As the title of this entry says, I’m not talking about mysteries today since I don’t have anything Cozy-Mystery-ish to complain about. This has to do with something I am missing. (I’ve been trying to limit my Rants and Raves, but this really grinds me!)
As I have said many times before, I don’t particularly enjoy baking/cooking. I take every short cut I can when it comes to feeding my family. For holiday meals I serve Stove Top dressing, doctored with lots of onions, celery, and chicken broth. Oh, and I don’t make the chicken broth myself, rather I depend on Swanson to do the tedious work involved in making it. As for my creamed onions, frozen Birds Eye pearl onions are my staple >>> I skip all the onion-preparations my grandmother did.
Well, to get on with my rant…
Years ago, my husband bought me a bread machine – since he loves freshly baked bread. I remember telling him he had better learn how to use it, since I did NOT plan on making bread. I didn’t even make room for it on our kitchen counter… that’s how determined I was NOT to use it. I think I finally relented on his birthday, and went ahead and made a loaf of bread, and I’ve been hooked ever since! So much so that when my old machine “wore out” I bought a new Oster bread machine four years ago.
The reason for my rant is that I can no longer find the boxed bread mixes for bread machines that we like. I know I have complained about San Antonio now having a monopoly grocery store in town. (H.E.B. ran all the other grocery stores out of town with bottom-low prices, and upon getting rid of their competition, quickly raised their prices. >>> But that’s another story…)
Apparently people no longer use bread machines – but prefer to use either their hands or their mixers with dough hooks. Not me! I like the add-a-cup-of-water-top-with-mix-then-the-yeast method, where I go about my other business while the bread machine does the work.
Anyway, I get quite miffed when things that I really like >> such as easy bread machine mixes, are no longer available in my local grocery store. How about you — are things you used to use all the time no longer available in your local store?
P.S. Thank goodness for the grocery sections in my Walmart and Target!
Bev W says
I hear you can get everything at Amazon and even Walmart has things on line that you can’t find in the local Walmart store. Hope this helps! Love the smell of fresh baked bread ?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Bev W, I was super happy to find that Walmart has exactly what I was looking for under their brand name. It doesn’t give the machine recipe, but I know exactly how to make the hand/mixer hook mix work in my machine.
Gram says
King Arthur Flour catalog has bread mixes you might enjoy.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Gram, thank you for the tip. I’ll have to take a look at their site and see if they carry the box mixes that have everything already in the box – including the yeast.
Robert Alvarez says
Interestingly enough, I have been drawn to King Arthur flour products.
They look good and are reasonably priced.
And yes, also because of my love for Arthurian legends!
Adrienne G says
When my local grocery store stops carrying items I really Like is always my go to
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Adrienne G, we are lucky to live in an area where we have access to three super Walmarts. The Walmart closest to our house doesn’t carry anything close to what I wanted but the one up the highway does. So, I stocked up! Thank goodness for some grocery competition!
Robert Alvarez says
Danna, glad to know that you have some options available to you, and that is a very good thing.
I must tell you, I AM only beginning to recover from the flu, and your “non mystery rant” truly uplifted me! Thank you for that!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Robert, you’re welcome. I’m glad you’re feeling better.
Sandra Topping says has a variety of bread mixes at reasonable prices. Amazon also has bread mixes but prices seem higher. I have absolutely no idea of quality, since our bread arrives at our house presliced and packaged in plastic, courtesy of Resident Husband, the Compulsive Shopper.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Sandra Topping, thank you. I just took a very quick look at that site and will go look at it after I’m finished here. Your lucky to have a “Resident Husband” who delivers fresh baked bread loaves!
Bek says
Sandra beat me to it! That was my recommendation. Some 70 mixes to choose from. Let’s see if the link will post here.
Robert Alvarez says
I think Prepared Pantry has a new customer in me.
And I also have a feeling I may be buying a bread making machine rather soon.
Fran McPoland says
Have you tried Amazon? I looked real quickly and saw a few different brands. I’ve become quite used to going to Amazon when I can’t find what I’m looking for in my local stores.
