The following Mystery Books will be released in August 2012:
Sarah Andrews: Rock Bottom (This will be the 11th in the Em Hansen Mystery Series.)
Connie Archer: A Spoonful of Murder (This will be the 1st in the NEW Soup Lover’s Mystery Series.)
Jessica Beck: Powdered Peril (This will be the 8th in the Donut Shop Mystery Series.)
Heather Blake (aka Heather Webber) A Witch before Dying (This will be the 2nd in the Witchcraft Mystery Series)
Rita Mae Brown: Sneaky Pie for President (This will be the 21st in the Mrs. Murphy Mystery Series.)
Nancy Bush: Nowhere To Run (This will be a Stand Alone.)
Kate Carlisle: Peril in Paperback (This will be the 6th in the Bibliophile Mystery Series.)
Judy Clemens: Dying Echo (This will be the 4th in the Grim Reaper Mystery Series.)
Barbara Cleverly: Not My Blood (This will be the 10th in the Joe Sandilands Mystery Series.)
Peg Cochran (aka Meg London): Allergic to Death (This will be the 1st in the NEW Gourmet De-Lite Msytery Series.)
Sheila Connolly (aka Sarah Atwell): Sour Apples (This will be the 6th in the Orchard Mystery Series.)
Cleo Coyle (aka Alice Kimberly): A Brew to a Kill (This will be the 11th in the Coffeehouse Mystery Series.)
Bill Crider: Murder of a Beauty Shop Queen (This will be the 19th in the Dan Rhodes Mystery Series.)
Carol Culver (aka Grace Carroll): Never Say Pie (This will be the 2nd in the Pie Shop Mystery Series.)
Carole Nelson Douglas: Cat in a White Tie and Tails (This will be the 24th in the Midnight Louie Mystery Series.)
Kaitlyn Dunnett (aka Kathy Lynn Emerson): Bagpipes, Brides, and Homicides (This will be the 6th in the Liss MacCrimmon Mystery Series.) (Actually, July 31)
Anthea Fraser: A Question of Identity (This will be the 8th in the Rona Parish Mystery Series.)
Jeanne Glidewell: Haunted (This will be the 3rd in the Lexie Starr Mystery Series.) (This will be a Halloween theme mystery.)
William Kent Krueger: Trickster’s Point (This will be the 12th in the Cork O’Connor Mystery Series.)
Laura Levine: Death of A Neighborhood Witch (This will be the 11th in the Jaine Austen Mystery Series.) (This will be a Halloween theme mystery.)
Laura Lippman: And When She Was Good (This will be a Stand Alone.)
Virginia Lowell: When the Cookie Crumbles (This will be the 3rd in the Cookie Cutter Shop Mystery Series.)
Nancy Martin: No Way to Kill a Lady (This will be the 8th in the Blackbird Sisters Mystery Series.)
Louise Penny: The Beautiful Mystery (This will be the 8th in the Chief Inspector Gamache Mystery Series.)
Kathy Reichs: Bones Are Forever (This will be the 15th in the Temperance Brennan Mystery Series.)
Ruth Rendell (aka Barbara Vine): The St. Zita Society (This will be a Stand Alone.)
Maggie Sefton: Deadly Politics (This will be the 1st in the NEW Molly Malone Mystery Series.)
Joanna Campbell Slan: Death of a Schoolgirl (This will be the 1st in the NEW Jane Eyre Chronicles Mystery Series.)
Melinda Wells (aka Linda Palmer): Seven-Layer Death (This will be the 5th in the Della Cooks Mystery Series.)
To go back to the Cozy Mystery New Book Release page, click here.
Marianne says
Louise Penny’s newest – The Beautiful Mystery – will be out Aug. 28. Can’t wait!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Marianne, I just added Louise Penny’s The Beautiful Mystery to the August 2012 Mystery Book New Releases.
