This is a list of authors who just might quench your appetite for more Lilian Jackson Braun, and her The Cat Who… Mystery Series. It’s always sad when you run out of your favorite author’s books, isn’t it?
Authors similar to Lilian Jackson Braun:
Lydia Adamson: Alice Nestleton Mystery Series AND Deirdre Quinn Nightingale Mystery Series AND Alice Nestleton Mystery Series AND Lucy Wayles Mystery Series
Garrison Allen (aka Gary Amo): Big Mike Mystery Series
Nancy Atherton: Aunt Dimity Mystery Series
Marian Babson: Douglas Perkins & Gerry Tate Mystery Series AND Trixie Dolan & Evangeline Sinclair Mystery Series AND many Stand Alone Mysteries
Rita Mae Brown: Mrs. Murphy Mystery Series
Laurie Cass (aka Laurie Alden): Bookmobile Cat Mystery Series
Melissa Cleary: Dog Lovers Mystery Series
Susan Conant: Dog Lover’s Mystery Series
Carole Nelson Douglas: Midnight Louie Mystery Series AND Midnight Louie & Templar Barr Mystery Series
Dorothy Gilman: Mrs. Pollifax Mystery Series
Miranda James (aka Dean James, Honor Hartman, & Jimmie Ruth Evans): Cat in the Stacks Mystery Series
Virginia Lanier: Jo Beth Sidden Mystery Series
Evan Marshall: Jane Stuart & Winky Mystery Series
Miss Read: not mysteries… Fairacre Series AND Thrush Green Series
Gilbert Morris: Jacques and Cleo, Cat Detectives Mystery Series
Shirley Rousseu Murphy: Joe Grey Mystery Series
Denise Swanson: Scumble River Mystery Series
Leann Sweeney: Cats in Trouble Mystery Series
Please post your recommendations of authors who are similar to Lilian Jackson Braun, and I will add them to the list.
♦To access more Cozy Mysteries by theme click on this link.♦
Petie says
I just finished Gilbert Morris’ Jacques & Cleo series – only 3 books in that series but really fun reading. Wish there had been more.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
I am going (right now) to add The Gilbert Morris series to the list.
Maria (BearMountainBooks) says
I just found another absolutely wonderful author–Karen Cantwell (Take the Monkeys and Run.) Just finished her book on Kindle a day or so ago. What great entertainment!!! Really, really enjoyed it!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks for telling us about her, Maria!
Phyllis says
Although I love many of the authors mentioned, no one, I mean, absolutely no one can ever take the place of Lilian Jackson Braun. Her stories were one of a kind and I miss them terribly.
Cindy says
Omg, I SO miss her books! Have you found anyone at all that comes close to her style of cozy mysteries? I may just have to read my library of Cat Who all over again!
Dar says
There is also a series by Rita Mae Brown. I enjoy those as well.
sandra says
The Man with My Cat (1999) is Paul Engleman’s
Sam the Cat Detective, by Linda Stewart.
The “Big Mike” series by Garrison Allen. Mike (or Mycroft) is a 25-pound Abyssinian who lives with Arizona bookseller and amateur sleuth Penelope Warren.
The “Samantha” series by D.B. Olsen (the pen name used by Dolores Hitchens).
The “Mrs. Murphy” series by Rita Mae Brown
The cat mysteries of Marion Babson.