Good luck!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Fran, that’s the first place I try to find an item if my monopoly grocery store stops carrying it. Unfortunately they don’t carry the exact type I was trying to replace…
Leslie T. says
Let’s find a solution! I queried Amazon and found a number of bread mixes including Krusteaz, my go to mix. If you’re a Prime member you will get free shipping and, if you really need a regular fix, make them a Subscribe & Save item. As you can see, I’m a big fan of Amazon. Alternately you might try sites like,, etc as they will also send them to your home. I hope this helps; happy baking!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Leslie T, thanks! I love Krusteaz bread mixes. Have you ever used the “subscribe and save” type of ordering? I’ve been really tempted to click on that button but I haven’t tried it yet. I buy a lot of products from Amazon on a regular basis (things like coffee, tea, dog food, etc) but I’ve never clicked on that button. Is it usually pretty on-point when it comes to estimating how often to send it to you?
Leslie T. says
Yes I have “subscribe & save” for a few items that I depend on like a certain large dog snack biscuits, a special tooth cleaning brush and other personal items that I dont want to haul home from the store. As an example, I like the special Dentek tooth brushes and I found I was always having to search it out at various grocery and drug stores but now about every other month I get a delivery of six bags of the item so I never worry about running out. You can always manage upcoming deliveries by adjusting the set amount, frequency, etc. They will email you with a reminder that a delivery is scheduled and a date by which you can make changes. I’ve been very happy with the service.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Leslie T, up until now I have just ordered the items when I see I’m getting low. It sounds like the “subscribe & save” may be a better route.
We always buy things like large bags of fertilizer so they can be delivered to our house instead of us having to drag them home. Also, this way we can find the kind we like without having to shop around town.
Robert Alvarez says
Krusteaz is another one of my favorites!
Posts like these make me wonder why I do not bake more often!
Mary Browder says
I love my bread machine. I order mixes from Amazon. It has brands my small local grocery does not carry.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Mary, do your bread mixes still have the bread machine recipes on them? I started thinking that perhaps they are going out of style…
Susy says
Mary, I have been thinking of getting a bread machine, but I LOVE bread just too much for that to be safe.
I have to ask is Browder your married name or your family of origin? It is my family name, and there are not a lot of us around.
I use my husbands last name these days, but will always be a Browder.
Ellen Byron says
I live for Target. In store, online. They’re the best. But when I can’t find something anywhere else, I go to Amazon. When it comes to food items, though, prices can be crazy! I looked up a nonfat mayo I like but have trouble finding. A small jar was $35!!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Ellen, good grief! At that price you would have to skip the egg, tuna, or bacon/lettuce/tomato and just have a mayo sandwich!
Robert Alvarez says
$35?! I live in the Northern New Jersey/NYC Area, and do not recall ever seeing a jar of mayonnaise–nonfat or otherwise–that costs $35!
Then again, as someone on a low-sodium regimen, I AM fully aware that many food companies add one ingredient to compensate for the reduction of another. I AM so happy so many companies are beginning to reduce the sodium levels in their foods, and happier still that so many people are beginning to realize that consuming less calories is not the “be all and end all.”
Marja says
There are some items that are outrageously expensive on Amazon. I forget what it was exactly, but it was something I wanted to buy and it was about $11.00, I couldn’t find it at the usual store, so checked on Amazon, and it was $23.00!! I think it has to do with demand. :^p
Shop carefully! And Danna, enjoy your bread :^)
darcie says
Try Amazon… seem to find what i want there
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Darcie, that was actually my first try. So, I was super happy to find that Walmart carries what I was looking for…
Reminds me of a product I can absolutely ONLY find on Amazon. I take my makeup off at night with Neutrogena Hydrating Eye Makeup Remover Lotion which I can’t find anywhere but Amazon. I found it on Amazon when it was a cheap add-on product and have been hooked ever since. (I sure wish they would put it back on add-on status!)
Priscilla says
A pet peeve of mine is that food companies change the sizes of their package contents. The package contents are usually decreased while charging the same price, but worst of all the package size no longer works for your recipe.
Have you tried Williams-Sonoma? They have bread mixes for bread machines. They are expensive.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Priscilla, thanks. I never even thought to look at their site. We have one right here in San Antonio…
Robert Alvarez says
First, I love your rant!
Second, I truly believe a blog, a YouTube Channel, a social media platform (such as Twitter, etc.) is an opportunity for one to express oneself completely. And it is a shame more people do not do this without inflicting harm on others, but I digress.