Deb says
My library must be slow in ordering these, because almost none are on order yet. But there are 50 requests ahead of me for the new Kathy Reichs!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Yow-Za, Deb! That’s a lot of requests for a mystery book that won’t be out until the end of August!
ginger says
There 17 authors that I read on this list. I have not bought the July list yet. Waiting to go on vacation so I can go to Barnes and Noble and Half-Price Books. I do not have these stores where I live in Louisiana. So I go to visit my niece who lives in Texas.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
I hope you and your niece have a great time shopping for books, Ginger.
Violette says
Cool! 5 of my favorite authors are publishing next month.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Violette, don’t you just love it when you see a month’s new mystery book releases, and there are several authors on it?
roseann says
Seven Layer Death by Melinda Wells Will be released on August 7 th.
roseann says
Pampered To Death by Laura Levine will be Released August 7th
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Roseann. I know a lot of Cozy Mystery readers prefer waiting for the paperback editions…
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Roseann. I wonder why Amazon and B & N don’t have it “officially” listed, yet.
Louise says
I always look forward to seeing what new releases are coming out for all the various authors that i am interested in.
More new releases to add to my binder of different titles to look for. For me I find it’s such a treat, especially if i haven’t heard from certain authors for a while. I am also so thankful that there are so many amazing authors out there. Also for this wonderful and much needed web site and source of info.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you for the kind words about the site, Louise. And, you’re right: There are “many amazing authors out there.”
Regina says
Great list for August. It is a good mix of regular mystery authors and “chick flic” authors. One of my favorite authors and a popular, Rita Mae Brown, is not even on order in many libraries yet. I will keep watching.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Regina, I’m guessing that now that a lot of libraries are facing budget cuts, they put off ordering books until they absolutely “have to.”
(Hope you had a wonderful time at the wedding!)
linda c says
Danna, August looks like a good month for reading. I love the Dan Rhodes series.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda C, I have one of Bill Crider‘s Dan Rhodes mystery in my queue of TBR books. I’m looking forward to “getting” to it.
Debbie says
Hi Danna,
The Melinda Wells is on Amazon UK with a release date of 5th August and we usually get them (cozies) in the UK a few days after you do.
Hope this helps and thanks for such a great site.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Debbie, for the info on Melinda Wells, AND for the very nice description of the Cozy Mystery site!
roseann says
According to B&N..Both Pampered to death & Seven layer death are Paperbacks…Can’t wait till they come out both authors are favorites of mine.
Nan says
Yay! A new Cleo Coyle, though I’m not quite caught up yet. I LOVE that series.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Nan, I am so far behind with all of my favorite authors. I think the only ones I am truly caught up with are those who have stopped writing their series.
Nancy says
I love the Cleo Coyle Coffeehouse series too. I have only read a couple of them and had no idea she was up to number 11. Where have I been? Glad I have a good number of them to read!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Me, too, Nancy!
Elena says
So excited about the new August releases! Just love your website! Thank you!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Welcome to the site, Elena, and I’m glad you enjoy it here!
susie calkins says
Thanks! As always I appreciate your updates (even as I realize I….CAN’T…..KEEP…UP!!!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
I know, Susie, the books just keep coming!
Jeff R says
I just noticed tonight on my library’s website there’s a new Agatha Raisin novel, “Hiss and Hers”, by M.C. Beaton
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Jeff R, I have M. C. Beaton’s Hiss and Hers on my list of September mystery book releases…
linda says
I love the series jeff.
laura says
I found a book called Allergic to Death by Peg Cochran.
It is a calorie conscious meal food cozy. It is the first for her in this series. It is due out Aug 7th.
Also a Spoonful of Murder by Connie Archer. A soup mystery
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Laura, I have both Peg Cochran’s Gourmet De-Lite (Allergic to Death) and Connie Archer’s Soup Lover’s Mystery Series (A Spoonful of Murder)on my list of authors with Cozy Mystery series to post. Thanks for mentioning them, it might help me get their pages posted quicker!
