Here’s another British mystery “dramedy” (drama & light comedy) series that might have been “undiscovered” by many people outside of the United Kingdom. Pie in the Sky stars Richard Griffiths as Henry Crabbe, the main character of the series.
When we first meet Crabbe, we find out that he wants desperately to retire from the police force in order to pursue his dream of becoming a full-time chef in his very own restaurant. This is not to be!
Crabbe (deliciously portrayed by Griffiths!) is left to be a part-time chef and restaurateur, having to solve crimes while planning the menu, collecting the eggs from his chicken coop, and supervising his ex-convict sous chef. The name of his restaurant: Pie in the Sky.
Maggie Steed is perfectly cast as his wife Margaret, an accountant who eats to live, prefering numbers over the delectable fare Crabbe prepares at his restaurant. They make a delightful “opposites attract” couple. She simply does not enjoy food, even though they own a restaurant and he is a wonderful chef.
Bella Enahoro plays the detective who is assigned to Crabbe. Her purpose is to spy on Crabbe and keep his boss (Malcolm Sinclair) informed of everything Crabbe is up to. However, sometimes things don’t work out as intended…
Pie in the Sky is one of those detective series that is character-driven. There isn’t a fast chase scene in each episode, or a shoot-out that climaxes with several close-ups of the wounded. This is not to say that there is no plot!
My husband and I finished watching Pie in the Sky – second season. We think that the show improved with each episode, and that’s saying a lot, since we both really enjoyed the first show!
We have yet to watch the Pie in the Sky third season, but are really looking forward to seeing it.
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