This entry has absolutely nothing to do with Cozy Mystery books, but it’s been a while since my last “rant and rave”. It has to do with squirrels, specifically those in my back yard!
I have to say, since Sprite has been gone, I have been exhibiting “bird-lady” symptoms. I am the first to admit it. (Yes, “bird-lady” as in the “Feed the Birds” bird-lady in the Mary Poppins movie!)
Actually, I’m not quite that bad>>> yet. But I have become a little obsessed with my back yard birds. I started with just one (standing) bird bath, and progressed to one “main” birdbath, two bird baths that hang, and two squirrel-proof bird feeders. On top of that, I was known to throw raw peanuts out for the Blue Jays – as in several times a day! >>> What did I tell you? I was truly exhibiting some “bird-lady” symptoms!
All that, however, has become a thing of the past. I know I have written about the time a squirrel ate his/her way into our attic. Of course, that meant fixing the roof with both a roof repair company AND an air conditioning company that had to reattach some of the pipes that lead outside. That squirrel fiasco did not come cheap!
Unfortunately, the seeds the birds discarded to the ground (as well as the peanuts meant for the Blue Jays) were being enjoyed by our back yard squirrels. I was OK with this, as long as it was limited to just our back yard squirrels. But the word got out!
Last week, my husband noticed that our back yard squirrels had grown in number. We currently had seven squirrels coming over to our house for their daily calorie consumption. This may not seem like a lot of squirrels to those of you who live on wooded lots, but we live in a rather overpopulated subdivision, where you might see two or three squirrels frolicking outside on your drive home.
As much as it saddened me, I had to take down both of my feeders and one of my birdbaths. We have gone to just one platform-type bird feeder (from which the birds don’t discard any seeds to the ground), one hanging bird bath, and our “main” bird bath that can be used by the squirrels – since we are experiencing water restrictions again. (Fortunately, now that we have our squirrel bafflers, I haven’t had to mess with the hummingbird feeders.)
We’ll see how all of this squirrel precaution plays out. Hopefully they will learn to forage for food. Yesterday my husband saw one of the squirrels dig out a peanut (meant for Blue Jay consumption ONLY), and I’m sure they have acorns buried all over the yard, since we have four large oaks.
Now that we’ve made it more difficult for the squirrels to lounge around in our yard, we’re hoping they “move on” and don’t take to gnawing on our house again!