I think because I AM Cuban (I was born in the United States, but my mother and hers were born in Havana, Cuba), I have the “I love to cook” gene.
Interestingly enough, I have a long-time client who has a bread machine, but she uses it quite rarely, and her Cuban father, as opposed to her Lebanese mother, taught her how to cook, especially as he was a professional chef.
Nevertheless, I find myself rather resistant/unimpressed with these “new-fangled” contraptions. I met with a client for his very first Intuitive Card Reading with me about two months ago, and he made me a coffee in one of those Keurig machines. The pod exploded, and he told me that happens, fairly often. My immediate thought was, “And people go nuts over these machines?!”
Although I AM long overdue to bake bread, I would certainly do it, even if it was ninety degrees in the shade on a super hot August day (and, living in the Northern New Jersey/NYC area, I feel ALL four Seasons).
In any event, sorry to hear you have been finding no bread mixes in your local area. Have you checked online? I would imagine you are not the only one who enjoys using such machines.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Robert, oh, oh >>> I probably shouldn’t admit this to you >>> but I love making my herbal tea with our Keurig machine! (I don’t buy the tea pods, though. I fill a re-usable pod with tea.)
I, too, have been known to be resistant to “new-fangled” contraptions. Years ago, my husband kept trying to convince me to get a Kindle. Now you couldn’t convince me to go back to “real” books! So, been there, done that… Who knows? You may one day find yourself smiling as you drink your freshly “brewed” Keurig cup of coffee…
Robert Alvarez says
Danna, your entire comment made me smile!
Believe it or not, I actually have an Amazon Kindle Touch that two long-time clients (who have also become friends, over the years) gave me one year, as a Birthday gift. One of the two also gave me an Amazon Kindle Fire 7, which I actually enjoyed, until like many other users/reviewers, found the battery was no longer charging.
I have read eBooks and PDFs, but ninety-five per cent of the time, I AM reading an honest to goodness, physical book. Both from an Energetic and a tactile perspective, they feel better to me.
I still remember my biggest concern over starting a WordPress Blog was whether or not I would be able to maintain a “journal” that had no physical dimensions. I clearly no longer have that problem.
And, you may be right; there may come a time when I AM drinking a cup of tea or a cup of coffee “brewed” with one of these super popular machines. However, especially when it comes to coffee, my percolator AND my French press coffeepot have truly spoiled me!!
Susy says
Robert, we tried a Keurig and had nothing but problems. I use a French press and can make my coffee just as fast and to the strength I like. I also look at the price of the pods (which are an ecological disaster) and can’t imagine wasting that much money.
Susan A Holmes says
Is there a particular brand you enjoy? If you like Krusteaz bread mixes, you can find them at Wal-Mart online if not in store) and Amazon. The site PreparedPantry [dot] com has them as well.
Classic Hearth is another good brand.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Susan Holmes, thank you. Sandra just mentioned Prepared Pantry, also. I will definitely have to take a longer look at that site…
Robert Alvarez says
I love the sound of Classic Hearth.
With this post and all the various replies, I have a feeling I shall do more online shopping in the near future.
Karen N. says
I totally agree! I have looked everywhere for those mixes without success. I could make my own but that defeats the purpose.
Another item that has disappeared is a frozen turkey roast. They came in a boxed foil pan and all you did was take it out of the box and pop it in the oven. It made its own gravy too.
I often feel like the kiss of death for anything I really like because they’re here one week and gone the next.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Karen N, that frozen turkey roast sounds like something out of a Star Trek movie! It made its own gravy as well? How did I not know about that?! It sounds like the exact type of thing I like >>> lots of short-cuts!
Robert Alvarez says
Oh, there is a lot of that kind of “kiss of death” going around.
One of my clients turned me on to a Website called “Is My Show Cancelled?” and I visit it a lot more now than when she first told me about it, four years ago.
It is a shame that more people in positions of authority do not ask US if we want this or that product to continue or not!
