Cozy Mystery (and Other Favorite) Books, Movies, and TV
Happy, Healthy New Year!
I am hoping that 2016 is a better, happier, healthier, more fun year for ALL of you than 2015 was. As my son and daughter get older (and of course my husband and I, too!) I feel like the years go faster and faster. I wish time would slow down, but you know what they say about wishes…
Today, to celebrate the beginning of a New Year, I’m going to spend the day reading my current Kate Collins‘ Flower Shop mystery. I want to try to be all caught-up by the time Flower Shop Mysteries: Mum’s the Word premiers on the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries channel on January 17. (Of course, with my always-a-few-books-behind syndrome, this might be the first resolution of the New Year that I don’t keep!) I hope ALL of you are able to spend today just the way you want to, and that this New Year will bring you much happiness.
Happy New Year to you and your family as well as to all the readers of this blog! May we all find joy, peace, strength and time to read all the wonderful cozies!
This is a series I make a point of keeping up to date on. This is one of the very first cozy series I read when I branched into cozies many years ago. Sure wish I got the channel the movies will be on!
Valerie, I’m sorry they aren’t showing these Hallmark movies on the regular Hallmark channel. What a drag that they think they only belong on their new, sister channel. Maybe they’ll eventually make their way over to the original Hallmark channel.
There are very few Cozy Mystery series I keep up to date on. All of my good intentions go right out the door when I find a new-to-me series that sounds really promising. Then I usually end up adding that series to my favorite authors list, and end up not-caught-up with my new series either!
Happy New Year to Danna and all the cozy mystery readers. 2016 sure looks like a good year for books and the new mystery series on the Hallmark mystery channel.
Sheila in CT, who would have guessed that the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries channel would start showing some of our favorite Cozy Mystery series? I get quite excited about seeing how they will treat a series.
Danna; i am like you in that I wish time wouldnt fly so fast. I can’t keep up! Especially with my reading and crafts. I start work on Monday the 4th but will be done April 18. As well as the care of my rescue puppy and dad (who is no picnic at 89) to care for as well.
So I look forward to your blogs that I follow very closely. You and hubby, family and friends take care and God Bless. LIke tnquilt says, I really feel that I’ve found a “family here” and am very grateful for all the inspiration and new authors I find from your recommends.
Rescuing a cat or dog at any age is a great thing to do and I am so glad you did it, Rob!
Danna, you and your dearest may want to call some rescue groups in your region to see if there are some well-behaved younger dogs available. Past the puppy year (s) and into the manageable years. Some people have to give up a dog for any number of totally unanticipated reasons.
Marja, as soon as my husband and I start seriously talking about doing this, we come up with reasons not to. One day we’re just going to have to go out and do it. I know we’ll be happy when we do…
Happy New Year!! I hope 2016 is good to you. I’m laughing at the “always-a-few-books-behind syndrome”. That’s me, too. Glad to know I’m not alone. Thanks for all you do!
Marja, I love your little cat face! ? It’s funny, just last week I asked my husband if he knew where I could find those cute keypad pictures. I used to have a whole lot of them, but over the years I misplaced them. (Probably when I changed computers at some point.) The member of one of the online book clubs that I belonged to used to use them a lot. They were lots of fun.)
Happy 2016!
My family and I fly to LA for a holiday at Disneyland next week. But for me I am writing out my list of books to check out when I hit your bookstores. Happy days!!!
Andrea, what fun for you all. And you are going at a wonderful time of year >>> while school is in session over here. I’m sure you will have lots of fun!
Happy 2016, Danna! Your blog is such a resource for my pleasure reading. I want to tell you about our usual New Year celebration. Since my in-laws usually take our little girls (she of the impish hat-wearing owl and her sister) on vacation after Christmas, my husband and I are alone on New Years Eve and we like it that way. We go to the bedroom, snuggle up in flannel sheets…. and indulge in The Thin Man movies marathon! Boring but so much fun for us. Refreshments like sparkling apple cider, cheese and chocolate are often present!
Linda L, thank you for the New Years greetings. Your New Year’s Eve celebrations sound like something my husband and I would enjoy doing, too. (We’re not big about going out on the worse drinking/driving night of the year.)
Kimberley says
Happy New Year to you and your family as well as to all the readers of this blog! May we all find joy, peace, strength and time to read all the wonderful cozies!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Kimberley, I second your hope: “May we all find joy, peace, strength and time to read all the wonderful cozies!”?
Valerie says
This is a series I make a point of keeping up to date on. This is one of the very first cozy series I read when I branched into cozies many years ago. Sure wish I got the channel the movies will be on!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Valerie, I’m sorry they aren’t showing these Hallmark movies on the regular Hallmark channel. What a drag that they think they only belong on their new, sister channel. Maybe they’ll eventually make their way over to the original Hallmark channel.
There are very few Cozy Mystery series I keep up to date on. All of my good intentions go right out the door when I find a new-to-me series that sounds really promising. Then I usually end up adding that series to my favorite authors list, and end up not-caught-up with my new series either!
