Where would we (the readers of Cozy Mysteries) by without books stores or book publishers? My last blog was about our friends, the librarians. Today, my Cozy Mystery by Theme topic covers the realm of books, but not libraries…
Kathy Aarons: Chocolate Covered Mystery Series – Michelle Serrano is the co-owner of Chocolates and Chapters, a combination bookstore and chocolate shop.
Victoria Abbott (Writing duo Mary Jane Maffini & daughter Victoria Maffini): Book Collectors Mystery Series, stars a researcher of rare mystery books who works for an eccentric collector.
Ellery Adams (aka J.B. Stanley, Jennifer Stanley, & early Lucy Arlington): Secret, Book & Scone Society Mystery Series – Nora Pennington owns the Miracle Books shop and is able to pick out just the right books for her clients who are in pain.
Laura Alden: The PTA Mystery Series features a sleuth who owns a children’s bookshop.
Lorna Barrett: The Haven’t Got a Clue Mystery Series takes place in a bookstore of that same name.
Lawrence Block: The Bernie Rhodenbarr Series features a book seller…
Ali Brandon (aka Diane A.S. Stuckart): The Black Cat Bookshop Mystery Series which takes place in Brooklyn. Darla Pettistone and her cat, Hamlet, make a dynamic sleuthing duo.
V.M. Burns: Samantha Washington Bookshop Mystery Series – Samantha is an aspiring Cozy Mystery author who owns a book store on the shores of Lake Michigan.
Lynn Cahoon: The sleuth (Jill Gardner) owns the Coffee, Books, and More store in the Tourist Trap Mystery Series.
Kate Carlisle: The Bibliophile Mystery Series features a rare book expert.
Mary Daheim: The Emma Lord Mystery Series features the owner/publisher of the local newspaper.
Kaitlyn Dunnett (aka Kathy Lynn Emerson): Deadly Edits Mystery Series features an editor who lives in the Catskills…
John Dunning: The Cliff Janeway Series features a rare book expert.
Amanda Flower (aka Isabella Alan): Magical Bookshop Mystery Series – takes place in an enchanted bookstore.
Carolyn G. Hart: The Death on Demand Mystery Bookstore is the hub of this series.
Joan Hess: Her Claire Malloy Series features a bookstore owner.
Julie Kaewert: Kaewert’s Booklover’s Series falls into the book publisher category perfectly.
Alice Kimberly (aka Cleo Coyle): The Haunted Bookshop Mystery Series… Need I say more?
Maggie King: Book Group Mystery Series, which stars a romance author, who is the co-founder of a mystery book group.
Allison Kingsley (aka Kate Kingsbury & Rebecca Kent): The Raven’s Nest Bookshop Mystery Series takes place in Maine.
Katherine Lasky Knight: Her Calista Jacobs Mystery Series features a sleuth who is also a children’s book illustrator…
Richard and Frances Lockridge: Their Mr. & Mrs. North Mystery Series involves publishing books.
Marianne Macdonald: Her Dido Hoare Mystery Series used to be called the Antiquanarian Book Mystery Series.
Molly MacRae: The Highland Bookshop Mystery Series stars the co-owner of a book store.
Evan Marshall: Jane Stuart & Winky Mystery Series… Jane is a literary agent.
Christine Matthews (w/Robert J. Randisi): Owning a book store is central in the Gil and Claire Hunt Series.
Marlys Millhiser: Charlie Green Mystery Series (Charlie is a literary agent.)
Terrie Farley Moran: Sassy Cabot and Bridgy Mayfield own the Read ‘Em and Eat, which is a combination bookstore and café in the Read ‘Em and Eat Mystery Series .
There are also some anthologies out there which have books or simply put, the world of books as a theme to their stories:
Marcia Muller & Bill Pronzini are the editors of Chapter & Hearse: Suspense Stories About the World of Books.
Secrets of Mary’s Bookshop – Mary owns Mary’s Mystery Bookshop
Cynthia Manson is the editor of Murder by the Book.
♦To access more Cozy Mysteries by Theme click on this link.♦
Jennifer says
How do I show my gratitude! I’ve just stumbled on your site and I’m so very excited to get started on your very accomplished lists!
Thank you very much.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Hi Jennifer,
I’m glad that you found the site and hope that you are able to find some authors who you really enjoy!