Chele' says
You aren’t the only one. I have a friend who’s the same way. (I used to bake bread by hand and everything from scratch, but these days, I don’t bother cooking at all.) This may be more work than you want to do, but a quick google of “diy bread machine bread mix” should bring up a host of options for you. I’ve dug up some great mix recipes for my friend. It’s really just a matter of mix and store in a mason jar, then use in bread machine as usual. Good luck!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Chele’, thank you. Sounds like it might be a good idea for a day when I am feeling ambitious…
Pat says
I know how you feel. My rant has to do with Cream of Chicken Cup of soup. Cannot find it in our little town, Walmart is our largest store, and used to carry it. Now they don’t! I also enjoy Valasac Farm Store Kosher dill pickles. Not in this town. There have been times when I have ordered food stuffs from
So when we go to Panama City or another big city, I look for my favorites. So far, Publix is way ahead of Winn Dixie.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Pat, we’re lucky in that we only have to drive about 15 miles to get to our favorite Walmart. We used to have access to an Albertsons in another town but our monopoly grocery chain apparently got rid of them, too.
Jim says
Ahhhhhh…..mystery solved! Now I know where my favorite mystery blogger is from….How do you do, fellow Texan!? Anyways, so sorry to hear HEB has created a monopoly for themselves. HEB is my wife’s & my favorite store to shop at….& We were ecstatic when they FINALLY allowed one to be built here in Lufkin, Texas….& break the monopoly that “Brookshire Brothers” (Google them…they are from here in Lufkin like HEB is from SA) has had for DECADES here. Hope your cooking adventures turn out in your favor.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Jim, here’s hoping they don’t do the same thing in Lufkin as they did here. As soon as Albertson’s left town, they quickly raised their prices to be more in line with what Albertson’s was charging.
Jim B says
Well, the sad thing is this: if people are willing to pay it, the company is going to charge the higher price. Sad but true.
Sharon in MD says
Danna, Bob’s Red Mill sells bread mixes on line. I haven’t bought it because I don’t make bread, but I have purchased their oatmeal, granola, and other cereals from Bob’s, and everything is delicious.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Sharon in MD, thanks for the info. (I would never have thought that one day I would make bread! Now we have soup, salad, and bread once a month for dinner…)
Robert Alvarez says
Bob’s Red Mill! One of my personal favorites!
I LOVE their products, and my local ShopRite Supermarket carries many of their flours, and their granolas, too. Loaded with quality and vitamins, and very reasonably priced!!
Virginia L Fahnestock says
We bought one of those bread making machines years ago. Absolutely loved it and we baked a fresh loaf every other day or so. I finally gave it up as hubby and I gained sooooo much weight from eating it several times a day.
Miss the smell of that freshly baked bread though. It’s absolutely heavenly.
Glad you found the mixes you need Danna!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Virginia, I am hoping those bread machines aren’t a thing of the past. All of this talk about bread machines has prompted me to get my crock pot out! These machines are so doggone easy and quick…
Susy says
THAT is exactly the reason I have not bought one. If I make it from scratch, then I am getting a little bit of a workout, though the effort discourages me from doing so more than once or twice per year.
Melissa Nardi says
Another San Antonian here. I have found some success in sending an email in, either to my store or the corporate offices at HEB, questioning why an item is no longer available. They usually are prompt in responding and helpful in giving information about where I might be able to purchase said item (Krusteaz Gingerbread and Razzleberry Peace tea). Also, since Bob’s and Pioneer make the mixes, have you checked in the regular flour section? I used to work in a bookstore – if it ain’t where it should be, look where it shouldn’t
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Melissa, I remember when H.E.B. finally achieved their goal of getting rid of Albertsons… They had little cards to fill out – to request items they had dropped. I filled out several cards to no avail. You are so right about looking for products where they shouldn’t be!
Melissa Nardi says
I don’t know if all of the HEB stores do this, but at the Oak Park store at New Braunfels and Sunset, at the back of the store by the restrooms they have shelves of limited quantity items that I think may be customer request items. They may be there to see if the product sells. As you face the back of the store from the front doors, it is all the way back in the left hand corner – head for the pharmacy and go all the way down the wall.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Melissa, I thought that area was for foods they had overstocked! I’ll have to take a look at it the next time I’m there. Thanks!
Robert Alvarez says
Actually, I find all my Bob’s Red Mill products in the same aisle as pasta, although they were previously placed with flour and similar products.
