I will start out by admitting that I have not read any of G. K. Chesterton‘s Father Brown mystery books. So I cannot compare between the two media, nor can I tell you how similar the shows are to the mystery books.
The Father Brown television episodes star Kenneth More as the curate sleuth. He reminds me a lot of Joan Hickson’s Miss Marple. He is extremely observant, seems to fade into the background, and also is very inquisitive. Because of this Catholic priest’s ability to be over-looked, he is able to garner a lot of information which would normally not be shared by people – especially the culprits!
The Father Brown series takes place during the 1920s, and I found the production sets to be very believable. (Of course, I don’t know the era personally!) But, I must warn you, if you’re looking for the razzle-dazzle of today’s television productions, you will not be impressed. These shows seem to have been filmed using video tape rather than film. (I could be wrong about this, though.) I, on the other hand, am more interested in the acting and the actual mysteries… and this show does not fall short on either of these things.
Kenneth More makes these Father Brown mysteries a delight to watch. He portrays the curate as a slightly out-of-touch-with-reality individual, which of course makes people underestimate him. Father Brown’s sidekick is Hercule Flambeau (Dennis Burgess). Hercule isn’t involved in every case, but their paths seem to overlap quite a bit. Hercule is the more serious of the two and lacks the mischievousness playfulness and wink-at-the-audience attitude of Father Brown.
My husband and I have enjoyed the Father Brown television episodes… but, again, if you’re looking for today’s film productions, pass on these really good, Cozy Mystery shows.
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Donna (A Distant Murder) says
The Father Brown stories are delightfully whimsical and the mysteries are just puzzling enough for me – not so brainy that I can’t understand it, but not too easily solved, either. I haven’t seen the series but I’ll be sure to get the DVDs now. BTW – do you recall a Monica Ferris book that you recommended to me a month or so ago, in which she solves the mystery using a crochet pattern? I can’t find the note I wrote to remind myself to buy it. 🙁
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Donna, I’m sorry I didn’t add the word “whimsical” to my entry! When my husband and I watched the first Father Brown episode, I wasn’t quite sure what to think. We are both glad that we went on and watched the second episode. We became hooked!
Yes, the book I was talking about was Monica Ferris’ Framed in Lace.
Donna says
Thanks! I’m looking forward to reading it, she’s a new author to me. I agree that a remake of the Father Brown series would be great idea, if it’s done as well as the Poirot series starring David Suchet. Some of the new Masterpiece Mystery things are awful.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Donna, I know what you mean about the first episode in the Father Brown series. We weren’t quite sure of how to take Kenneth More. He certainly does seem to have a good time playing Father Brown.
Robin says
there is a newer Father Brown series. PBS of course. I can’t remember the actor’s name right now. The production values are good and are scenic, as one would expect.
Karen Russell says
I haven’t watched these either, but there’s a distinct appearance in production quality for some of those ATV shows, and BBC for that matter — sometimes I think the doors are cardboard and the walls are paper. But if you can get past that they’re often good fun.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Karen R., I guess I overstated the production value… or should I have said understated? I didn’t mean to imply that the walls and doors look like elementary school dioramas… The shows just aren’t “slick” by today’s standards. Oh, and the characters look like they don’t necessarily come from the Ford Model Agency…
Margaret says
Hi Danna, along the same lines: I just found out THE FATHER DOWLING MYSTERIES (season 1) will be released on February 7. Amazon and Barnes and Nobel are offering pre-order for the DVD. I hope enough people show interest and buy season 1 so they release seasons 2 and 3. I really loved this show. I was so sorry when it went off air. I was giving up hope for it to ever be released on DVD. I enjoy the books as well.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Margaret, I have heard about the Father Dowling mystery shows, but never did watch them. I’ll have to check them out…
Julia says
Oh, I’m so glad those will be out on DVD! I never cared for the books – Father Dowling came off, to me, as too judgemental. But I really enjoyed the TV series with Tom Bosley , even if it seemed to be more ‘inspired by’ than ‘based on’ the books.
Laura says
Danna: Considering these television shows were done in the early 1970’s, we’re lucky they still exist. I guess we have already become accustomed to the large screen, HD TVs. I have read the “Father Brown” mysteries and I think the television shows kept close to the stories. I would like to see these redone again, but perhaps they are too quiet and thoughtful for today’s viewers.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Laura, for telling us how the Father Brown television episodes compare to the actual written mysteries. It would be great if ITV or the BBC would remake these shows, but if Hollywood got their hands on them, I have a feeling Father Brown would be a sexy, young actor – and his side-kick (Hercule) would change to Herculina and probably be portrayed by some buxom blond!
