I’m going to start this out by saying that I am going to try not to heat-up over this while writing about it. I have already gotten heated, and no good came from it, so… here goes>>>
About two months ago I came out of the grocery store and noticed that my car looked a little dusty. It’s gray, and I have to admit that I am not keeping it as clean as I should be keeping it. It is simply too hot to get out of the car and wash it with the little soapy-wand. Once the weather gets a little more reasonable, I’ll get to it…
Anyway, the reason I noticed it was dusty is that some kind soul had wiped a four inch by three inch section of it. Wasn’t that a friendly thing for a stranger to do? Yep…
Upon inspection of the 4-3 inch wiped area I saw the reason this kind person dusted my car… The person had clearly scraped my car and, feeling guilty, checked to see the damage he/she had done. Upon finding out that yes, he/she had scraped the paint off my car, he/she left.
Hmmm… Not such a kind person after all! Of course, this person felt guilty enough to check and see if he/she had done some damage, but certainly he/she had not felt guilty enough to leave a note with his/her phone number.
This brings me to something that happened about a month ago… More on that tomorrow…
Mrs. Mike says
That is aggravating, and what can you do? Wise not to lose sleep over things out of our control- Thanks for the good word today.
Kell says
Did you take a swab for DNA analysis (she might have used her hand to wipe away the dust.) We can get to the bottom of this! ; )
Stephanie says
Sometimes it’s really tough to do the right thing. The fact is that you don’t know if the person you’re doing the right thing towards will also do right by you or will try to exploit you for doing the right thing. I dinged a car once, scratching off some paint. Left a note, then got stuck with a bill probably for about the Bluebook value of the used car!
I still feel obligated to leave notes (although thankfully I haven’t had to since). Still, I can understand someone being hesitant to do so if it’s just a matter of scratched paint…
Jackie says
Got it off your chest? Good. Now let it go. No one was hurt. Annoying for sure, but not worth the rise in blood pressure. You and this site are too wonderful to waste time on negative energy of a thoughtless person. You are great! You would know better. On to better things.
Danna - cozy mystery list says
Mrs. Mike, you are so right… I guess I should just get the fine sand paper and touch-up paint out…
Kell, I like your idea! Unfortunately, when I wiped the “scene of the crime” I “destroyed the evidence!”
Stephanie, I had that exact same thing happen to me when I was in high school. I scratched the paint off of a classmate’s car, and my father was sorry to find that we had to pay for the entire car to be repainted… so that it matched (of course…)
Jackie, you are right… On to better things…