The “Joe Gray” series by Shirley Rosseau Murphy
I have not read any of these books yet BUT because I have finished all of Lillian books I have to start somewhere. ALSO great news for me .My husband who never read a book in his life picked up one of my cat who books & loved it. He is now reading them all from the start .I am glad I saved them. HAS anyone heard of this book
The Cat who Killed Lilian Jackson Braun
Robert Kaplow
Greenway says
THE CAT WHO KILLED LILIAN JACKSON BRAUN was a satire from comedian Arte Johnson, best known from having been one of the ensemble-stars of ROWAN AND MARTIN’S LAUGH-IN ( for you infants: a once hugely popular and influential TV comedy show that introduced, as well as guested, a lot of major stars). Only read a small excerpt from that book– enough to make me stop liking Arte Johnson. Avoid it as you would a nasty taste! Might also want to eschew THE CAT WHO DROPPED A BOMBSHELL, the weird and unsettling last of the series, that many people don’t even believe was done by LJB. Just as Dorothy Sayers explained that her Lord Peter Wimsey’s advantages were a kind of surrogate for her NOT having the like (surely a motivation for most fiction writers and readers), LJB got to be an endlessly financed Lady Bountiful through charitable Jim Qwilleran’s inheritance of the Klingenshoen Foundation’s billions. We can take up the same pleasures in our imaginations for our own favorite projects, whether as Qwilleran (hardly/glacially aging) in Moose County, or as fictional anyone else in fictional anywhere else, throw in narrating detective quadrupeds, time travel, super cars, superpowers, etc. They live again! And we, with them, so fine.
sandra says
There are more Mrs Braun books not listed in link to the Cozy Mystery page listed here. They are:
Two Cats, Three Tales
The Private Life of the Cat Who …: Tales of Koko and Yum Yum (from the Journals of James Mackintosh Qwilleran)
Short & Tall Tales: Moose County Legends Collected by James Mackintosh Qwilleran (2002)
ALSO Those who love Lilian Jackson Braun’s Cat Who books may like
The Cat Who…Cookbook
… mysteries know that the residents of Moose County are as discerning in their gastronomical tastes as the finicky felines who star in the novels. Now readers can enjoy the kind of feast that can only be found four hundred miles north of everywhere-with recipes for Polly’s Picnic Brownies, Sea Scallops with Saffron Cream on Angel Hair Pasta, Mulligatawny Soup, Marinated Mushrooms, Thanksgiving Potatoes, Vonda’s Chocolate Whoppers, and more. And for those who want to pamper their pets, The Cat Who…Cookbook features a section called “Feline Fare”-featuring some of Koko and Yum Yum’s favorite treats.
The Cat Who…Companion
YA-Separate chapters provide information about the activities and games of the cats featured in Lilian Jackson Braun’s mysteries, a biography of Qwilleran, his lady friends, his homes, and a directory of all of the businesses and clubs in the series. The chapter on crimes and clues provides plot summaries. Two lists of characters are given: one is for the humans and one is for the many animals that appear in the books. Geographical information includes maps of Moose County and Pickax, but the gazetteer provides information on all locales cited. Feaster concludes with a biography of Braun and a quiz on details from the books.
Copyright 1999
The Cat Who…Quiz Book: Test Your Knowledge of Cat Who, What, When, Where, and Why
YA-Separate chapters provide information about the activities and games of the cats featured in Lilian Jackson Braun’s mysteries, a biography of Qwilleran, his lady friends, his homes, and a directory of all of the businesses and clubs in the series. The chapter on crimes and clues provides plot summaries. Two lists of characters are given: one is for the humans and one is for the many animals that appear in the books. Geographical information includes maps of Moose County and Pickax, but the gazetteer provides information on all locales cited. Feaster concludes with a biography of Braun and a quiz on details from the books.
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.
sandra says
Sorry forgot to add who wrote the other books
The Cat Who…Quiz Book:
Jr. Robert J. Headrick
The Cat Who…Companion
Was written by
Sharon A. Feaster
The Cat Who…Cookbook
Julie Murphy, Sally Abney Stempinski
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Sandra, for the list of additional Lilian Jackson Braun books!
sandra says
And Thank you Danna for fixing my spelling mistake. I noticed it too late.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Sandra, I don’t remember a spelling mistake… but I have to admit that sometimes my previous life as a teacher takes a hold of me!
Trudy says
How about the Series by Cynthia Baxter, Dr. Popper(a vet on Long Island)?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Trudy, for telling us about Cynthia Baxter‘s Reigning Cats & Dogs series…
Shelia says
I have read ALL of the “Cat Who” series and loved them. Also read these other Cat Who related books: Two Cats-Three Tales, The Private Life of the Cat Who, Short and Tall Tales, Cat Who Quiz Book and have the Cat Who Cookbook. This is a WONDERFUL series, whether you have a Cat in your life or not. I just happen to have 3 Cats.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Shelia, Lilian Jackson Braun sure was loved and appreciated by a lot of people. A lot of times, after authors write more than ten mysteries, it seems like a lot of their fans leave them. Not so with Lilian Jackson Braun. Once a fan, always a fan!