Nita R says
Danna, in your March list you put Ann Charles. I noticed she is not in your list. I know someone recommended her. I was wondering do you know if she is a cozy mystery?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Nita R, someone recommended Ann Charles as one of the authors she had read during the month of March. I don’t know if she is a Cozy Mystery author, or not…
Linda says
For those with a Kindle who love Joanna Campbell Slan her new Kiki Lowenstein short story “Lilac Festival” is on Amazon for 99 cents.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Linda. After reading your comment, I updated Joanna Campbell Slan‘s page on the Cozy Mystery website, and while I was doing that, I noticed that all of her Kiki Lowenstein Short Stories in the Kindle format cost $0.99, and even better, they are free to borrow for Prime members. (I didn’t know she had written eight short stories.)
Thanks for telling us about this!
Linda says
You are so welcome. The short stories are a great idea to keep all of us Kiki lovers satisfied until the next Kiki book. Looking forward to Death of a Schoolgirl JCS new series.
linda c says
I just clicked on the Bill Crider link here from your posting Danna and how surprised I was to see that this author has 10 Dan Rhodes mysteries! I know none of the libraries around here have that many but I intend to see if any of the libraries can get me copies. If not, there is a book store in a town just south of my town that has a wonderful old and used bookstore. Except for some vintage books, most of the older books are half off the original price, hardbacks as well as paperback.
I would give you the name of this town but since our town and that town has had a ravalry since 1803, when this town stole the county seat, I don’t want to give this town any more business. (The town is TROY, OHIO.) There, I can be a bigger person.
Our two towns continue to this day to be rivals but more often then not we continue that fight on the highschool football fields. This is the biggest game of the season for both towns. But they did steal the courthouse.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda, sounds like you all have a Hatfield and McCoy feud going out there in your neck of the woods!
linda says
Danna, Some years ago I was a volunteer for our county history department library. There were a lot of times when I would have the place to myself for the evening hours. While there are those long nights I would read up on the history of the rivalry between our two towns, especially where it concerned our two highschool football teams. At one time the games were played on Thanksgiving day. This was some time during the earlier 1900’s. Several of the articles told the stories how several times the games had to be either canceled or postponed, because of the brawls among the fans. Some of the fans from other towns would come to these games just to see the fights between the towns. One article stated more than once the fans had to be sent home so that the teams could finish the games.
Right now the two teams are even with wins and losses. This year will break the tie. That stadium will be standing room only, rain, shine, snow, hail or what have you.
And this all started in 1803!!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
This coming football season should prove to be interesting, Linda!
Jerry says
I just finished Backfire by Catherine Coulter, Great read, On to I, Michael Bennett by James Patterson. Between your comments and the feedback from your readers I have found so many great books. Thank you again
Donna says
These books may be out of print because they are hard to find, but the Bertie, Prince of Wales books by Peter Lovesey are among my all-time favorite historical mysteries. Lovesey is a favorite writer, too. There is a little bit of mild language/scenes in his historical mysteries but nothing terribly offensive. I don’t care as much for his current Diamond series, which is a police procedural, but for those who like lighthearted historical mysteries, Bertie is your man!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thanks, Donna. I’ll go add Peter Lovesey’s Vertie, Prince of Wales Mystery Series to the list.
Donna says
I’m sorry. I meant to add that comment to the “Men as Amateur Sleuths” post. Silly me! Bertie and the Seven Bodies, Bertie and the Tin Man, Bertie and the Crime of Passion, by Peter Lovesey.
linda says
I do that way too often Donna. I will post a reply in the wrong place!! Glad to know I am not the only one who does this!!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda, no matter where you put your posts, they are always appreciated!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
I sort of figured that, Donna. But I don’t know how to move comments from one post to another.
Jerry says
The only problem with James Patterson is that when you start a book you can’t put it down. Started I, Michael Bennett this morning and finished it tonight. James patterson at his best.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Jerry, the good thing about being a fan of James Patterson is that you have plenty of mystery books from which to pick!
linda says
jerry, I am that way with John Grisham’s books. When I start reading one of his books I make sure that I have the house work done, supper going in the crock pot, the dogs taken care of, my hubby set for the day. I know when I start reading one of his books nothing else will get done until I have read the entire book. Love John Grisham!!