I also love your comment about you used to work in a bookstore. For every book I find about the Goddess in the Metaphysical Studies section, I can find two or three in Women’s Studies. I shall certainly remember that rule of thumb of looking where something shouldn’t be the next time I go do a bookstore, chain or independent bookseller.
MJ says
I’m not sure if this was addressed when many mentioned Walmart. I have a friend who was looking for a special mustard for a recipe. The ‘easiest’ place she found it was Walmart online. They delivered it to the local store with NO shipping fees and it arrived in 2 days.
When I entered bread machine mixes at Walmart’s site I found several that they offer ‘online’ (Krusteaz and Hodgsen Mills) and they will deliver to the store. Keep this in mind when looking for any of a variety of products, especially in the grocery line.
This is far more difficult when looking for frozen products. Has anyone tried the Rhodes frozen individual cinnamon rolls (especially the large size)? Super, super yummy! I get frustrated when a store drops this product because there really isn’t any recourse. The advantage of these is you can make them one (or two) at a time, just taking one (or two) out the night before to rise and baking it in the morning. Then drizzle the cream cheese frosting (comes in the pkg.) on them. Ahhhh………so good.
In our community, Krogers built two super duper stores and then dropped many favorite products. Go figure……why expand and then drop products you always carried before?
BTW, my favorite way to make bread machine bread is to go through the dough/kneading cycle. Then remove it and let it rise in a bread pan………..then bake it in the oven. I get a FAR better loaf of bread that way.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
MJ, I have written the Rhodes rolls down on my shopping list. They sound terrific… exactly what my husband and I would like. I’m going to look for them at our favorite Walmart.
Also, thanks for the tip about making a better loaf of bread.
Our super-sized monopoly grocery store chain has dropped lots of products from their isles >>> to make room for more expensive products like television sets, etc. Also, if food companies don’t pay them premiums for aisle placement, they move familiar name brands to the bottom of the shelves. Good grief, I’m still ranting!
Linda C says
I will go one further and rant about different locations not carrying the same thing. Used to get a really good little mini tart shell that is a private selection brand at our Fred Meyers (which is Kroger owned). Not available now. Used to get s certain style of pizza at our store that we loved, now not carried at our location. We used to frequent both locations as they are about the same distance to them, but now we are doing Click-list (order on line and pick up at store), which we love, but not available at both locations.
Same type of thing with Costco… but that isn’t so unusual, just frustrating. I have been going to Amazon to stock up things to do the Mediterranean diet (whole wheat items), some can be pricey. Hadn’t heard of the prepared pantry, will check it out.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda C, I can only find the bread mix I now use at the one Walmart we have started going to. Our Walmart is only 2.7 miles from our home, but we now go to the one that is 15 miles from our home since it has the most grocery products – and is a way nicer store!
Mary C says
My complaint is that bran muffin mix has disappeared from the shelves. Corn and blueberry abound with 5 or 6 different brands and sizes. I could use up over ripe bananas and stale dried fruit in the bran mix and have a moist delicious treat. Not so much with blueberry or corn.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Mary C, I wonder why stores feel the need to carry the same product made by umpteen companies yet not carry some products…
Faun says
I feel your pain, but not due to a supermarket’s monopoly. I used to add Spatini spaghetti sauce mix to certain go-to recipes. And then the company stopped making it. Still not sure, years later, what to substitute!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Faun, when they put up one of the last grocery stores in our area of San Antonio, we could actually see an existing one from the highway by the job site! I just looked it up online and it looks like there is a Spatini spaghetti sauce mix… which is made by Lowry’s. You have to add it to tomato sauce and water (and onions and mushrooms if you want.) But don’t get too excited >>> the dry mix packages really expensive.
MJ says
Look at this site:
It explains that Spatini Sauce mix went out of production in 2006. Todd Wilbur is famous for creating many copycat recipes and he has one for Spatini (from his cookbook Top Secret Recipes Unlocked). It looks pretty easy. Be sure to look at the site to read his very interesting explanation.
Here are the ingredients:
1 beef bouillon cube, crushed
1 1/2 teaspoons powdered sugar
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon ground oregano
1/4 teaspoon ground thyme
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
Pinch ground black pepper
Pulverize the beef bouillon cube to a powder using a kitchen
mallet or mortar and pestle. Mix with remaining ingredients
in a small bowl. To make spaghetti sauce, follow the same
instructions that appear on the original box of Spatini.