Jane says
Wow! I, too, have just discovered your website. My new book club THIRD MONDAY DETECTIVES can read for years to come from your great cozy list! Thanks
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Hi Jane…
Glad you found the website… You are lucky to be in a book club that has active participants… enjoy!
Jan says
You need to add Evan Marshall to this list. His Jane Stuart mysteries would fit right in. (She’s a literary agent). Missing Marlene is the first in the series.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Jan!
Rosemary says
Steve Berry’s Cotton Malone is a retired spy who now owns a bookshop. His mysteries and adventure in Europe are engrossing.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Rosemary, for all of the additions to the different theme pages!
Ann says
I stopped by your blog today. Lovely to see a list of cozy mysteries. I attended the Austin Book Festival last week-end and was disappointed that I didn’t see any cozies there.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Hi Ann,
I bet the Austin Book Festival was a lot of fun, despite your disappointment with the lack of Cozies. As soon as I read your comment, I wondered if they had a lot of Paranormal mysteries displayed… Seems to be the fashion these days…
Kerry says
Thanks so much for adding Evan Marshall! I read several of these books years ago, and lost my book index when my computer crashed. I could not remember the author’s name and now I have it! Thanks so much!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
You’re quite welcome, Kerry!
Since you say that you read these books several years ago, I am guessing that you are talking about Evan Marshall’s Jane Stuart and Winky series. (His newer series looks like it is quite a bit different…)
Deanna says
Kate Carlisle’s Bibliophile series would be a good addition to your list. From Amazon’s bio page on the author, “….featuring rare book expert Brooklyn Wainwright, whose bookbinding and restoration skills invariably uncover old secrets, treachery and murder.”
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Deanna, for reminding me about Kate Carlisle! When I add new authors to the site, I try to make sure that I get them on the themes that correspond with them. (Unfortunately, I sometimes miss them.)
Thanks, again…
Judy says
Hi SO SO HAPPY TO FIND THIS SITE. It is a great help to finding new authors. I love cozy mysteries especially by theme and have all the needlework mysteries so am always trying to find new authors. I was wondering if anyone knows any old house mystery fiction or novels set in maine, scotland, or cornwall? I do have a few but still trying to find more great authors and I have read many of the authors mentioned. Also love mysteries set around books or antiques and do have some but always looking for more so KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK THIS SITE IS A GREAT IDEA AND NOW I WILL BE CHECKING IT REGULARLY JUDY
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Judy, have you tried Alice Kimberly‘s Haunted Bookshop Mystery Series? Or, how about E. J. Copperman‘s Haunted Guesthouse Mystery Series?
Judy says
Hi thankyou for the info, my little local bookshop lady is going to have a fit – she orders all the books in that I think sound good and I seem to have a list a mile long which I keep adding to especially now with this site. I love cozy cottages, craft and bookshop and have many of the authors so will keep a regular check on this blog THANKYOU SO MUCH KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK TO ALL judy
Judy says
I just wanted to ask does anyone know if the DIDO HOARE books are good cozies. It’s good to get feedback before I buy thank you again. judy
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Let me just add, Judy, that the Dido Hoare books are written by Marianne Macdonald…
Margaret says
Hi Danna, I just wanted to add BURRIED IN A BOOK, a Novel Idea Mystery by Lucy Arlington. It was released early February of this year. It is the first in a new series. The main character Lila Wilkins looses her job in journalism and takes a job at a literay agency in North Carolina. I looked around the site to see if you had it listed any where but did not find it. If it is there some where, sorry. I did purchase it but have not read it yet. From what I have heard it does sound pretty good. I like coming in on a new series right at the beginning! No catching up to do, woohoo.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Hi Margaret,
Thanks for mentioning Lucy Arlington’s Buried in a Book. I have the book listed on J. B. Stanley‘s page, as well as Jennifer Stanley‘s and Ellery Adams. Why? (You may ask…)
It turns out that “Lucy Arlington” is written by Sylvia May and Jennifer/J. B. Stanley, who is also Ellery Adams. Yep! Pseudonyms, pseudonyms, and even more pseudonyms!