Janelle says
Happy New Year! Look forward to your updates.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Janelle, thanks! They’ll be coming shortly…
tnquilt says
I so appreciate your blog. I hope your 2016 is the best year yet!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
tnquilt, I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog, and hope to see more of you here!
Sheila in CT says
Happy New Year to Danna and all the cozy mystery readers. 2016 sure looks like a good year for books and the new mystery series on the Hallmark mystery channel.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Sheila in CT, who would have guessed that the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries channel would start showing some of our favorite Cozy Mystery series? I get quite excited about seeing how they will treat a series.
Rob says
Danna; i am like you in that I wish time wouldnt fly so fast. I can’t keep up! Especially with my reading and crafts. I start work on Monday the 4th but will be done April 18. As well as the care of my rescue puppy and dad (who is no picnic at 89) to care for as well.
So I look forward to your blogs that I follow very closely. You and hubby, family and friends take care and God Bless. LIke tnquilt says, I really feel that I’ve found a “family here” and am very grateful for all the inspiration and new authors I find from your recommends.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Rob, I hope you find more time for your reading and crafts during 2016. What types of crafts do you make?
My son and daughter think I should get serious and rescue a puppy, but I know how much time a puppy needs.
Also, I’m glad you found us over here!
Marja says
Rescuing a cat or dog at any age is a great thing to do and I am so glad you did it, Rob!
Danna, you and your dearest may want to call some rescue groups in your region to see if there are some well-behaved younger dogs available. Past the puppy year (s) and into the manageable years. Some people have to give up a dog for any number of totally unanticipated reasons.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Marja, as soon as my husband and I start seriously talking about doing this, we come up with reasons not to. One day we’re just going to have to go out and do it. I know we’ll be happy when we do…
Malvina says
Happy new year to you and all the readers. I’m afraid I lurk a bit, but really enjoy this column. Best to all
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Malvina, I’m glad you dropped us a note >>> nothing wrong with “lurking” but it’s nice to hear from you, too. Thank you for the New Year greetings!?
Susan Bernhardt says
Happy New Year, Danna!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Susan, thanks! To you, too!
Linda MH says
Happy New Year!! I hope 2016 is good to you. I’m laughing at the “always-a-few-books-behind syndrome”. That’s me, too. Glad to know I’m not alone. Thanks for all you do!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda MH, I’m guessing there are lots and lots of us in the always-a-few-books-behind syndrome club. This is one club I’d rather not belong to!
Marja says
Happy 2016 to all
Live long and pros-purr!
Yes the years do seem to move faster and faster. … and my “writers to catch up with” list grows longer and longer.
What a blessing to have so many wonderful mysteries to read over many happy hours with my lap cats …
And a blessing to have this blog, Danna. Many thanks.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Marja, I love your little cat face! ? It’s funny, just last week I asked my husband if he knew where I could find those cute keypad pictures. I used to have a whole lot of them, but over the years I misplaced them. (Probably when I changed computers at some point.) The member of one of the online book clubs that I belonged to used to use them a lot. They were lots of fun.)
MJ says
To Danna and all blog posters/readers:
I’m sending along my sincerest wishes for
a year filled with happiness, great health,
and an abundance of blessings!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
MJ, thank you for the New Year wishes on behalf of ALL of us!
Tessa says
Happy New Year!
Thank you so much, for telling us, that Hallmark will do a “Flower Shop Mystery”.
I have become enamoured of Hallmark Ch. movies and etc. Lovely to know, they will be doing this too.
Gentle hugs…
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Tessa, so glad you enjoy hearing about the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries mystery movies. Happy New Year to you!
Melissa says
Happy New Year!
Have a wonderful 2016! =)
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Melissa, I hope your 2016 is wonderful, too!
Andrea says
Happy 2016!
My family and I fly to LA for a holiday at Disneyland next week. But for me I am writing out my list of books to check out when I hit your bookstores. Happy days!!!
Andrea says
Oh I should say we are flying from Australia – hence the excitement over both the flight, Disneyland …and the bookstores.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Andrea, what fun for you all. And you are going at a wonderful time of year >>> while school is in session over here. I’m sure you will have lots of fun!
Linda L says
Happy 2016, Danna! Your blog is such a resource for my pleasure reading. I want to tell you about our usual New Year celebration. Since my in-laws usually take our little girls (she of the impish hat-wearing owl and her sister) on vacation after Christmas, my husband and I are alone on New Years Eve and we like it that way. We go to the bedroom, snuggle up in flannel sheets…. and indulge in The Thin Man movies marathon! Boring but so much fun for us. Refreshments like sparkling apple cider, cheese and chocolate are often present!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda L, thank you for the New Years greetings. Your New Year’s Eve celebrations sound like something my husband and I would enjoy doing, too. (We’re not big about going out on the worse drinking/driving night of the year.)