Linda C. says
Yeah, our close Walmart is in the Police Blotter so much I don’t go anymore…actually stopped before I knew about the blotter, just for how it felt. The one about 3 miles south is so much nicer.
Robert Alvarez says
What is a police blotter and why is it a problem?
I never heard the phrase before, hence why I asked.
Linda C says
Does he have a recipe for Rice-a-roni beef stroganoff?
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Linda C, I just checked. No, it doesn’t.
MJ says
I assume you have several beef strogonoff recipes (from scratch) and like the rice a roni one for it’s ease.
However, the following recipe is from Betty Crocker and I’ve made it many many many times (way too numerous to count) for my family. It is super EASY and tasty. I use cream of mushroom soup (cream of mushroom with roasted garlic is even better) and generally prefer noodles. However, use rice if that’s what you prefer:
1 lb ground beef (substitute shaved beef, if you want)
1/2 cup minced onion
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 cup butter
2 tbsp flour
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 lb fresh mushrooms sliced (OR 1 8 oz. can sliced mushrooms, drained)
1 (10 1/2 oz.) can condensed cream of chicken soup, undiluted (or cream of mushroom)
1 cup sour cream
parsley (for garnish), optional (I NEVER use this)
hot cooked pasta or rice (for serving)
Saute ground beef, onion, and garlic in butter over medium heat.
Stir in flour, salt, pepper, and mushrooms; cook 5 minutes.
Stir in soup; simmer uncovered 10 minutes.
Stir in sour cream and heat through. Garnish with parsley, if desired. Serve over pasta or rice. YUM!
Servings: 4-6
MJ says
OOPS! In the hamburger stroganoff recipe I just posted, I use 2 Tbsp. butter instead of 1/4 cup.
And I use 8 oz. of fresh mushrooms instead of 1 pound (as the recipe calls for).
Noilin says
i have stuck with soda bread – no needing just mix ingredients together and pop in the oven. Bread mixes are hard to find here in Ireland.
Glad you were able to find your bread mixes.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Noilin, I don’t think I have ever heard of soda bread. So, as soon as I read your comment, I went to Wikipedia to see what it is. It looks delicious!
Robert Alvarez says
Oh, my Gods! You never heard of soda bread?
I AM Cuban, and have known about Irish soda bread for years, and yes, it is DELICIOUS! Frankly, I AM surprised I do not eat more often than in February!!
Patti Smith says
Good old foods I liked and used seem to be a thing of the past. As soon as I like something it is gone from my grocery store shelves. I feel a lot of the time progress isn’t all it is cracked up to be!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Patti, I’m like that with TV shows. As soon as I find a new show that is really good, it’s cancelled!
Robert Alvarez says
Don’t get me started on this kind of rant!
When it comes to TV networks, the one I watch the least is ABC; not for any specific reason, it is simply that my favorite TV shows seem to be broadcast on CBS, NBC, Fox, or The CW.
However, there are a few that I watch that are broadcast on ABC.
Nonetheless, the Internets have renamed the abbreviation from “American Broadcasting Company” to “Already Been Cancelled.”
Emzee says
When we moved to Texas from NJ, everyone told us what a wonderful store HEB was! Their prices are much lower than Kroger’s and Randall’s. There were 2 stores near our home. Both were large stores (sq. feet) but the items that they offer for sale do not offer a very wide selection. They do not offer a lot of brands that we are familiar with nor do they offer a great selection. I wanted to buy orange marmalade but they only had strawberry and raspberry. Even the new HEB that opened 2 years ago offers a fresh deli counter (cold cuts and cheeses) but no freshly made salads or sides. They sell Bon Appetit and other food magazines, but they do not sell the ingredients to cook the recipes! We have to travel to Houston to get buy ingredients. I feel your pain!
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Emzee, that’s the trouble with monopolies! However, it’s a lot better now that Walmart and Target are offering more groceries… (Much too far for us to go to Houston, otherwise we would!)
Cheryl Malandrinos says
Love my bread machine. Though I enjoy cooking and baking, spending that much time making bread isn’t for me. Glad people were able to direct you where to find what you’re looking for.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Cheryl, I’m not a huge cook myself – and I can see how even someone who is big into cooking might find making bread too time consuming.