Shelia says
Danna, you are so right. Lilian Jackson Braun was a wonderful author. I bought every one of her books and read all of them. Was asked if I would like to pass the books on to other people. I declined because I was so afraid I would not get them back. I do plan on re-reading these books (all of them) again. Your listing of other authors, well I have read Gilbert Morris’s books about Jacques and Cleo – Excellent read. Rita Mae Brown’s – Mrs Murphy Series also.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Sheila, I have heard about people who have lent books out, never to see them again… even with name plates in their books.
Years ago, I lent my copies of E. F. Benson’s books to one of my mom’s friends who was having surgery, and was VERY lucky that she returned them. (That was back when finding the Lucia books was extremely difficult >>> before the internet made it so easy to find favorite, out-of-print authors.)
JoAnn Turnquist says
I just finished reading all The Cat Who series books for the 2nd time. I must not have read The Cat Who Had 60 Whiskers before. I am in shock that Polly left Pickax! And sad knowing there will be no more stories. Thanks for all the other recommendations to read. Glad to know I am not the only person who relished her story telling.
JoAnn Turnquist says
I’m also upset that the apple barn burnt down. I want to know the rest of the story…
Melinda says
Cat in the Stacks Mysteries by Miranda James
Cats in Trouble Mysteries by Leann Sweeney
I’ve read all of LJB’s Cat Who mysteries and loved them. Took some time to find other cozy cat mysteries that I could recommend!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Melinda, I just added Miranda James and Leann Sweeney to the Authors Similar to Lilian Jackson Braun theme list.
Jan says
Joanne Fluke has a cat in her murder mysteries who does not help solve murders, but I am on book 4 and finding them quite delightful. They will tickle your funny bone and take place in Minnesota, which must be 400 miles north of everywhere!? The first is “The Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder”. The heroine, Hannah Swenson, owns a bakery and her goodies have a nasty habit of turning up at murder scenes that she seems to constantly stumble upon (tho #4 is found by her mother, oh the horror!)
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Jan, I just discovered Joanne Fluke this year, and have added her to my list of favorite authors. I, too, love Moishe.
Ellen Jeffries says
Yes, the Joanne Fluke “desserts “ books get even better with each one.. like a mash up of The Cat Who and Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich.
Margaret Fischer says
I love Joanne Fluke books, I have read all thus far! Also love LJB.
Debbie says
Laurie Cass has a new series about a bookmobile librarian and her very smart cat, Eddie. So far there are two books in the series–Lending a Paw and Tailing a Tabby. Eddie is a lot like Koko, trying to get Minnie to understand the clues she’s missing.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Debbie, I’ll go add the Bookmobile Cat Mystery Series (by Laurie Cass) to the Authors Similar to Lilian Jackson Braun post. Thank you!
furpurr says
Should change one author listed to: Rita Mae & Sneaky Pie Brown {Sneaky Pie should get credit too! She does on the books.}
To the person who asked about “The Cat Who Killed Lilian Jackson Braun”: DO NOT BOTHER WITH IT!!!! I mistakenly bought it; it is horrible!! UGH!!
I have read a few other authors similar to LJB, but regretfully cannot recall their names right now!! I shall have to dig for their books, or see if i can find them on the internet, & refresh my memory!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Furpurr, thanks for giving us the scoop about The Cat Who Killed Lilian Jackson Braun. I just read the synopsis, and am rather surprised that the synopsis claimes it is written “by one of her most ardent admirers”!
elizabeth says
Love your site!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Elizabeth, welcome to the site. I’m glad you are enjoying it.
Anne says
I would love it if someone wrote a series about T.S. Eliot’s Macavity:The Mystery Cat….