Frankie says
It’s nice reading these comments so many years after they were posted. I’m sure you all know by now that “Father Brown” was re-booted. It’s a very successful second time around series. It started in 2013 and it’s still in production. I’ve not seen the original (produced in the 1970s). Mark Williams (current portrayer of Father Brown) does a fantastic job playing the open-minded, sympathetic, empathetic, firm on repentance, and firm on asking forgiveness, Catholic priest. Hercule Flambeau is not his sidekick in this series. He’s more like Father Brown’s “nemesis” / acquaintance, who seemingly becomes a friend of the caring priest, who simply wants Flambeau to repent and change his ways. I hope some of you all have had the opportunity to watch the new series and maybe enjoyed it. I love it immensely!
Ann says
I haven’t seen any of these. I’ll look out for them. My library has a good selection and may have them. By the way, I gave you a shout out on my A Penny Saved blog – http://apennysavedisapennyearned.blogspot.com/.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Ann!
Melinda says
I did not search well enough before just posting! Was asking about the Father Brown series. There is a new one that just aired on BBC here in the UK, starring Mark Williams (Ron Weasley’s father in the Harry Potter movies). Have not seen the Kenneth More series, wonder how they compare?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Aha, Melinda, I have only seen the Father Brown series with Kenneth More, and he is wonderful. I didn’t know they have made a remake of the old show.
Donna says
There is also a wonderful old B&W film starring Alec Guiness, the title is The Detective and it’s shown on TCM quite often. It captures the feeling of the original stories very well.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Donna, I am going to go write an email to myself with the message: “Alec Guiness in The Detective on TCM” so that when I get home I can remember to set up our taping device. (I am finding myself writing too many notes to myself on fly-away papers, and I’m sure I’ll get this e-mail.) Thanks for telling us about this movie. I can’t wait to see it.
Donna says
I think it’s on netflx too, seems to me I watched it a few years ago online. There’s a Frank Sinatra movie by the same name but it is most definitely not a Father Brown story and it isn’t cozy at all. Good if you like pulp, though. (I suspect most of the cozy-mystery blog posters don’t care for pulp. 🙂 ) I think the Alec Guinness film was made in the UK and it had another name, but I can’t recall it at the moment.
Joppy says
The second series of stories starring Mark Williams starts on BBC1 today, as an afternoon show, can’t think why as it deserves an evening slot.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Joppy, for letting all of those who have access to the BBC1 that they will be showing the second Father Brown television series starring Mark Williams.
BrendaC says
Danna, Have you been following the new Elementary TV series? It’s a modern take on Sherlock Holmes and Watson with Jonny Lee Miller as a younger, updated Sherlock displaced to NYC and Lucy Liu as a female Doctor Watson.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
No, BrendaC, I have been spoiled by watching all of the Sherlock Holmes television movies starring Jeremy Brett. They are true to the spirit I think Sir Arthur Conan Doyle intended his characters/settings/plots to have. (I am not crazy with updated versions of classics.)
BrendaC says
I do love the classics too – especially the Agatha Christies.
Carla says
There are two Father Brown Mystery series – the earlier, circa 1974, with Kenneth Moore, and the later, circa 2013, with Mark Williams who some may recognize as Mr Arthur Weasley of the Harry Potter movies as well as various other roles in British mysteries.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Carla, I haven’t seen the one with Mark Williams, but we really enjoy the one with Kenneth Moore.
Carla says
I accidentally discovered it on SoCal PBS KCET on a Sunday evening. You might be able to watch/buy it via PBS.Org. I’ve enjoyed the effort they’ve put in to capture the era.
Myra says
I enjoy Father Brown Mysteries but find the background music is way to loud and makes it difficult to hear what the actors are saying especially on public television due to budget antennas therefore the sound is not that great
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Myra, I’m guessing the new series is a lot easier to hear/understand. Every once in a while my husband have to reverse some of the older British mystery discs so we can get the full sentences. (We gave up on the new Father Brown series and are rewatching the old ones…)
Patrick says
Dear Danna,
Father Brown mystery series starring Kenneth Moore are now available on YouTube.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Patrick, thanks for the suggestion!
Patty says
I really like the Father Brown with Mark Williams. It was on Netflix. I watched the series 2 times through. I like the acting and the scenery. I also like Midsoner Murders. Thanks. Patty
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Patty, you’re welcome! And I’m glad to hear from someone else who was able to enjoy this series on Netflix!
Patrick says
PremiereDate.News Monday December 13, 2021
Series 9 of Father Brown Gets Premiere Date from BBC One – January 3, 2022