I don’t know how to begin this blog… "Boo, hoo, hoo" or "I am sad" are how I feel, but, let’s face it, those two entry phrases are pretty negative, and they don’t really begin to cover the great sadness I feel every time my children leave our home.
My daughter packed her car and left this morning… She’s off to another semester of Aerospace Engineering, which translates for me as "another semester away from home." I am sure I am not alone in these parental feelings. And, I am guessing that there are a lot of people who are experiencing this same sadness right now, since most of the universities are back in session tomorrow.
My daughter and I share a very special relationship….. She truly is a best friend to me. I absolutely cannot imagine my life without her. I really do not know how parents managed to deal with these types of frequent college separations years ago… before cell phones. I cannot imagine not being able to talk to my children any time they want to talk to me… (Note that I say any time they want to talk to me… not anytime I want to talk to them!)
I remember (years ago) when I was in college. I talked to my parents probably once a month… maybe twice if it was a birthday month. During these "tender moment" phone calls… I could hear my father in the background saying "We need to hang up." or "She can write us a letter." or, if he was in a particularly good mood "We can write her a letter." Some of you may be able to remember those "Ma Bell" precious moments… when the minutes truly were preciou$$$$$!
But, I digress….
Let me just say, I am experiencing a "withdrawal of sorts." I am not at all sure I care for this phenomenon… children growing up and going out on their own. Thank goodness we belong to the "family plan" of our chosen cell phone company!
Chris Forman says
Yes, it’s sad. We are done with four kids in college. Ten years of traversing central NY. Many thousands of dollars too. But it was all worth it. Now my son is taking a job in Germany teaching English. Thank God for the internet and e-mail.
Jan says
Danna, I know exactly how you feel! It seems we get a little used to our kids being gone and we settle into a routine, then they come home for the summer, school breaks, and a month at Christmas and we become accustomed to a full house of activity, friends, family meals, conversations, etc…then they are gone again and the house feels so empty and quiet.A huge hole. My son went back early this year for his internship job and even though he is a senior and I should be used to it, I cried when he left. I know it’s his last year for extended holiday visits. My daughter has one more week at home. I have a special relationship with both and miss them terribly. A friend once told me the good news is your "recovery time" does eventually get shorter….. (((hugs)))
Danna - cozy mystery list says
I don’t know what I would feel like if one of mine moved as far away as Germany. You aren’t kidding about the internet and e-mail!
On the other hand…. I sure hope you are planning on visiting him… What an adventure that would be!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Jan, It sounds like you know exactly how I feel. You know, after I read your letter, I started wondering if these college breaks are for the parents also… So that we can slowly grow accustomed to our children being far away… Preparing us for the time when they eventually move on to their jobs (which no longer will allow them to come home for these extended vacations). I am definitely not ready for that!