“Macavity’s a Mystery Cat: he’s called the Hidden Paw-
For he’s the master criminal who can defy the law,
He’s the bafflement of Scotland Yard, the Flying Squad’s despair:
For when they reach the scene of crime – Macavity’s not there!
He’s outwardly respectable. (They say he cheats at cards.)
He always has an alibi, and one or two to spare….
…but it’s useless to investigate – Macavity’s not there!”
Also it might be fun if someone investigated the Cheshire Cat….
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Anne, wouldn’t it be great if a Cozy Mystery author took up your “challenge”?!
Rosie says
I miss the Cat Who books soooo much. I have read my collection about 9 times now. I wonder if Lilian Braun has any relatives that would like to write and carry on the series. She was like a member of my family, I just loved her books so much
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Rosie, that’s got to be a reading record! Whenever I read one of my favorite authors I feel like I belong to the town setting, which (to me) is one of the characteristics of a good Cozy Mystery author…
Aurora P says
Are there any Cat Cozy Mysteries with a male lead? The Cat Who series is the only example of this I have found.
Jay says
I know this is a year late, but Miranda James Cat In The Stacks series has a male lead human, as well as a male cat! All the cat, Diesel, does is purr, eat, and run from trouble, though, like most cats. Series is exelent.
Carol D. says
The Cat in the Stacks series is WONDERFUL!!!! Along with three books “starring” two characters from those books.
jay says
Yes, the Ducote sisters. I know I wouldn’t want them after me!
PTK says
So sad to have finished The Cat Who series…curious as to why the 30th book was never published. So many unanswered questions left hanging…will miss Qwill and the cats.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
PTK, I know a lot of us certainly feel the same way!
Mollie M says
I just finished Lilian Braun’s last book last night and was at a total loss. I fell in love with her series and got attached to so many of the characters! Then I found this list when I did a search using Braun’s name. Very happy I have more books to read similar to hers, although I’ll miss Koko and YumYum. But thanks to the person who put this list together.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Mollie, you’re very welcome! I hope this list helps you find other authors you enjoy.
Choc_Mool says
I loved LJB’s books as well. Also, I enjoy Miranda James “Cat in the Stacks” mysteries. I’m also going to try some of the mysteries listed here. Has anyone heard of Sophie Kelly? She was recommended by a friend.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Choc, as a matter of fact, I’ve written an article on the first of Sofie Kelly’s Magical Cat Mystery Series! The blog entry can be found here: Sofie Kelly : Magical Cats Mystery Series
Choc_Mool says
Very helpful! Thx
Milly L says
Loved the LJB series and have had a hard time finding anything else to peak my interest. Not a fan of the series that have the cats ‘talking’. I find that rather annoying. Any recommendation’s based on mystery books with cats (or dogs) that are NOT talking?
Brigid says
I have read “The Cat Who” series of books 2x. I was reading again for the 3rd time when one of my 3 cats (Bella) went missing and always saw her as Yum Yum and just can’t get back to reading them. I love this series that I find heartwarming and feel like I personally know the characters. Lillian Jackson Braun was a wonderful author!
Charlotte Rumetsch says
I’m right now reading a serie from Sofie Kelly.
It’s about two cats Hercules and Owen and their food provider Kathleen. Kathleen moved from Boston to a little town in Minnesota she is a very gööd librarian. With her 2 cats she solves mysteries. Hercules is able to walk through walls and doors. Owen is able to vanish and make himself invisible in the best moments.
I love her descriptions of the behavior of the cats. I had to laugh out loud so much.
Charlotte R.
Nana Ellen says
Similar but a dog and his detective is the Chet and Bernie series by Spencer Quinn.
Dar says
I came across a series by Karen Anne Golden, I like them. And Harper Lin.
Also like the rest of you I miss LJB. I’m 60, and my mom had the first three from the 60’s and I was hooked!
I found the complete series in hardback, minus dust covers (darn) at a goodwill. At the time, I could only buy 2-3 at a time, and pray no one else wanted them! That was in 1999. I still have them, and read the series through every couple of years.