Jerry says
Linda C
There are actually 19 Bill Crider ” Sheriff Dan Rhodes ” books including Murder of a Beauty Shop Queen which comes out in August. I have read about 15 of them. He also has other series as well.
linda says
Yea Jerry, I meant to say 19 books for the Dan Rhodes series but I hit the 0 instead of the 9. Another senior moment when I failed to reread what I had written. But I still can’t find any more of the books from this series other than the lastest releases. I will be looking for these books. I got my hubby hooked on the books in this series. He likes some of the James Patterson books(not Alex Cross) and now the Dan Rhodes series. The only problem with this is while I am reading I work my household chores in between chapters but Hubby says not to bother him, “he is reading!!!” I can’t win!!!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda, my husband and I sometimes read the same mysteries, but lucky for me, those books are on our MP3s, and we don’t share those!
Jerry says
I live in Florida and whatever books are not at my current library can be ordered from others.
linda says
Jerry, I get a lot of my books that way too, by having the librarians get the books from other libraries. The librarians around this area are really good about that.
When our local library was trying to pass a library levy last fall a lot of people around here said that libraries were getting to be past their prime. But whoever said that just doesn’t go into the libraries because the libraries around here are almost always busy, at least whenever I go in to one, and I visit 3 area libraries each week. The local library did get their levy passed.
Jerry says
I just finished X0 by Jeffery Deaver. We have never read him before. Could not put it down. Great read. Has anyone read Gone Girl ? Is it worth getting ?
roseann says
A new cozy book series
Aug 7th will be the first book in the series..
looking forward to reading the first book
Danna - cozy mystery list says
I’ll have to go add her to the list of August releases, Roseann.
Jerry says
I just finished Death Makes the Cut by Janice Hamrick. Nice second cozy by the author.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Jerry, I am glad to hear that Janice Hamrick‘s second book (Death Makes the Cut) is good. I love to hear when new authors are good!
Jerry says
I just finished Some Like It Hawk by Donna Andrews. As usual very very good.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Jerry, reading this comment of yours reminded me that I have to get the end of the month’s Cozy Mystery Books Recommendations started!
roseann says
danna…The new book by Connie Archer is A SPOONFUL OF MURDER not A SPOONFUL OF SUGAR..
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Thank you, Roseann. I had just thought about the movie Mary Poppins, which could explain my substituting sugar for murder.
ginger says
Danna I just read of review of a book called Murder and Mayhem in Goose Pimple Junction by Amy Metz. According to the review the main characters solve a 75 year mystery. It comes out in August and is the 1st in the series. I thought readers who are historical bluffs might enjoy. I like it because of the name. I will be adding it to my list.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Ginger, thanks for telling us about the new Amy Metz Murder and Mayhem in Goose Pimple Junction.
roseann says
You’re very welcome. I also thought of Mary Poppins when looking at the cover..
I sometimes find a new cozy mystery book.
My Daughter & Son In Law are in book publishing..
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Roseann, I hadn’t thought about the Mary Poppins movie in years. That sure was a good movie.
Lucky you, haven’t a daughter and son in law in the book publishing business.
roseann says
What happened to the Melinda Seven Layer Death?
B&N canceled my order for it. now it’s not on the list of new releases.
Wondering if it will be coming out later this year or was it
a mistake
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Roseann, I am getting the September 2012 releases ready right now, and at the top of the tentative page I have a reminder for me to check to see if Seven Layer Death is out yet, or not. Apparently, it is not…
Teresa says
Melina Wells new book “Seven-Layer Death” isn’t listed on Barnes-Nobel’s book list…all her others are, but not this one… Why?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Teresa, I just checked, and apparently there has been a time snag on Melinda Wells’ Seven-Layer Death. It hasn’t been released yet.
Darlene says
I was wondering if anyone knows whether the book, Seven-Layer Death by Melinda Wells was ever published? I know she died a couple of years ago, but was wondering about the final book in this series she wrote. Thank you.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Darlene, it hasn’t been published yet. There are a few Cozies that had publishing dates but for some reason or other haven’t published. I keep thinking that perhaps they may be published in the future…
Darlene says
Thanks for letting me know, Danna. Perhaps because of her death they didn’t publish it. I hope it does get published in future.