Margaret says
I know, it makes me crazy, but I understand the use for pseudonyms. But, when you love one series one author writes but might not try another series because you are not familiar with that author, it would be nice to know they are one and the same. Sometimes it is obvious, because the author is open about her/his pseudonyms, but sometimes I only find out because I searched your site! Oh well, maybe if I do like the Lucy Arlington book, I will check out some of her others.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Margaret, J. B. Stanley‘s Supper Club Mystery Series is one of my favorite series.
M. J. B says
Another good series featuring a bookstore owner/operator would be the “Lark Dodge” books by Sheila Simonson.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, M. J. B, I’ll have to check out Sheila Simonson.
Bella says
There is also the Ravens Nest Mysteries by Allison Kingsley. They feature a bookstore called Ravens Nest.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Bella, for reminding me about Allison Kingsley’s Raven’s Nest Bookstore Mystery Series. (It seems like I have recently been forgetting to add authors who start new series under new pseudonyms to these theme lists.)
Eva says
I just happened upon your site by looking for an author and oh my goodness, I love love love your site. I have been a mystery buff for most of my life and up until currently have i started really paying attention to the types, author etc. keep up the great work.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Welcome to the site, Eva. I’m glad you found us. We have a great group of people here!
Maggie M. says
Hello! I thought I’d let you know that the Carolyn G. Hart link is broken!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Maggie M, for letting me know Carolyn Hart’s link was broken on this page. Actually, when I checked, I had 49 of her links that were broken. (I had initially made all of her links as “Carolyn G. Hart” but when she dropped the “G”, I didn’t know I had to change all of them.) I just finished fixing them.
I truly appreciate it when Cozy Mystery readers let me know there are problems on the site, so that I can fix them. A big THANKS, again!
Valinda says
The couple who sold me the bookstore, The Booksmith, introduced me to this site. What am I in? Pure Heaven, just heaven. I will be using this site to order books for the store. Just love it! Thank you a million times.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Valinda, good to know that bookstores are using my site!
Susy says
I came upon this site a couple of years ago and have used it to create a list of authors to try. Most I have like, but as I am sure is true for everyone, there were some I did not (probably not enough). I keep adding to my list at least once a year.
I want to share my very favorite place to buy used books. It is the VNSA used book sale held in Phoenix, Arizona and it is held every February (second weekend I think). My husband and I often drive all over the country just to check out used book stores, but this is one place we never miss, even now that we have to fly in from the east coast.
Susan* says
Not quite sure if this fits in here or not, but figured it was worth a note: Victoria Abbott’s “Book Collector Mystery” series.
Jordan Kelly is basically a ‘Book Scout’ who tracks down rare volumes for her wealthy employer – and of, course, gets involved in murder along the way.
All the books feature a particular, well-known, author, starting with Bk 1 “The Christie Curse” and (so far) ending with Bk 5 “The Hammett Hex”.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Susan, hmm, I think it’s just a little too far from book store ownership to count. It would certainly appeal to the same audience though, so thanks for mentioning it!
Sara Long says
I really enjoy the book sleuth/mystery solver series by Victoria Abbott. You have her noted in the authors in alphabetical order, but you should put her in the page about collecting books as well.
Carole says
I’m reading Susan Harper’s Back Room Bookstore cozy mystery boxed set. The bookstore is actually divided in two, one in the mortal side and the other in the mystic side. It’s run by sisters (twins) who are witches. It’s kind of a fun series that takes place over a year in their lives.
Sara says
I went here: https://cozy-mystery.com/blog/book-store-owner-mysteries-some-publishing-mysteries-too.html
I scrolled down to almost the end of the section where there is a link for Mary’s Bookshop.
This link fails to connect to anything.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Sara – thanks, I’ve fixed the link.
Austin says
Dorothy St. James writes the Beloved Bookroom Mystery Series. Trudell Becket is a small town librarian who solves murders.
Colleen Cambridge (aka Colleen Gleason) writes the Phyllida Bright Mystery Series about a ladies’ maid who happens to work for Agatha Christie and her second husband, Max Mallowan.
Valerie L says
I know this page was made years ago, but is there a 2nd page for the end of the alphabet? This one doesn’t seem to go beyond authors starting with “M”.
Also, Paige Shelton’s Scottish Bookshop series would be good to add!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Valerie, it isn’t the first of two pages on this theme – at the time I just didn’t happen to have any authors with this theme with names starting after “M”, and lately most of these older posts have become more comment based for newer authors.