yet. My husband walked through the room while I was watching it and laughed so much that I decided to wait and watch the show with him. Those puppies are simply TOO cute!
linda says
Danna, The Animal Planet has a new-to-me series coming up on Feb 25th called “Too Cute.” I am really looking forward to seeing this show.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda, I have seen the “Too Cute” show advertised on the Animal Planet, but have decided not to watch it. I am sure the show would convince me to add another pet to our family, and I don’t want to “go there” right now. But, thanks for telling us about it. If Sprite was (I think that “was” should be “were” but it sounds so odd to me right now!) with us, I would definitely be watching it…
linda says
Danna, I am afraid that I too will be tempted to add more animals to my two little dogs. Sometimes I am glad that my hubby thinks he is boss. For, even any hint of me adding more animals will send him balistic!